Started by Ründo, 2013 Mar 26, 23:13:49

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Crimson Tail

Since i got my laptop, i've been taking good care of it, never gotten infected, or slowed down(Though it has a weak CPU).

If you see an ad that can seem to fix your computer or stuff like that, i wouldn't click it, they're most likely Trojans. This is why i have adblock on chrome. ^^ Although ads got weird on me..
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The Stars


Tried following the instructions here, but didn't really solve the problem. Turned my Skype into a gigantic CPU eating monster, so I turned it off from my startup programs via Msconfig. The program just stays there and eats away at CPU without allowing me any access to it :U
Btw, this was before I reinstalled that I did this method.

Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


Quote from: Pipkin on 2013 Apr 06, 21:00:44
I can't really call avast an antivirus, kinda slow and useless, so really I don't have antivirus, was looking for something decent.  I forgot about spybot....can't remember why I stopped using it.

As for Norton, my father told me....oh, 7-8 years ago it was garbage and to never use it.  I assume he knows his computer stuff being a school board IT supervisor.

Norton has improved since then by a lot...but It's probably still not the best out there.  Essentially it's not garbage anymore.  I would still look into better ones if you can.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Lord of Madness

I use Norton for Constant scan and protection, virus searches, and constant internet safety and protection, I use Malwarebytes for Deep computer scanning and protection once a day, and I use Mechanic Pro edition to clean/tuneup/speedup/virus check/defrag/repair/update my computer.


Kaspersky is a wonderful AV


I decided to switch to Comodo base on what Trege said on here

It found quite a few viruses, 2 of which were keyloggers.

One virus was found on my backup drive's old Windows files from back when I still had XP....nice work AVG  :l


Quote from: Charizard_2 on 2013 Apr 06, 18:09:20
I hate viruses. The XP Defender Virus is the worst I've encountered.
It just blocks everything, and you can't go on the internet, paint, type in notepad.
The only solution is just starting from scratch.

This happened to my old xp computer -_- bu I wasent even able to turn out, it just died to the point where it would black screen on startup. We had to take it to a shop to fix it, and that was like $300

My dad got the Op's "FBI greendot card" virus, also required system restore -_-
it ended up setting back the computer from xp SP3 to SP2, which makes it incompatible with a lot of different things


How does one even GET viruses? I've never gotten them! (Not that I ever want to)
I'm back


I got the same FBI virus. At first I freaked out because it told me that if I didn't pay the money, I was going to go to jail. I finally caught on that it was a computer virus because the FBI doesn't send messages telling people that they are being arrested. I tried to remove the virus myself, but it didn't work. I finally gave up and went to one of those stores where they fix computers. They fixed it, but it was a lot of money to get fixed.  ono


My computer came with Windows Defender. Anyone know if that's a good antivirus program?
Made a new account: Sunshine Smash.


I think Avira has a decent free offering, heard some mixed stories about AVG. Malwarebytes is also good as a secondary, you can use it to scan for some sorts of malware that AV often misses. Just make sure to download the program from the makers site, not some knockoff 3rd party offering you paid stuff for free. (or free stuff with malware added...)

Also lol FBI virus. There were actually variants made for that virus for other countries (badly translated, but with a completely accurate copy-paste of anti piracy laws). It completely freaked out the paranoid roommate I had at the time, who was not just generally suspicious but actually diagnosed by a psychologist with paranoia and PTSD so yeah, it took quite a lot of convincing to get him to realize it was just a scam.
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