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Messages - Axe

UGH. The staff here don't even help at all. This is stupid.
Omfg will someone PLEASE reply to my bug report on phabricator? It's been on there for God knows how long.
I posted a bug through phabricator. Someone please take the time to reply with a suggestion, that would be really appreciated.
Resolved Issues / Can't make avatar pony
2017 Sep 16, 02:10:46
There's another thread like this made by a different person, but unfortunately no one has even replied to it trying to help.

So when I open the game I can login and choose "Americas", that's all fine, but then afterwards it won't let me click on any of the buttons that pop up, then the screen turns blank, and I can only see a purple and yellow background.

Please please please reply if you have a suggestion.
Hmm, I wonder why they don't accept your emails. o.O
Resolved Issues / Re: Can't make my pony
2017 Sep 13, 23:12:05
Omg it does the same exact thing to me too and I was about to create a thread like this but you beat me to it. Can someone help us out please?? We're not sure what else to do.