Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Midnight Breeze

TFW your debit card number gets stolen. Somebody made a $300 purchase at a clothing store in Chicago.  >:/

Why would my bank not immediately suspect something and freeze the account on the spot? I leave clear across the country from Chicago. It makes zero sense that I would up and drive across the country to go clothes shopping. My credit card got instafrozen when I tried to buy several hundred dollars worth of electronics online a few months ago, had to call them and confirm that it was really me making the purchase. Why would they let this actual fraudulent charge slide, then?

Boy, I sure better hope this doesn't happen when I'm in basic training. Sure would suck to come home and see my bank account is over-drafted thousands of dollars from fraudulent purchases.

Stardust Dragon

Best Buy's latest string of laptop commercials that keep popping up on Youtube vids.  I'm confused, did I miss the point where it became a smart marketing idea to insult part of your potential audience?


Konami's done it. They actually had the nerve to make a new Metal Gear game.
It isn't a Metal Gear game. It's Left 4 Dead with COD Zombies mixed in.
I SERIOUSLY took a minute's silence for the franchice. Good job, Konami. Good job.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

Very specific PSA: Next time you order 2 medium pizzas from Papa John's, make sure you don't accidentally put the crushed red pepper on the pineapple and black olive pizza rather than the pepperoni and mushroom one.

Sweet Brew

2016 Aug 19, 19:41:12 #18404 Last Edit: 2016 Aug 21, 21:55:39 by Sweet Brew
Some days people just seem really rude.

I got something important to do tomorrow that I'd like to enjoy but everyone's asking favors of me, yelling, screaming, frantic, over reacting or just all in all acting very standoffish.

You know, this stuff normally doesn't get to me, but there comes a level when it's happening every day, all day and people just make things worse!
The icing on the cake is just that they're not stupid, they just don't care.
Seems like the only people who care have so many of their own problems that they're busy, and the people who aren't busy are making the problems.

Seriously people? >:/
Just please, at least don't say "I care!" then turn around and act the exact opposite.
Such is the life of a Celdurp! DD: lol

Post Merge

My headaches have been coming back. :c
Almost daily I have headaches so bad I can't even think straight! This happened before, but faded in time with proper treatment.
Oh well. :s

Midnight Breeze

Until you've caught an infection sleeping in a dirty sleeping bag out in a ghoul-infested swamp miles from the nearest doctor, realized too late that you have no antibiotics, attempted to walk back to Diamond City some 10 miles away running through hordes of ghouls and mirelurks all while your infection is spreading, popping all your stimpaks until you're severely dehydrated and have run out of water, only to drop dead from the infection on the gates of Diamond City...

...you have not played Fallout 4 on survival difficulty.


Ok, I'm pretty sure it's unrelated to my ears usually getting blocked (that's just wax), but I'm pretty dang sure my ear's infected. It hurts to turn my head, and keeps thumping like I have a second heart on my head. Just need to wait a little longer to see if I can get an appointment today.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


I'm groggy and dizzy and can't type well but I seriously need to give an update.

Good news: I'm alive. Yay.

Bad news: The worst possible news. Nothing happened. Why? BECAUSE I FREAKING HAVE CANCER. This isn't a joke. It's what my surgeon said.

Good news: It's apparently 'low grade' which is why a previous test I had didn't detect it.

Bad news: I need chemotherapy, another surgery, oh... and IT'S FREAKING CANCER.

So there you go.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Aug 22, 13:22:31
I'm groggy and dizzy and can't type well but I seriously need to give an update.

Good news: I'm alive. Yay.

Bad news: The worst possible news. Nothing happened. Why? BECAUSE I FREAKING HAVE CANCER. This isn't a joke. It's what my surgeon said.

Good news: It's apparently 'low grade' which is why a previous test I had didn't detect it.

Bad news: I need chemotherapy, another surgery, oh... and IT'S FREAKING CANCER.

So there you go.

It's very good that you caught it early, sha. Early stage cancer is often curable depending on what organ it's affecting.

Good luck.

Stardust Dragon

Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Aug 22, 13:22:31
I'm groggy and dizzy and can't type well but I seriously need to give an update.

Good news: I'm alive. Yay.

Bad news: The worst possible news. Nothing happened. Why? BECAUSE I FREAKING HAVE CANCER. This isn't a joke. It's what my surgeon said.

Good news: It's apparently 'low grade' which is why a previous test I had didn't detect it.

Bad news: I need chemotherapy, another surgery, oh... and IT'S FREAKING CANCER.

So there you go.

I hope for the best results possible; like Midnight Breeze said it's good that this was caught and there's time to act on it.  My thoughts are with you and your healing, if that means anything for you.

Getting slammed out of left field by a really depressive dip.  I don't know where this came from, but this evening I've just felt...switched off.  This isn't the first time it's happened, and it hasn't lasted very long in the past, but just having those moments where nothing seems to engage you is just terrible...

Nightshade Star

Anyone know the story of Carmen Winstead? Most people think it's creepy. But for some reason,


Isn't this annoying!?


Spoiler: Huge rant that shouldn't ever really have to be had concerning games. • show
I SERIOUSLY just had an argument over an hour long with my brother about one of the most OBVIOUS things in gaming:
If a game developer says that certain features are going to be in the game, and the game releases WITHOUT those features, then you're allowed/supposed to be mad about it (if they have not given a good reason for their abscence)!
My brother thinks that if it releases without promised content, "but it's in a state he's fine with", then no-one should have the right to complain about it. Yeah. In fact, there's a ton of things I could complain about my brother that I've had pent up for years.
His problem is that he's too content with games, and thinks that you should never complain about anything in them. I mean, this whole thing started from me finding out about all the cut content from No Man's Sky via Angry Joe's review of it. I told my bro about the faction system, the sand and water planets, the battling fleets (which we freaking SAW FOOTAGE OF), multiplayer, more robotic life, day/night cycles, etc., all that was promised from the game, and yet wasn't there. His response? "Oh well." and "This is why I don't want you watching those reviews."
Oh yeah, he said that last bit. He always sees himself as "the leader" and everyone should do what he says to make his own perfect little world. He was somehow offended by me finding out about all this awesome stuff that was supposed to be, and said I should have not watched the review and been "happily ignorant". THAT IS NOT THE ATTITUDE YOU SHOULD HAVE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS WANT THE TRUTH.
You also don't just say "oh well" to BASICALLY OVER HALF OF YOUR GAME NOT BEING THERE.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Nightshade Star

2016 Aug 25, 10:30:47 #18412 Last Edit: 2016 Aug 25, 10:33:32 by Nightshade Star
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 25, 09:40:11
Spoiler: Huge rant that shouldn't ever really have to be had concerning games. • show
I SERIOUSLY just had an argument over an hour long with my brother about one of the most OBVIOUS things in gaming:
If a game developer says that certain features are going to be in the game, and the game releases WITHOUT those features, then you're allowed/supposed to be mad about it (if they have not given a good reason for their abscence)!
My brother thinks that if it releases without promised content, "but it's in a state he's fine with", then no-one should have the right to complain about it. Yeah. In fact, there's a ton of things I could complain about my brother that I've had pent up for years.
His problem is that he's too content with games, and thinks that you should never complain about anything in them. I mean, this whole thing started from me finding out about all the cut content from No Man's Sky via Angry Joe's review of it. I told my bro about the faction system, the sand and water planets, the battling fleets (which we freaking SAW FOOTAGE OF), multiplayer, more robotic life, day/night cycles, etc., all that was promised from the game, and yet wasn't there. His response? "Oh well." and "This is why I don't want you watching those reviews."
Oh yeah, he said that last bit. He always sees himself as "the leader" and everyone should do what he says to make his own perfect little world. He was somehow offended by me finding out about all this awesome stuff that was supposed to be, and said I should have not watched the review and been "happily ignorant". THAT IS NOT THE ATTITUDE YOU SHOULD HAVE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS WANT THE TRUTH.
You also don't just say "oh well" to BASICALLY OVER HALF OF YOUR GAME NOT BEING THERE.

I really get this. On Unison League there's a new update.
What it says: "Bugs fixed."
What is actually there:
And people are just like, normal.

Midnight Breeze

2016 Aug 25, 16:09:49 #18413 Last Edit: 2016 Aug 25, 16:11:45 by Midnight Breeze
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 25, 09:40:11
Spoiler: Huge rant that shouldn't ever really have to be had concerning games. • show
I SERIOUSLY just had an argument over an hour long with my brother about one of the most OBVIOUS things in gaming:
If a game developer says that certain features are going to be in the game, and the game releases WITHOUT those features, then you're allowed/supposed to be mad about it (if they have not given a good reason for their abscence)!
My brother thinks that if it releases without promised content, "but it's in a state he's fine with", then no-one should have the right to complain about it. Yeah. In fact, there's a ton of things I could complain about my brother that I've had pent up for years.
His problem is that he's too content with games, and thinks that you should never complain about anything in them. I mean, this whole thing started from me finding out about all the cut content from No Man's Sky via Angry Joe's review of it. I told my bro about the faction system, the sand and water planets, the battling fleets (which we freaking SAW FOOTAGE OF), multiplayer, more robotic life, day/night cycles, etc., all that was promised from the game, and yet wasn't there. His response? "Oh well." and "This is why I don't want you watching those reviews."
Oh yeah, he said that last bit. He always sees himself as "the leader" and everyone should do what he says to make his own perfect little world. He was somehow offended by me finding out about all this awesome stuff that was supposed to be, and said I should have not watched the review and been "happily ignorant". THAT IS NOT THE ATTITUDE YOU SHOULD HAVE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS WANT THE TRUTH.
You also don't just say "oh well" to BASICALLY OVER HALF OF YOUR GAME NOT BEING THERE.

I get the serious impression that Sean Murray has a compulsive lying disorder. No logical human being would deliberately tell a bold-faced lie that they know good and well is going to get exposed as soon as people see the final product.

I'm honestly surprised Hello Games hasn't been sued into oblivion for false advertising.

Chishio Kunrin

2016 Aug 25, 16:52:17 #18414 Last Edit: 2016 Aug 25, 18:55:30 by Chishio Kunrin
Firefox updated and is still having issues with Youtube videos, and I'm too lazy to transfer everything I have on Firefox over to Chrome, so I guess I'm stuck copying and pasting Youtube URLs into a Chrome browser until Youtube stops being buggy for Firefox. :l

For as long as I've been old enough to keep an eye on little kids, I've been roped into doing so, no matter how little I want to. WHY?!!! Why always me?! Why do I have to watch kids so much?! I think I've only ever been paid for it once!

I have to go babysit 3 little boys at my parents' friends' house this Saturday while their family is 2 hours away at, either, Six Flags or a water park.

How did I end up having to do this? Their grandma asked my mom to ask me, and I can't bring myself to say no to my mom no matter how much I really don't want to do this!!
*Sigh* Curse being raised well. >:/

At least it's better than having to watch them here, where they don't have their video games and toys to play with and the youngest would get into everything. Seriously, last time they were here, we all had to keep repeatedly getting onto the youngest kid for getting into everything and messing with stuff.

He tried to microwave a little cup of coffee creamer.
He messed with our DVD player surround sound system.
He turned on our stove. (!!!!!!! :I)
He found a medication spray that's years old for a cat we don't even have anymore, got it on his hands, and then came to me and his aunt saying it made his hands hurt.
Yeah. I have to watch him, plus his two (slightly) older brothers at their grandma's house. But like I said, at least they have their video games and toys there, and that house is more equipped for little kids than mine is.

Post Merge

I was in the car, listening to the radio, and a pair of radio hosts talked about some news that's floating around my city. Of course, since they're radio hosts, they wanted to make things humorous, so they started the announcement out with a joke.

"I read something in the newspaper about-"
"What's a newspaper?"
"Oh, right, I forgot I'm talking to a millennial."
Me in the car: [Eye-rolling intensifies]
*Sigh* :\ Sorry if I don't find jokes like that to be entertaining.

Millennials know what newspapers, landlines, phone books, VCRs, CD players, etc are. We remember when people called to order pizza instead of ordering it online. We know how to have a conversation without our cell phones. We remember what books are and know how to use them. We know what a map is.

It's not like newspapers went out of use in the 80s. They're still in use! We still know what they are!

I'm just getting kind of tired of older people acting like millennials are stupid and don't know or understand anything and like we actually have our phones in our hands every literal second we're awake. No more of these "Our food is so delicious, your kids will actually put their phones down to eat!" commercials!!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go rest on an enormous salt pile.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 25, 09:40:11
Spoiler: Huge rant that shouldn't ever really have to be had concerning games. • show
I SERIOUSLY just had an argument over an hour long with my brother about one of the most OBVIOUS things in gaming:
If a game developer says that certain features are going to be in the game, and the game releases WITHOUT those features, then you're allowed/supposed to be mad about it (if they have not given a good reason for their abscence)!
My brother thinks that if it releases without promised content, "but it's in a state he's fine with", then no-one should have the right to complain about it. Yeah. In fact, there's a ton of things I could complain about my brother that I've had pent up for years.
His problem is that he's too content with games, and thinks that you should never complain about anything in them. I mean, this whole thing started from me finding out about all the cut content from No Man's Sky via Angry Joe's review of it. I told my bro about the faction system, the sand and water planets, the battling fleets (which we freaking SAW FOOTAGE OF), multiplayer, more robotic life, day/night cycles, etc., all that was promised from the game, and yet wasn't there. His response? "Oh well." and "This is why I don't want you watching those reviews."
Oh yeah, he said that last bit. He always sees himself as "the leader" and everyone should do what he says to make his own perfect little world. He was somehow offended by me finding out about all this awesome stuff that was supposed to be, and said I should have not watched the review and been "happily ignorant". THAT IS NOT THE ATTITUDE YOU SHOULD HAVE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS WANT THE TRUTH.
You also don't just say "oh well" to BASICALLY OVER HALF OF YOUR GAME NOT BEING THERE.

The biggest problem is that games being released with only half of what was promised is now a standard cycle with games. It's not like this has gone since the beginning, games were always released with everything that was meant to be put in. If the developers wanted a little more flavor to the game later on, then maybe a few new maps and a new weapon or two. It's now pay full price now, pay full price later. No wonder people complain after every game release.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Howitzer on 2016 Aug 26, 13:42:30
The biggest problem is that games being released with only half of what was promised is now a standard cycle with games. It's not like this has gone since the beginning, games were always released with everything that was meant to be put in. If the developers wanted a little more flavor to the game later on, then maybe a few new maps and a new weapon or two. It's now pay full price now, pay full price later. No wonder people complain after every game release.

This is exactly why it kind of annoys me how people keep getting so angry and keep complaining about Square Enix moving back the release dates for Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 15!

You know what?! SE keeps showing us stuff from those two games, talking about what they're going to be like and what's going to be in them, and if they think that they can't finish putting what they want in there and deliver what they've been saying they're making for us, they change they release date to give themselves more time! I LOVE THAT!!!

I absolutely love that Square Enix does not set a hard release date, tell us what they want to put in the game, and then go "Oh, we ran out of time, so we're just not giving you what we said we were." They're one of the companies that actually doesn't do that. Hard release dates are stupid. These companies have no reason to go "The game will have this, this, this, and this" and then turn around, release a game that doesn't have any of that, and say "Oops, sorry, we had no choice." Before you decide to say you want to add that stuff, check to see if that's in the budget and if it's actually possible. If it is, then give yourself as much time as you need to do it. Maybe, to be on the safe side, wait to announce that content until you've actually gotten into implementing it and know it'll be in the game. How hard is that?

Square Enix wants to make KH3 and FF15 the best that they can. They want to make those games into what they want, what they aspire for them to be. Some of us may not end up fully enjoying what they put out, but at least it won't be because of them saying "Oh yeah, the game will be like this and have this stuff" and then turning around and going "We didn't have time, so it's not what we said it was, sorry."

I get it, we're eager for KH3 and FF15, we've been waiting for so long since they've mentioned development of KH3, blablablah.

But you know what? At least by waiting this long, they have the next gen for KH3, so they have more to work with and better tools, so they can make KH3 as big as they want. And they apparently want to make it big. More worlds, bigger worlds, worlds that aren't a collection of zones, worlds that are more XYZ instead of flat, etc and so forth.

You know how much work goes into level design when you're trying to make a big, engaging map that gives you the ability to travel upwards instead of just being stuck on a flat plane?! Imagine making several maps like that!

The first KH had 13 playable worlds, not including the Dive to Heart area.
KH2 had 15 playable worlds, though one of them was just a musical QTE world. And most of those worlds were very lacking in level design.
Birth by Sleep had, like... 10 playable worlds, though you visit each of them through 3 storylines.

Either way, I don't care that we have to wait longer for FF15 and, especially, KH3. I'm actually pretty excited for KH3 because I'm excited for the things they've been showing and telling us about because I know that they'll actually deliver that!!! When I heard all about how the worlds are going to be and saw video of it, I was like "YES! Finally! Some good level design again!" And it sounds like it might be great level design, but I'll withhold that judgment until the game comes out.


"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Spoiler: Another rant about No Man's Sky. Caps inbound. • show
I was angry enough that No Man's Sky was missing all of those features, but I just found something out that completely WIPES OUT any reason for me to play this game any more.
One of the main things I liked to do in this game was name stuff. Even if all the other things weren't in the game, I was going to give it a chance and see what things I could find and name. TOO BAD THAT IT'S COMPLETELY POINTLESS NOW.
People have found out that after a set amount of time, anything on a planet that you have named GETS WIPED. YEAH.
So all this talk of "cataloging everything you find in the universe and making it your own" is complete pony crud, and all the hours I spent naming everything were useless. THE ONLY NAMES THAT DON'T GET WIPED ARE PLANET AND SYSTEM NAMES.
At this point, I'd rather trust Queen Chrysalis with my life than Hello Games with anything. That's a freaking fact. No Man's Sky is getting traded in tomorrow.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

I got out of my lease with the military clause and I've moved back in with my mom and stepdad. You know, I really didn't think this would happen, but I'm actually homesick for DFW.

Making the rural flight 2 years ago was pretty overwhelming, I had terrible homesickness for a while, but it passed, after a few months I was fine. The city had become home to me and I had no desire to go back. I went months at a time without seeing my family and it never affect me emotionally. Over time I realized just how different I am from my family and I felt very out of place when I came home for holidays and such. My family feels almost like strangers to me now. I still do and always will have an emotional family bond to them, but at this point they feel almost like strangers or distant acquaintances to me now. I always knew I was a city kid deep down, but actually up and making the rural flight put it at a whole other level.

Then there's the issue of moving back in with my stepdad. I've been independent for 5 years, so moving back in with my parents is obviously gonna be a culture shock regardless, but his and my personalities clash big time. You know, if he would just treat me like an adult we'd get along alot better. He never talks to me like a human being, if he's talking to me then he's either patronizing me or making jokes and my expense. Just last night after my nephews and I finished moving it was 7PM and my mom innocently asked me "Son, have you eaten yet?" To which I replied "No, not yet." My stepdad immediately jumped at the opportunity to talk down to me and said "Son, you're gonna have to learn to fend for yourself around here. This isn't the Hilton, you're not gonna get meals cooked for you every night. Fix yourself a sandwich or something like an adult."

Oh right, because I obviously wouldn't know anything about fending for myself. I've only lived 300 miles away from my family for the past 2 god dang years. I don't know why he feels the need to talk down to me every chance he gets. Well, whatever, it's only 1 month and I'm shipping out, I think we'll both live.

Sweet Brew

Spoiler: If you don't like "No Man's Sky" don't read this. • show
I am so sick of people flipping out about "No Man's Sky".
People are raging so darn hard over a simple game, they say "It's $60! and he lied!" but most people make that money back in a day or two at work.(Not everyone does though, and I get that.)
I seriously doubt the guy tried to lie, chances are he couldn't get all the promised content in by the release date, he didn't try to leave it out, the fact that the release date got pushed back a few times just shows this.

Being disappointed in the game or sad that you spent the money and it turned out to not be what you wanted is okay.
But the way people are raging and swearing up a storm is inexcusable.
When the love of my life stabbed me in the back I didn't act even half this bad.
A kid losing the love of his life behaved better than an adult who didn't get the game he wanted? Seriously?

Gamers are just getting so many entitlement issues, they think of free DLC as "How it should be" and not a generous gift.
As I said, being dissapointed is okay! I would be too!
But getting all angry, raging, insulting the developers, accusing them of lying and false advertising because their best wasn't good enough is just over the top.

People need to learn to appreciate the work others put into things regardless of how much of a disappointment is was.

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