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Topics - ShadowHeart

Canterlot Archives / (Private RP) The Hive
2014 Feb 12, 10:50:27
This RP is for hive members of Dovaborit Amare and its allies only. If you don't know who we are, we are a changeling herd here on Legends of Equestria. If you're interested in joining or becoming an ally, join here!

Now on to the actual RP. Here are some general rules
1. You must be a member of Dovaborit Amare or an ally of our herd
2. No real world swears (use pony swears like "hay" and "buck")
3. No intense gore
4. Nothing rated M
5. Each RP post must be at least one sentence that is longer than five words (but I know you all can do better than that. But that's just a minimum to keep things semi-literate)
6. If you refer to a place, make sure you refer to it as the LoE name (ie: Instead of Ponvyville, it's Ponydale)
7. No godmodding, powerplaying, you know, that kind of stuff

RP Setting: The Changeling Hive deep in the EverShade Forest

Alright, I'll start!

Queen Nemora sat in her rugged throne, looking over a map of Equestria, having day dreams of some kind of changeling conquest. Oh how she wanted Cantermore so badly...She stroked the area labeled 'Cantermore' on the map, longing for the power that dwelled there. She was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice her subjects.
Off-Topic Archive / Gen-Con
2013 Aug 12, 20:39:08
Hi everypony! I was just wondering if anypony was going to Gen-con! I hear they're selling rly cool pony miniatures there and there will be lots of cool panels. So is anypony going?
(trytrytry again! Here we go again ppl!)
Criticism is welcomed. Also, add a nice compliment if you feel that your criticism is at the least bit harsh. Even if you're gritting your teeth and wanting to kill my ocs, write something nice anyway. sooooo here we go. I'll take a risk and post Shadow Shimmer first.

Name: Shadow Shimmer
Gender: Mare
Species: Pegasus
Cutie mark: A full moon with two purple clouds
Talent: A dark style of flying
Personality: Shadow is usually very friendly but can get hostile when she's jealous or the WonderBolts are mentioned. She's very dedicated to her flying and won't let her friends down.
Bio: When Shadow was a filly, she could barely move with her large wings. She had the size of adult pegasi wings when she was young and her parents believed she would be a disabled flier. However, they hired a physical therapist who helped her through strength training to lift her wings and at a young age, she was accepted to try out for the WonderBolts. The rules of the tryouts were simple, the pony with the highest score became the new captain and the pony with the second highest score would be second in command. Out of all of them, Shadow got the highest score by a few points but was ignored for her efforts. Instead, a filly and a colt: Spit Fire and Soarin were chosen and she was informed that she could never join because her style of flying just didn't fit. She would always leave behind a trail of purple shades and the judges told her that she couldn't be accepted for that. A few years later, Luna found her and asked her if she would be the first member and captain of the ShadowBolts. Shadow accepted and from then on, it was her life long dream to surpass the WonderBolt's popularity. After she became the captain of the ShadowBolts and had accepted one more member, she started dating Soarin'. It went on for a while but then they broke up, deciding that things weren't working out because they were on different flight teams.

Strengths: Sonic ShadowBoom, large wings, captain of the ShadowBolts

Weaknesses: She can't touch a singly small cloud without it becoming a storm cloud so she can't handle weather at all, Her wings can weigh her down when she is extremely fatigued, Shadow's wings will absorb liquid and will slowly weigh her down in a rainstorm

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(Here is my earth pony character. I have two more but I haven't gotten around to them yet)
Name: Violet Light
Gender: Female
Species: Earth pony
Cutie Mark: Cherry blossom
Talent: Modeling for oriental settings (ill explain in the bio)
Personality: Violet Light is usually kind and friendly but at times is not sure how to act. She used to be poised and quiet but after she moved to Equestria, she started to get a little wild at times/ getting drunk with freedom.
Bio: Violet is from a small, overseas land, called Equus.(Basically Japan to us except for one thing!) In Equus, mares are expected to be obedient and poised. They don't have much freedom and are only expected to get married and be a good wife. Violet was part of the royal family in her country and she was requested to come to Equestria, where she would be a foreign advisory for Celestia and Luna. Whenever the two princesses need help with foreign affairs, she tells them what would favor her country the most. She has an estate in Canterlot that she(with her bratty new sense of freedom) demanded to be built in an oriental way for her. It's not a giant estate but a smallish one. Her main talent is complimenting settings that are from her country. When she left Equus, she no longer needed an escort to go outside or get married. She still is extremely shocked and grateful for the way of Equestria and she will sometimes go overboard with her freedom.
Strengths: Beauty, calmness
Weaknesses: Can't stand perilous adventures, letting freedom get to her head
By the way, I took the culture from Japan and mixed it with the limitations of women in Ancient China.
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Original Characters / ShadowHeart's OCs
2012 Nov 10, 09:18:14
So this is still in progress :P

Shadow Shimmer
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Shadow Shimmer

Gender: Female
Race: Pegasus
Age: 16.5 in human years
Cutie mark: A full moon with two purple clouds
Appearance: [spoiler][[IMG][/img]/spoiler]
Personality: Shadow is usually kind and easy going but when somepony insults her flying style or her team of talented flyers, she immediately takes action. Shadow is also a little insecure around stallions and shoves them off whenever they try to get close to her.When she is given a challence, she will go all out to make sure that she can prove herself

Bio: When Shadow was just a little filly, her parents noticed that she wasn't like normal pegasi her age. She had the size of adult pegasi wings when she was a filly and the size of Celestia's when she grew up! At first, Shadow could barely move with the weight of her wings as a filly. It took a year and a half of physical therapy before she was able to really take to the skies and go to flight school. She was one of the best fliers in her class and everypony loved to be around her. All was going well in her first year until the weather lessons began. The school also taught how to control weather and the first lesson was a simple cloud moving job. As soon as Shadow Shimmer grabbed hold of a cloud, it turned dark and turned into a thunder cloud. After that, nopony wanted to be around her because they were afraid she would electrocute them with uncontrollable cloud problem. When she graduated, she receive a letter in the mail. It read that she was chosen from many other talented pegasi to go to the WonderBolts tryouts. She had an entire routine planned out and she was ready to go! When she got to the stadium, she was one of the only fillies there! She felt pretty alone until she met two other fillies, Soarin' and Spirfire. They were really nice and she talked with them until she was up.
When Shadow finally preformed her routine, she strayed from her original plan and tried something she had never succeeded at before. The sonic rainboom. She pulled it off with great difficulty and impressed the WonderBolts greatly. When she did it, however, her rainboom turned dark shades of purple. It was classified as a sonic rainboom but just a different variation. She was the only one in the crowd to get a perfect score and she was sure to win. When they announced to two winners, it was Spitfire and Soarin' who won and they had lower scores. They explained to her that she wasn't WonderBolt material with her dark style of flying she would never fit in. That day, Shadow earned her cutie mark but it wasn't a happy day. After her unfair judgement, she moved away to Ponyville with not much money from her parents. She could only afford an apartment above a snooty Canterlot dropout. She tried to join the weather time for work but they kicked her off after a while and she wasn't even alowd to help with Winter Wrap Up weather.
When all seemed lost, a few years later, Princess Luna came to Shadow one night and told her that she needed a talented flier for her new flight team: The ShadowBolts. Shadow was made the head of the group and awaited others to join.
Extra: She did used to date Soarin' for quite a while but they broke up. I may write the history on that later....

Spoiler: show

Nickname: Scythey
Gender: Male
Race: Half pony, half dragon
Age: 16 in human years
Appearance: [spoiler][IMG][/img]

Cutie mark: 3 slashes
Talent: Aerial combat(fast, strong, fast thinking to be a good flying combatant)
Personality: Scythe usually likes to be by himself when none of his friends are around. He is way more out going when his friends are with him andhe'll stand up for them if necissary.

Bio: Scythe's mother came out of Hollow Shades and most ponies who live there aren't very normal. You can see why that would be considering she married a dragon. They had Scythe young and he had dragon wings, a dragon tail, and dragon claws. His mother taught him to fly and grew very attatched to her. As time went on, his father only saw his mother as another pocession in his hoard. When she told him she was tired of him and that he was leaving, he lunged at her. Scythe couldn't just standby and watch and despit his small size, confronted his massive father. He swung at him and somehow lived. He was a puny little thing at the time and could only sratch his eye and nose but it bided enough time for his mom to escape. The he made a run for it too. He got his cutie mark that day and went to live in Ponyville. Most everypony was scared of him and Luna recognized his unique ablities and hired him to be a ShadowBolt. While living in Ponyville, he met the prettiest mare ever: Parfait. He had a major crush on her despite the fact that she was already taken. He wanted to take things at his own pace but his friends gave them a love poison on accident (they meant it to be love potion) and things went out of control from there. PArfait knew about his crush, so did Parfait's current Stallionfriend, all seemed lost for Scythe. That day, he quit the ShadowBolts but he had to rejoin because nopony else would hir a half dragon, half pony!
Extra: Forgot to mention, they wouldn't even let Scythe in flight school because they said he 'wasn't a pegasus or alicorn, just a mutt'.[/spoiler]Demoness
Spoiler: show

Gender: Female
Race: Vampire Pegasus
Age: 996 years old
Cutie mark: A fang with some blood on it
Talent: Expert vampire
Appearance: [spoiler]

Personality: Demoness is usually kind and outgoing to everypony and will stand up to anypony, even Shadow, if they make fun of anypony else. Sometimes, she can just depressed and not want to go anywhere, mostly on Nightmare Night because ponies dress up as vampires and she sees it as an insult. Other times, she can lose complet control at even the smallest cut and go crazy for feeding.
Bio: Demoness was a really talented flier in her flight school and it was no shock to anypony that she was invited to the WonderBolts tryouts. Princess Celestia was overseeing the event and looked very sad. It had been 6 years after her sister was banished but she was still dwelling on the act that she had to do to her beloved sister. She didn't even use the royal canterlot voice! Demoness was accepted int the WonderBolts but she was still a blank flank. Infact, she became an adult and was still a blank flank! She had to use a fake cutie mark on her WonderBolt costume to hide her blank flank. After a few years, they were given a mission to save a filly who had wandered into the EverFree Forest. On finding the skinny and beat up thing, they discovered what had captured her: Vampire ponies. She and WonderBolts were almost out of the forest when Demoness was pinned down and bitten by one of the vampires. In her frenzy for blood, Demoness attacked her friends and even the little filly but her friends managed to knock her out and bring her back to Canterlot. Princess Celestia banished her to the Everfree forest despite what Demoness did, she couldn't control. That day she earned her cutie mark and later learned that those destined to be vampires only get their cutie marks when they become vampires. She was starving in the forest for a while until she met Scythe who wasn't afraid of her. He helped  her catch timber wolves and feed on those but she can still go out of control from the sight of blood. She joined the ShadowBolts and uses a spell that makes an illusion of a fake cutie mark appear. She also takes special herbs that makes her able to be out in daylight for an hour. Celestia made a deal with Luna that Demoness could come out of her bansihment only for the Grand Galloping Gala, performances, or other ShadowBolt duties. She has broken this rule many times by going out into Ponyville. Luckily, there aren't too many guards in Ponyville to report her and nopony knows of her banishment except for Luna, Celestia and her friends.
Extra: I forgot to add this in but she was friends with Spitfire's great great great great etc. grandfather so she really likes Spitfire because she resembles her old friend so well. She can also hide her fangs if necissary[/spoiler]

I might do my unicorn char but not today. If don't have anything nice to say DON'T SAY IT ALL!!! IF you have negative feedback PLZ BE TACTFUL ABOUT IT
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Fluer De Lis
2012 Oct 12, 21:58:44
(I'm very sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. I guess I was just jealous of her. Hope you all still love her just as much as I do  ;))
This song suits fluer because she has plenty of friends and a great husband!
I just wanted to know the reason for this. Whenever I go to the main homepage of LOE on my laptop, the in progress one(current one) shows up but when I use my main computer, it shows me the message about how the main page is still under there a reason for this?
The Retirement Home / OC Song Challenge
2012 Sep 05, 18:00:40
I've done this before with some other non related pony characters and it's pretty fun. Just take a song and replace the words with what best describes your oc! Or, create a whole new instrumental for the song! Good luck!

~Electro-BLITZ - This topic has been locked due to inactivity, if this was a error and your the topic starter, please contact a moderator for assistance
I would totally get these but Idk what id do with them...It says they're only in the UK though.
The Retirement Home / Anime Anypony?
2012 Aug 19, 20:06:15
I was just wondering...if you do...does anypony in LoE watch Anime? If so, tell me which ones you've watched....if any  >.<. If I get enough simailar likes in the same anime, maybe we could start a herd...probably not though but you can just do anime discussion here. Sorry if there is already a thread on this, I don't usually hang around on the off-topic thread.
Let's see, I've seen Bleach, Soul Eater, and Ouran High School Host Club
for those who don't follow Equestria Daily often like me, read this
I was watching it in metal gear dash mode and look what I found. Kind of cool.

I guess Twilight or Zecora lent the book to the hospital. Not sure why the hospital would have it in the first place.  lol
(I love rping as much as the next pegasister but plz do not rp here)
We are the changelings of Equestria! Banished by Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, we have returned to have our revenge wherever we can. With the Changeling Queen dead, a new queen must rise.
Here is the new queen -->
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Nemora was Chrysalis's daughter and she's rather young for a queen. She is only a few years older than Twilight Sparkle so she'd be a little taller than her but nowhere near the size of her mother. Queen Namora's goal is to make the biggest herd she can so that she may overrun the lands of Equestria and defeat enemy herds.
At the moment, our herd has no clear enemies but they're bound to pop up as changelings aren't the most loved creatures in Equestria.
Herd courtesy Rules:
1. No gorey stuff
2. No swearing
3. Hate the character not the OOC.
Now let's move onto the lore and ranks!

History of Davarobit Amare

Davarobit Amare means to devour love and that is the main purpose of changelings. Legend tells us that changelings began in the dark days of Equestria, when there was no love or friendship. Instead of choosing to earn love, they decided to gain it through deception. Pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies alike used a spell that transformed them into a hideous, shape shifting monster that let them take the form of ponies. Soon this kind of magic was outlawed and the changelings took to the wilderness and formed their own herd. Up until the Canterlot invasion, Changelings had laid low and devoured love discreetly without attracting too much attention. Now that Queen Chrysalis has perished, her daughter: Queen Nemora has taken charge. Follow her and she will make sure that you'll have more love to devour than imaginable...or so she promises. 


Queen (taken): As the queen, you command the hive of changelings and your word is law to your children. You are also considered to be the most powerful magic user in the group but anyone can challenge you in a magic duel to take your place. However, this is very rare and has only happened once in changeling history.

Deputies (1 taken): Their can only be two deputies in the herd and they act as the secondary commanders and advisers to the queen. Now the queen isn't constantly commanding her hive so the deputies do a lot of the busy work like organizing warriors for patrols and such. To become a deputy you must be recommended by an existing deputy then approved by the queen.

Warriors: Warriors are the middle of the ladder for changelings. They do all the defending of the hive and offensive war actions. They are very strong-hooved and have powerful destruction magic. They also mentor younger changelings who are interested in becoming warriors. You become a warrior once you have proven yourself by feeding off the love of another pony and have been approved by a deputy.

Casters: As a caster, you aren't as offensive as the warriors. Instead, you are responsible for studying changeling magic and improving it for the better such as improving shape shifting powers and cacoons. Most casters are better at changeling magic than most but aren't very strong-hooved like the warriors. They are also the best cocoon makers and shapeshifters, being able to shapeshift in the blink of an eye. Right now, the queen wants them to develop a better way to shape shift without your green eye color bleeding through. They also mentor hatchlings who are interested in becoming casters. To become a caster, you must be approved by at least one deputy and have fed off the love of at least one pony.

Hatchlings: Hatchlings are the youth of the hive as well as its future but are still expected to respect the higher up ranks. They train in the ways of magic and fighting.

Elders: Although the queen orders that elders be treated with respect, most the changelings talk behind their backs about how lazy and what a burden they are to the hive. However many elders own trademark secrets to casting changeling magic and sometimes train hatchlings.

Omegas: Omegas are simply hatchlings that grew up but never did anything. They are at the bottom of the pecking order in the changeling hive.

Allies: You can be an ally to our hive without actually being in our hive, you don't even have to be a changeling! As long as your respect our cause and will aid us in our mission (to take over Equestria and avenge Queen Chrysalis), you will be accepted as a beloved ally. To help our cause, our allies will mainly serve as spies in Cantermore or other parts of Equestria, gathering info on security and other things. Spies are essential to our hive since the security in Cantermore has risen since the previous invasion. The changelings of the hive are forbidden to treat allies as food and are told to treat them as...well, allies!

Rules of the Hive:
1. Obey the queen.
2. If the queen is not available then one or both deputies will take charge and they must be obeyed.
3. Anyone can challenge the queen however it is extremely rare and you usually have to fight through the deputies first. If you manage to fight all three, including the power of the queen, then you are announced new king/queen. If you are defeated then you are banished from the hive. (I don't want to see challenges right and left here guys. I'll probably arrange it with you for plot progression)
4. If you are found to be working for an enemy herd you will be banished.

- to make a changeling in game, just make your pony black with green eyes, and pretend they have holes in their hooves and scraggly horn atop their head :) Unless of course you are posing as another pony which is what you'll most likely look like when in public. Although you must always have changeling, green eyes.


Current 'host' if any(like who are you posing as now?):
Desired rank:

Below are signatures for the different ranks
Spoiler: show

Deputy (The symbol is an eye because they are ever vigilant)
Warrior (Symbol for strong hooves and stamina)
Spoiler: show

Caster (Symbol for their magic)
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Hatchling (The symbol is a changeling hatchling...yeah)
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Elder (the symbol is an infinity sign because they seem to live a very long time and their knowledge seems infinite)
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Omega (The symbol is chains because omegas are a burden to the hive)
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Queen: Nemora
Deputies: Chitin
Warriors: Moonshine
Casters: Scar Everfree
Allies: Twisted Charger (doomsword57)
          The Roleplayer's Guild
Regular Members/Undecided Rank: Swift, Changeling Pie

Also, we have a private RP set up for us here! -->

Name:(Queen) Namora
Gender: Female
Race: Changeling
Personality: Namora is much like her mother, only cares for what is good for her and her subjects. She cares not for the feelings of other ponies except for love, which she can feed off of. The only thing that ever sets her off is the talk of Princess Cadence or anyone responsible for her mother's death.

Bio: Namora was once a simple changeling during the invasion of Canterlot but she quickly became more revered after that. When the changelings were flung out of Canterlot, her mother did not take the fall well. As she died, her mother told her how to get into her chambers where many spells lie and other things that would make her a great queen. Namora vowed to have revenge on the ponies who killed her mother.

(I re-did this since my other one poofed. I just want proof that I was first to make a daughter of Queen Chrysalis. I made her the day the season final came out......or the day after...anyways, comment tell me what you think. Yes I know that it could be a possibilty that Queen Chrysalis could return but for now, everypony thinks she's dead.)
Read this! I'm pretty excited about this but the rest of the world may be wierded out. Comment and tell me your thoughts.
The Retirement Home / Season 3? Cancelled?
2012 Jun 15, 12:22:34
I'm not sure if this is true or not but I heard a rumor that season 3 is being cancelled! I hope it's just a troll.
Welcome fillies and gentlecolts to my first attempt at setting up a herd! (let's hope it actually gets somewhere!)

1. Show respect to the admins
2. You must be a pegasus, unicorn that can cast a wing spell, or earth pony that is willing to have a wing spell cast on them
3. No godmodding
4. No powerplaying
5. Atleast five words per post when rping but i know that u ponies can do better than that!
6. No hating other roleplayers. Hate the character not the person
8. You must like Luna

Cutie Mark and explanation:
Desired Rank:
Roleplaying Sample:
Username ingame (when the game comes out):

Here is my application:

Name: Shadow Shimmer
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Cutie Mark and explanation: A full moon with two clouds. Shadow is great at flying at night and its very hard to see her when she does. However, her dark style of flying has its side effects. Whenever she sits on or touches a cloud, it becomes a storm cloud filled with lightning which makes other ponies scared of her.
History: Shadow was a filly prodigy when she was young. She was considered the best filly flier in all of Cloudstale. Even though she received high marks, she got kicked out of many flight schools for her dangerous style of flying. Even when Shadow's parents tried to a private instructor, they gave her perfect scores but quit after the first day of training. One day, Shadow got a letter in the mail from the WonderBolts' secratary saying that she had been selected along with 99 other fillies (who were a few ages older than her) to try out for the WonderBolts. When Shadow got this letter, they were only accepting 2 pegasi for the job. One as the captains place and the other as the second in command place. While waiting in the lobby for her number to be called, Shadow made friends with two other ponies: Soarin and Spitfire. When it was time for Shadow to strut her stuff, she got a perfect score which had never been achieved in WonderBolts tryouts before! When the winenrs were announced, Spitfire got the captain's position, and Soarin got the second in command. Before the competition started, they said that whoever got the highest score would win. Spitfire and Soarin got lower scores than Shadow. She asked the judges and the newest members why they hadn't accepted her. They told her that her flying styles would never fit in. Angered by her unfair judgement, Shadow swore that she would become the best flyer in all of Equestria so she started the ShadowBolts.

I also had a plan for the 3rd in command and 2nd in command. Scythe, a half dragon half pony (i know LOE won't allow this but we can use our imaginations) is the first in command, Shadow is 2nd, and Demoness (a vampire pony, i can get her some fangs ingame) is third in command. 

The main three leaders:
1. Scythe
2. Shadow Shimmer
3. Demoness

guards and fighters
1. Teal

Spell Caster(unicorns only obviously)


There is no limit to the number of members!

I got bored so I'll make a...
[glow=red,2,300]ShadowBolt Code[/glow]

1. Honor Princess Luna. We are her flight team and we will always still loyal to her.(Celestia's is the wonderbolts)
2. Honor the 3 head leaders. The only way to become a head leader is to drive one out or if one passes away and leaves a will as to who should take their place.
3. We have no allies. Allies are just as bad as enemies but you can prevent them.
4. We are not in the 'Herds of Equestira' alliance. We stand alone.
5. If you join the WonderBolts while in this herd, you will be banished.
6. Your punishment will be decided by the three main leaders if you are caught associating with an enemy herd. You will not be punished for associating with herds that we are not enemies nor allies with. You will be warned for associating with 'Herds of Equestria' herds.
What's the first thing you would do when you download the game and make your character? I would go and explore! get right on to getting bits and treasure! Then I would find or make a roleplay group.