
Started by Itty Bit, 2012 Nov 19, 15:11:44

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I think you get where the Super Acorn thing comes from ;)

Er, yeah. I'm still waiting for Pikmin 3 and the others (maybe the new SSB as well).

Rad Thunder

I'm definitely waiting for the new SSB. :]
The WiiU is a perfect opportunity to revive other franchises, like F-Zero and Star Fox.


Yeah. (Speaking of StarFox, I might still get the 3DS version)

Ah, I also want the new HD Zelda! It was only a Real-time demo before. I wonder how well it'll turn out gameplay-wise and graphics-wise.

Rad Thunder

Isn't there a Majora Mask remake coming?


There was this great Fan-made trailer of it.

Nothing about the real thing so far~


2012 Nov 21, 20:53:50 #25 Last Edit: 2012 Nov 21, 20:55:43 by Trege
I found this on Youtube some people claim it was a Tech demo, but it could also have been fan made.

If it is real that would convince me even more to get a Wii U, but we still don't know if it's just a tech demo real or fan made.
(Although since it says E3 2012 I don't know if it is true or not since I watched Nintendo's conference and didn't see it.)

Rad Thunder

Wait, it could not be real...? DD:


That's the video I just mentioned...

It'd be interesting if it were real. What a great trailer!


Quote from: Trege on 2012 Nov 21, 20:53:50
I found this on Youtube some people claim it was a Tech demo, but it could also have been fan made.

If it is real that would convince me even more to get a Wii U, but we still don't know if it's just a tech demo real or fan made.
(Although since it says E3 2012 I don't know if it is true or not since I watched Nintendo's conference and didn't see it.)

Augh... that nearly gave me an aneurysm. Right as I decide to buy a 3DS rather than a Wii U, someone leaks an apparently real remake of my favorite game of all time. But check this out. Looks like it's not real. Still a fantastic video though.

Quote from: Jenzy on 2012 Nov 21, 20:27:58
Sadly, the price won't lower for years.

Nintendo :l (It is a reasonable price though for such a powerful console)

That's annoying, and means that I probably won't get it (at least not anytime soon), but I can understand their aversion to quick price cuts after the 3DS fiasco.
"The passions are, and ought only to be the slave of reason." - David Hume

Xeno Aura

If they did remake Majora's Mask, it'd most likely be on the 3DS, as they remade Ocarina of Time on the 3DS, it'd make sense to keep it on it.

The original rumours of a Majora's Mask remake (several months ago) were of it being remade for the 3DS.

Chances are it'll just be shoved on virtual console for the Wii U, and they won't bother with the trouble of actually remaking it all over again.

Sea Foam

Quote from: Jenzy on 2012 Nov 21, 20:57:37
That's the video I just mentioned...

It'd be interesting if it were real. What a great trailer!

So, let me straighten something out.
The Moon...
In HD.....

Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes;
they call me on and on across the universe.
Thank you, Durpy, for the banner!


Quote from: Sea Foam on 2012 Nov 22, 14:36:23
Quote from: Jenzy on 2012 Nov 21, 20:57:37
That's the video I just mentioned...

It'd be interesting if it were real. What a great trailer!

So, let me straighten something out.
The Moon...
In HD.....


Wait. :I Wow. The Moon's face would look so FREAKIN' CREEPY! Don't manage to get any sleep after that ovO


Quote from: Sea Foam on 2012 Nov 22, 14:36:23
So, let me straighten something out.
The Moon...
In HD.....

Spoiler: show

CUZ I DON'T NEED SLEEP DX Brb, mindbleach.

Anyway, the only games I'm interested in currently are New Super Mario Bros. U and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. As much as I want a Wii U now, I heard there was an issue with updating it, potentially bricking it if you're not careful.

I think I'll just wait till either Christmas or my birthday (February) to get one.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.

Xeno Aura

The issue with bricking is turning it off whilst it's updating I believe. Something you are told not to do on every console anyway.

Not sure if any other console has been bricked because they were turned off while updating, I'm sure some have.

I'm guessing it was just more prevalent in the case of the Wii U, as the first system update was bigger than any PS3/360 update there has ever been.


The thing is, some people thought the update froze, hence why they'd probably turn off the console.

An update concerning that: apparently the Wii U can still update even if you did cut off your console during the update; it's just that it'll stay as a black screen until it's done. I can't 100% confirm this because I don't have one, but even then I still wouldn't test this.
If I'm not here, I'm most likely on Pokémon Shuffle's Miiverse community.


Quote from: Rikaria on 2012 Nov 23, 14:51:56
The thing is, some people thought the update froze, hence why they'd probably turn off the console.

An update concerning that: apparently the Wii U can still update even if you did cut off your console during the update; it's just that it'll stay as a black screen until it's done. I can't 100% confirm this because I don't have one, but even then I still wouldn't test this.

Odd... It should be patched hopefully.

It can't fail now! :I


I'm a little behind on the Wii U features but it is backwards compatible right? I know the Wii can play Gamecube games which was always nice to have since I got a few Gamecube games when the system was still out. It would be nice if it could play Gamecube games and Wii games. Although I don't even know if it has Gamecube controller ports now that I think about it, I need to start looking some of this stuff up.


Quote from: Trege on 2012 Nov 26, 22:13:16
I'm a little behind on the Wii U features but it is backwards compatible right? I know the Wii can play Gamecube games which was always nice to have since I got a few Gamecube games when the system was still out. It would be nice if it could play Gamecube games and Wii games. Although I don't even know if it has Gamecube controller ports now that I think about it, I need to start looking some of this stuff up.

Wii U is backwards compatible with Wii U games and Wii games. NOT GCN games...

GCN games might appear as Virtual Console downloads... :s


That would use quite a bit of memory per game. 1.2GB per game, I still have the Wii and a Gamecube so it's not that big of a deal at least, still buying one when I get the money.  :D


I've decided to put the money I have available towards a 3DS, but I'll be interested in hearing what everyone hear thinks about the U in the coming years, as I might want to get one a year or three down the line.

Quote from: Trege on 2012 Nov 26, 22:22:27
That would use quite a bit of memory per game. 1.2GB per game, I still have the Wii and a Gamecube so it's not that big of a deal at least, still buying one when I get the money.  :D

Good luck, and be sure to send me a PM beginning "Dear Princess lurk852..." discussing what you've learned about the magic of the Wii U each week.  ;)
"The passions are, and ought only to be the slave of reason." - David Hume

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