E3 2013

Started by Itty Bit, 2013 Jun 07, 14:42:34

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Itty Bit

Oh goody goody gumdrops, it's that time again.
So what do you guys think of this year's E3? Personally, the only thing I'm excited for isn't even related to E3, and that's the Nintendo Direct that is happening on the 11th, because I've heard that the new Smash Bros is going to be mentioned.

But what about you guys? What do you think is gonna happen this year?


Im excited for the Playstation event happening on the 10th
probably the games im most excited in seeing what they show is Watch_Dogs and Destiny
Ye-olde ex mod
You've just been McSleuthburgered!

Night Pony

I'm looking forward to see and hear about games that I'm waiting for.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Shadow Mare

Hope Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty Land better not be a Nuts and Bolts game, mini game only, or Kinect game.


Honestly I'm not caring about it as much as I have the past 2 years. Nintendo's split between this and nintendo direct and thus so is my interest, then with sony and M$, I only wonder if they'll derp another conference. The only other thing I care about is if bungie will say if destiny will be ported to PC... I'll have to miss out on it if it doesn't. Ah yes, then there's watch_dogs. Another game I am interested in.

I'll probably just what some highlight videos post e3, instead of watching it live.

Quote from: Shadow Mare on 2013 Jun 07, 16:29:06
Hope Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty Land better not be a Nuts and Bolts game, mini game only, or Kinect game.

I've lost all hope for the bear and bird to make a proper come back...
Sugarcup, I thank thee for the AWESOME avatar!
I like my weapons, how I like my music: Heavy and Metal!
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CyanideInsanity

Book Smarts

Fallout 4, I can't wait to wander through another piece of Post Apocalyptic American Wasteland :3 . The new Super Smash Bros game would be awesome as well, especially the 3DS version.


Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Jun 08, 01:35:40
Fallout 4, I can't wait to wander through another piece of Post Apocalyptic American Wasteland :3 . The new Super Smash Bros game would be awesome as well, especially the 3DS version.

HERP DERP! How could I forget about FO4?! Yeah, I'd love to see it announced. I hope it'll be released late 2014 a the earliest. They'll need a good bit of time to make it optimal for 8th gen consoles, so they have less of an impact on the PC version. Though I'd also love to see it in my hands as soon as possible.
Sugarcup, I thank thee for the AWESOME avatar!
I like my weapons, how I like my music: Heavy and Metal!
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CyanideInsanity


Night Pony

How will DA3 let you romance dragons?  o.O Maybe you will have the option of romancing Flemeth  and then Skyrim begins with the first dragonborn!  ovO

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


2013 Jun 09, 17:20:39 #9 Last Edit: 2013 Jun 09, 17:24:26 by Deviant
Pretty excited about Destiny, looks very promising.
GTA5 ofcourse, i need my chaotic fix every now and then.
Bethesda! the new Wolfenstein looks very interesting, and a new Fallout is ofcourse welcome!
Pretty curious how Microsoft will make up their, well, mediocre Xbox1 announcement.
Oh and Nintendo, i'm very excited about their lineup of games.

Oh and if they announce a new Super Smash Bros, For the love of Celestia PLEASE include Simon Belmont! (Looking at NES belmont)
He's the perfect character for SSB, he has a whip, a friggin' whip, and the items canbe his specials, knife axe boomerang etc etc i should stop now

Shadow Mare

King K. Rool should really be in Smash Bros.!

Night Pony

So games that I want to see...
Dragon Age 3
Command and Conquer
Assassin's Creed 4
and hoping that they will announce Mirror's Edge 2.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Book Smarts

All right Microsoft, you have your E3 show to either redeem yourself, or cause the biggest flop in console history


Gah :x

In Britain the PS4 reveal will be at 2:00am, and with school that makes it impossible to watch :( At least I'll see how Microsoft [hopefully] embarrass themselves.

Shadow Mare

They didn't even announced a Banjo-Kazooie game............ :'(

Chishio Kunrin

I kind of didn't know E3 was today, so I missed everything. :P Haha. So, uh... what happened?

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2013 Jun 10, 15:01:31
I kind of didn't know E3 was today, so I missed everything. :P Haha. So, uh... what happened?


We're now waiting for EA to start their press conference

Shadow Mare



Darn it, my heart won't be able to wait for it.... PS4 just won me now with this.....

Spencer the Pegasus Guard

I have a Tin Foil hat....I am 100 percent okay with this.

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