Ships and Spice: Adventure on a Cruise! (Jump-in)

Started by Lusterless Nova, 2012 Sep 19, 17:22:57

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Teal Turken


Kai gets up off the floor brushing his coat off "A plesure to make your aquantance"

Morgan Sententia

A doctor eh? Charmed. Names Morgan, and only that. :]


"Nice to meet you Morgan shall we all take a look around the town"

Morgan Sententia

Sure, i don't mind exploring this new place. After you Gentlemen.

Teal Turken

Alright, let's go check out the market. Maybe they got some neat stuff around.
Teal starts walking and exploring the snowy town.

Morgan Sententia

Morgan followed Teal and looked through many of the shops as she was passing by. She awed at one store, which are little crystal statues in many forms and sizes. Including rocks,fossils, gems, and Geo's

*-* AAhhhh......

Teal Turken

Teal stops and looks at the statue store.
Oooo those are pretty! Should we go inside?

Morgan Sententia

You bet ya! :3

Morgan dashes and went into the store, she looked around at the pretty things. Still being careful not to bump into anything.

Teal Turken

Teal follows Morgan into the store and gazes at the stuff they have on display.
One item which takes his interest is a little unicorn crystal statue casting a spell, shown by a crystal ball aura around the horn.

Morgan Sententia

Morgan turned to Teal and gazed at the little statue. where have i seen that before...

Teal Turken

It's so pretty. :3
How do you think they carved a horn inside that little ball?

Morgan Sententia

If i remember,  it's a type of craftsmanship called Glassblowing, is a glass-forming technique that involves inflating molten glass into a bubble, or parison, with the aid of a blowpipe, or blow tube. A per-I mean pony...who blows glass is called a glassblower. Thus the result. Still it looks very pretty. :)

Teal Turken

Wow, that's cool! I didn't think you could inflate glass!
By the way, were you about to say something other than pony? Is it a word for humans?

rhyme writer

Rhyme looked around the town. He wandered around and found himself at a store full of books. "Oh good,"I he said as he entered. There was a sign on the counter. 'Put your bits on the counter or the books stay here.' He picked up a book and tossed it through the door. It bounced back off some sort of wall and bac into its place. "Interesting." He looked at all the book on the shelf till the he found one that looked rather old. It was in a dark corner of the room and it looked as though it hadn't been opened in a while. He blew the dust off the cover and could just make out part of the title. 'The B o   f  ha ows'. The writing looked old and the cover showed significant damage, like somepony tried to burn it. "An odd book,"he said to himself. He touched the cover and immediately felt like something was watching him. "I think I'll leave this here," he said as he left the strange store.

Morgan Sententia

Mm. Well yes, it's a world i was raised in. A world were humans live, but technology wasn't invented yet. It's still the middle ages of Syria. But i been to many places who aren't always ruled by humans, mostly demons, but good ones. And mutants who love pizza. and a hardy one who always loves to pick a fight with me x3

Morgan chuckled as she thought about it.

Teal Turken

You get out a lot huh? It's not a bad thing, must be neat to visit so many worlds.

Morgan Sententia

...Yes it is. But it can be difficult at times.

Teal Turken

Yeah...I think I may know what you mean by difficult.
I've run into so many dangers, even as a kid one summer.

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