Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Hue, I'd say the same for both of you  :]

I was on a sim called Gaia Online which is pretty much beyond dead these days and I ran across an avatar that caught my interest which caused me to type in "I see you...Ghastly". Then someone next to my avatar says Thats not  Ghastly thats a pokemon, and I say yep Ghastly is a pokemon. At this point im just under the assumption of troll until the part they just say that "I play pokemon GO I know what I'm talking about." which I responded, I played Pokemon since 2000 and ones from 1998 and if they did play pokemon go then they would be able to recognize those form the kanto region. Then they just say that I didnt and I'm like 10 and Pokemon Go is the only version thats playable finishing off with I've never played pokemon.

(yes I screen shotted the conversation)

Then theres the part where I list the games I played which is kinda long
" Yellow, BLue, Red, Gold, silver, Crystal, Stadium1/2, Colosseum, XD, RSE, Fire Red, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum< Mystery Dungeon Blue/Red/Time/Darkness/Sky, Heartgold, Black, White2, X, Alpha Sapphire." Then they just say "Get real, those aren't even real games. You're just listing fake ones, the only games that exists are X and Y and the rest was on anime."

At this point im just facepalming repeatedly...like...wow....just....wow

I'm done... lol
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Midnight Breeze

Since I moved back home I find I'm consistently arguing with my family with my family about things, mainly my mom. You see, I'm from a rural town, and my family's beliefs are in pretty stark contrast to my own, which creates a lot of toxicity. I never bring up the issues that we argue over, but they make comments all the time that I can't just let slide. I'm a debater, if you're gonna express an opinion around me that I disagree with, you'd better be good and dang ready to defend it - because I will tear it apart.

Small, isolated communities have a tendency to become echo-chambers for certain ideas and beliefs. People grow up being taught something one way, and nobody ever challenges it because everyone in the community thinks the same way. This kind of thing is very dangerous for intellectual development. Having your beliefs challenged is a vital part of learning logic and critical thinking skills. It forces you to go on the defense and defend your beliefs with facts, logic, and evidence. If an idea doesn't stand up to those things then it's not something you should be harboring.

But when someone grows up and lives in an echo-chamber, where everyone constantly validates and reinforces their ideas without ever challenging them, it becomes deeply ingrained in their sense of reality. There is no convincing them they're wrong, the idea is part of their universe as surely as gravity is part of mine. I can show them all the hard facts, evidence, and statistics I want...it will change nothing. They are utterly convinced that they're right, regardless of all contradicting evidence. No matter how hard you try, you can't change someone's mind about a topic they've believed a certain way about for literally decades with a 5 minute debate. That's just not how human psychology works, debating can only change the minds of open minded people, if they're mind is made up it's impossible.

If there is ONE THING in this world that I truly hate, it's willful ignorance, so that causes a lot of friction with my family. However, I have to keep reminding myself that they aren't willfully ignorant per se, it's just how human psychology works. I can't expect an evolutionary adaptation that's been part of the human brain for millennial to change in the relatively short time globalization has existed. The reason I was able to avoid the 'echo-chamber trap' is because I spent a ton of time on the internet when I was growing up. I was always bombarded with opposing views and opinions which made me naturally skeptical.

Sweet Brew

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: LunarDusk on 2016 Sep 25, 14:03:13
Hue, I'd say the same for both of you  :]

I was on a sim called Gaia Online which is pretty much beyond dead these days and I ran across an avatar that caught my interest which caused me to type in "I see you...Ghastly". Then someone next to my avatar says Thats not  Ghastly thats a pokemon, and I say yep Ghastly is a pokemon. At this point im just under the assumption of troll until the part they just say that "I play pokemon GO I know what I'm talking about." which I responded, I played Pokemon since 2000 and ones from 1998 and if they did play pokemon go then they would be able to recognize those form the kanto region. Then they just say that I didnt and I'm like 10 and Pokemon Go is the only version thats playable finishing off with I've never played pokemon.

(yes I screen shotted the conversation)

Then theres the part where I list the games I played which is kinda long
" Yellow, BLue, Red, Gold, silver, Crystal, Stadium1/2, Colosseum, XD, RSE, Fire Red, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum< Mystery Dungeon Blue/Red/Time/Darkness/Sky, Heartgold, Black, White2, X, Alpha Sapphire." Then they just say "Get real, those aren't even real games. You're just listing fake ones, the only games that exists are X and Y and the rest was on anime."

At this point im just facepalming repeatedly...like...wow....just....wow

I'm done... lol

:facehoof: Could still be a troll, but could also be a kid who only just now learned about Pokemon.

Though, it kinda reminds me of that time I was playing an MMO called Perfect World, and there was someone talking in the chat, trying to be a show-off and acting like they knew everything. They were saying that they could tell what level someone was by what equipment they had, bragging on and on and complaining that some jerks defeated them in PvP (which, on the server I was on, you could turn PvP on or off).

On Perfect World, all the races can have items that make them fly, but the Flying Elves start out able to fly from level 1 because they start out with a free set of wings. Well, someone whose character was a Human flew by on their flying mount, and that person who was bragging about how much they knew about the game claimed that person was hacking and that only Flying Elves could fly and said they reported that player. o.O

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Sweet Brew

Everyone nowadays tries to push the rules as far as they can go and be "edgy".
YouTube is a perfect example of this and it's why I avoid it, Everything nowadays has to be "edgy".

And I get treated like the goody two horseshoes for being the guy who doesn't think it's cool to break the law, disrespect police and rage because this and that.
And if my opinion is different from theirs in any way shape or form I also get treated like dirt.

I still love the world, but it's like everyone wants me to hate them. :s
Though, no I don't hate anyone. I do my best not to be one of those cynical butts who gets disgusted by anyone with a different opinion than themself because I knew some of those people and let me tell you they really can mess with you.

Rules are meant to keep you and/or others safe.
Not to be broken.

Seriously, World... Edgy isn't cool.

Stardust Dragon

2016 Sep 28, 00:35:52 #18485 Last Edit: 2016 Sep 28, 01:19:11 by Stardust Dragon
I can't tell if I'm depressed because I'm behind on a big paper and it's making me less focused on it, or too lazy to work on it and that's what's making me depressed.  The joys of a college education...at least I'm on top of student debt for now, or I'd really have no motivation to get up in the morning.

Update: And that's twice now that my laptop has just clicked off for no reason.  It's not a system crash either, just -boop- everything's off.  First time it happened I thought it was low power due to it being unplugged, but this time it was plugged in and charged fully, so there's that theory out the window. 

What I can find online seems to suggest it's an overheating issue, so I've just installed a temperature monitor program in the hopes of seeing how accurate that is.  Unfortunately the laptop I have isn't exactly easy to crack open, not as easy as my last at least, meaning if it IS dust in the fans I might have to take it in to have someone with decent training (and an anti-static workstation) to see if they can handle it...Of course if it's not the heat (she still needs a cleaning anyways), I have no idea what the issue is, be it hardware malfunctioning or what.  I'm freaking out enough with school and work life, I don't need my computer breaking down too!

Chishio Kunrin

It's getting back to where Youtube videos wanna take a little bit to load again, so I guess I should restart my laptop soon. *Sigh* Why does this happen?

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Sep 29, 10:19:40
It's getting back to where Youtube videos wanna take a little bit to load again, so I guess I should restart my laptop soon. *Sigh* Why does this happen?
Laptops aren't meant to be on 24/7 like desktops are.
I turn mine on and off daily.

Stardust Dragon

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Sep 29, 11:07:16
Laptops aren't meant to be on 24/7 like desktops are.
I turn mine on and off daily.

I'd honestly always been of the mindset of turning a computer off when not in use, since it saves electricity; if I ever build myself a desktop I'd probably do the same thing.  Which is why I was so confused when my dad would keep the desktop in the study on at all times...of course, it was also connected to the router in such a way that if it went off we'd lose internet for the whole house, but I'm pretty sure we fixed that issue when we had to replace the old router.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Sep 29, 11:07:16
Laptops aren't meant to be on 24/7 like desktops are.
I turn mine on and off daily.

I put mine into sleep mode when I'm not using it. Unfortunately, my laptop has this stupid thing where, if I shut it down, when I boot it back up and check how long Task Manager says my laptop has been on for, it pretty much acts like my laptop didn't get shut off at all. The only way to reset the counter to 0 is to restart.

I saw a post where someone said they find it disturbing that, they assume, Miles and Kerry (the writers of RWBY) either never took college writing classes or decided that Rooster Teeth is too good for college. And they went on to wonder if they could make a petition demanding that Miles and Kerry resign for their inexperience.


Here's the incredibly ridiculous thing about that opinion:
Monty Oum - The creator of RWBY, who was praised for his animation skills, especially the action scenes and their choreography... did not take college classes to learn how to animate. In fact, he taught himself.

Jeff Williams - The man who writes the songs for RWBY (writing the lyrics and, I believe, composing the music of said songs), who has been praised for the songs he writes... did not take college classes to learn music. He tried to, but he ended up teaching himself. Each time a new RWBY soundtrack goes up in iTunes, it rockets its way up the list. Even back in volume 1, when RWBY had its bumps and issues, people still agreed that the songs were great.

Monty Oum and Jeff Williams self-taught instead of taking college classes. So, you can sit right down and zip up that mouth, good sir.

Just because you didn't learn how to do something in college, that doesn't mean you're bad at it. :\

I would share my view of why the writing had its snags prior to volume 3, but... I am quite paranoid that I could get some negative responses for being "disrespectful", when that is not what I intend from my views. I try to view it as objectively as possible, using information from crew members themselves. >.<

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Sep 29, 19:34:09
I put mine into sleep mode when I'm not using it. Unfortunately, my laptop has this stupid thing where, if I shut it down, when I boot it back up and check how long Task Manager says my laptop has been on for, it pretty much acts like my laptop didn't get shut off at all. The only way to reset the counter to 0 is to restart.

I saw a post where someone said they find it disturbing that, they assume, Miles and Kerry (the writers of RWBY) either never took college writing classes or decided that Rooster Teeth is too good for college. And they went on to wonder if they could make a petition demanding that Miles and Kerry resign for their inexperience.


Here's the incredibly ridiculous thing about that opinion:
Monty Oum - The creator of RWBY, who was praised for his animation skills, especially the action scenes and their choreography... did not take college classes to learn how to animate. In fact, he taught himself.

Jeff Williams - The man who writes the songs for RWBY (writing the lyrics and, I believe, composing the music of said songs), who has been praised for the songs he writes... did not take college classes to learn music. He tried to, but he ended up teaching himself. Each time a new RWBY soundtrack goes up in iTunes, it rockets its way up the list. Even back in volume 1, when RWBY had its bumps and issues, people still agreed that the songs were great.

Monty Oum and Jeff Williams self-taught instead of taking college classes. So, you can sit right down and zip up that mouth, good sir.

Just because you didn't learn how to do something in college, that doesn't mean you're bad at it. :\

I would share my view of why the writing had its snags prior to volume 3, but... I am quite paranoid that I could get some negative responses for being "disrespectful", when that is not what I intend from my views. I try to view it as objectively as possible, using information from crew members themselves. >.<

I have a friend at college who's indifferant to RWBY, but says he despised Volume 2, claiming it's all just "filler".
...Ok, I may have forgotten most of the little things, but I'm PRETTY FREAKING SURE it wasn't just "filler". It's called character development...
Also, it took me three tries before I had to scroll and check how "volume" was spelt... :facehoof:
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Sep 29, 19:34:09And they went on to wonder if they could make a petition demanding that Miles and Kerry resign for their inexperience.
ROFL, What would a petition do?
It's a free country, it's not like the government will come and shut them down.

I always love it when those little rule makers try something "Law" related and they forget that it means nothing.
It's like some dude reported Bakasan94 for banning him.
He claimed it was "Against the law" because he had freedom of speech. lol

The internet is not America, You're American rights are not portable, little celdurps. :)
The server host can do whateeever they want.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Sep 29, 20:35:44
I have a friend at college who's indifferant to RWBY, but says he despised Volume 2, claiming it's all just "filler".
...Ok, I may have forgotten most of the little things, but I'm PRETTY FREAKING SURE it wasn't just "filler". It's called character development...
Also, it took me three tries before I had to scroll and check how "volume" was spelt... :facehoof:

Yeah, volume 2 mostly focused on developing and letting us get to know the characters, as well as setting up for volume 3. You kinda need to know about the characters you're watching, so you can understand their motivations and personalities. They took the time to get into why Weiss, Blake, and Yang want to be Huntresses and even had them grow and develop from realizing, for themselves, what their true motivations were, rather than just the surface.

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Sep 29, 22:15:24
ROFL, What would a petition do?
It's a free country, it's not like the government will come and shut them down.

I always love it when those little rule makers try something "Law" related and they forget that it means nothing.
It's like some dude reported Bakasan94 for banning him.
He claimed it was "Against the law" because he had freedom of speech. lol

The internet is not America, You're American rights are not portable, little celdurps. :)
The server host can do whateeever they want.

Pfft, Freedom of Speech just means we can't be arrested for saying things the government doesn't like. Like, I could say "The president talks in a really hilarious way, and I can't take him seriously, especially with his big Dumbo ears" and he couldn't have me arrested just because he's unhappy that I'm making fun of him. :P Seriously, the colonists had that problem with the king (that and "I disagree with the king's latest decision *gets arrested*").

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Welp... now that EQG4 is out...

I guess I'd better start thinking of my next 'challenge' to do so I can complete it and not watch it EVER.


Spoiler: show
It'll likely be Final Fantasy XV.  :3
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Stardust Dragon

On the topic of EQG4...
Spoiler: show
Twilight's song "The Midnight in Me" wasn't bad per se, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.  Why?  Probably because the word "Midnight" was given negative connotation...and my main OC/ponysona's name IS Midnight Storm, commonly shortened to Midnight.  So had to fend off the "being personally attacked" thought a little in order to enjoy it, just because I happened to choose a name they'd use later on.  Whoops.


Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2016 Oct 02, 21:14:02
On the topic of EQG4...
Spoiler: show
Twilight's song "The Midnight in Me" wasn't bad per se, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.  Why?  Probably because the word "Midnight" was given negative connotation...and my main OC/ponysona's name IS Midnight Storm, commonly shortened to Midnight.  So had to fend off the "being personally attacked" thought a little in order to enjoy it, just because I happened to choose a name they'd use later on.  Whoops.

Spoiler: show

Midnight was used in that way, as the middle of the night yields the greatest darkness(even though technically that may not actually be true, but it is thought of like that). It was to showcase the darkness of that other side of her.

Personally, I loved that song, but I will not delve into why, for a few reasons.

Stardust Dragon

Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Oct 02, 21:17:43
Spoiler: show

Midnight was used in that way, as the middle of the night yields the greatest darkness(even though technically that may not actually be true, but it is thought of like that). It was to showcase the darkness of that other side of her.

Personally, I loved that song, but I will not delve into why, for a few reasons.

Spoiler: show
Oh I understand the reason behind it's use.  It's just the less-rational parts of my brain took it as an attack on my character, my choice of name for something that represents a big part of me, because over-sensitivity.  I fully realize it's stupid, which is why I posted it here on "Dumb things"; it's more accurate to say I'm annoyed at myself for even thinking like this to begin with.  Besides some of the other lyrics feeling forced (which is a common problem with Ingram's work for me) I also enjoyed that song.

Though on the topic of "the greatest darkness", it does annoy me a little that the dark vs light metaphor is brought up relatively often in a world where one of the prevailing rulers IS the night itself, at least figuratively.  I understand why darkness is seen and used like that, but I thought with Luna we were trying to look past the darkness and see that appearances aren't the full story.


Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2016 Oct 02, 23:06:33
Spoiler: show
Oh I understand the reason behind it's use.  It's just the less-rational parts of my brain took it as an attack on my character, my choice of name for something that represents a big part of me, because over-sensitivity.  I fully realize it's stupid, which is why I posted it here on "Dumb things"; it's more accurate to say I'm annoyed at myself for even thinking like this to begin with.  Besides some of the other lyrics feeling forced (which is a common problem with Ingram's work for me) I also enjoyed that song.

Though on the topic of "the greatest darkness", it does annoy me a little that the dark vs light metaphor is brought up relatively often in a world where one of the prevailing rulers IS the night itself, at least figuratively.  I understand why darkness is seen and used like that, but I thought with Luna we were trying to look past the darkness and see that appearances aren't the full story.

Spoiler: show

I believe that what the show was going for was that the darkest parts of the world, and the Lost, can be brought to Light, but that we must be willing to open up the Truth, and spread the Light.

Beyond that, darkness is used in that way, because of the fact that the dark is where you can barely see, where the light seems to be covered, where influences of our mind can consume us. Even though I do like the night, what I mentioned is still worth acknowledging. The Darkening of the Spirit is the destruction of who one is, which is what is demonstrated by the Light versus Dark thing.

Stardust Dragon

Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Oct 02, 23:19:25
Spoiler: show

I believe that what the show was going for was that the darkest parts of the world, and the Lost, can be brought to Light, but that we must be willing to open up the Truth, and spread the Light.

Beyond that, darkness is used in that way, because of the fact that the dark is where you can barely see, where the light seems to be covered, where influences of our mind can consume us. Even though I do like the night, what I mentioned is still worth acknowledging. The Darkening of the Spirit is the destruction of who one is, which is what is demonstrated by the Light versus Dark thing.

Spoiler: show
And may the light of Celestia bless us all.  I'd just like to allow for those of us with a certain photosensitivity (and I mean that literally, I can barely see anything during a cloudless day without sunglasses) to have an equal chance to experience that blessing.

There's a reason I love Luna especially: she's a great example of the "Sacred Darkness" trope, and the Yin-Yang symbolism that's heavy with her relationship to her sister helps promote the idea of balance being vital to life.  It's why I like seeing stories about Celestia being the one that turned evil: you're not likely to realize how damaging constant heat and light can be until your fields are burning from the exposure.  "An appointed time for everything" and all...

Sweet Brew

Repetition drives me crazy.

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