Season 6 Discussion Thread

Started by Crescent Sun, 2016 Feb 14, 20:21:51

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Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2016 Mar 25, 18:33:50
I've come to the conclusion that just want to have this discussion over and over.

Wars do not end until there is a winner.
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Quote from: Howitzer on 2016 Mar 25, 23:38:20
Wars do not end until there is a winner.

I don't know why but I read a winter :v


Quote from: Howitzer on 2016 Mar 25, 23:38:20
Wars do not end until there is a winner.

There are no winners, only survivors.

And the thread title is wrong, as it's due in March. (Corrected for my post.)
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: McClaw on 2016 Mar 26, 09:10:57
There are no winners, only survivors.

Nonsense. Empires that win great wars emerge more powerful than ever.


Spoiler: About the episode • show

Plot conveniences: The episode.
I found it funny regardless.
Starlight/Sunburst subplot was kind of nice, seems like Sunburst is good at learning but not at executing.
Starlight seems to be as unstable as I was expecting I hope they keep that.
Spike a good supporting character as always.

Twilight remembering a spell after reading it once, now that's a good memory not like me who forgets stuff pretty easily :v
Tired Shining Armor was definitly the best parts of the episode for me :v
That's all.

Spoiler: About Starlight's role • show

As Jim said her role is pretty clear.
She appears in the intro and she is living with Twilight as her new pupil.
She is main character but I wouldn't call it a mane7 as I would with the humane7
So far she seems to be as important as Spike.

Spoiler: Something in the background at the end • show

Is it a changeling holding something? Maybe a baby?


Just posting to change the title of the thread, so someone doesn't go off making another one.

While I'm here, friendly reminder to anyone posting about any new-airing episodes, as per our rules please keep any discussions regarding new content in spoiler tags until the Monday after the episode aired.

Thanks and happy ponying!


I'm going back to working weekends and I'm going to have too many DVR recordings to watch on Sundays. So I decided to get myself to get used to doing it on Saturdays instead.

What am I talking about? I watched the premier today of course. Instead of on Sundays like I normally do. This is for the best since I'll be working weekends again after this weekend and I'd might as well get used to it.

How I feel about this should be quite obvious. However, either way, for obvious reasons I will put in spoilers. With a simple warning:

Read at your own risk. Because this shouldn't surprise anyone. In fact, most probably won't like this. So either read it and then ignore it and don't respond to it, or don't read it at all.

Spoiler: show
Oh look. It's NOT REEDEMED character. NOPE. GO AWAY NOW.

She's not going away... this is going to be a LONG episode...  :l

I'm waiting for content I don't have to ignore...


Don't teach her anything. She doesn't deserve it.  :\

Still waiting for content... Part of me begins to hope she FAILS.

Crystal Empire. The baby alicorn that I decided to overlook because it was took cute to hate. Yep. Still feel that way. Her magic is... scary...  :I

Plus she can fly. As a baby. I now feel sorry for Scootaloo.  :')


God... I was FORCING myself through this. I'm not even kidding here. I hate FORCING myself to do ANYTHING.

Sunburst is an interesting character. However her excuse for everything she did is still ridiculous. I don't care if she regrets what she did. Go die in a hole as punishment. No I'm not joking. She needs to go in a hole and die in it.  :l

The baby causes the problem. Awkward but somehow not surprising.  :s

So... am I supposed to forgive NOT REDEEMED character just because she helped to restore the Crystal Heart? lolnope. Not even close.  :P

Not surprisingly NOT REDEEMED character and her friend are the key to resolving the issue. Which... I suppose isn't surprising.


Sorry. I really am. But...


Too much emphasis on trying to get people to forgive NOT REDEEMED character, which for me, will NEVER happen.

This... isn't the start I wanted. It's not looking good for my future in the fandom.

There were a couple of funny moments and I liked the Flurry Heart antics. That's about all I can say about it.

With that... I wait for episode 3 and hope it's MUCH better.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Stardust Dragon

Spoiler: show
Overall I liked the opener, but I'm still hesitant on Starlight, and I can't quite tell why.  I feel like it's partially because I have lingering thoughts on Sunset Shimmer, who I've been able to grow to like for far longer than Starlight at this point.  I think I feel upset that she's not getting the "Twilight's pupil" role when I feel like she's already earned it.  And no, I won't take "but that was the EQG movie verse" argument, because those movies are trying to tie themselves into the series proper.  Sunset was a valid candidate in my book.

That said, nothing Starlight Glimmer did in this episode worsened my opinion of her.  I didn't see anything to make me think she was falling back to old habits, just a fairly natural hesitation to rekindle old friendships that I know a little too well, and using whatever excuses she could to avoid it.  I do hope that she can redeem herself in my eyes...but for the time being, I feel like she needs to be a side plot at best.  Rather not see her every episode just hanging out all chill after she royally mucked with all life in Equestria for what's really and truly a petty reason.

And final note, how they wrote up Flurry Heart's name into the story: I swear there's times I feel like I'm somewhat psychic or something, because I wrote out my OC Winter Whisper getting her name in a similar way, at least several months to a year ago, and have never posted that description anywhere.  :I


Guessing this is turning into the season 6 discussion thread?

Spoiler: In regards to Equestria Girls • show
I've actually heard the opposite that they're trying do distance EQG from the main show. If that really is the case then Starlight does seem to be the pony world response to Sunset character role-wise. And on that note, I honestly, really don't see Sunset returning to Equestria in the actual show itself anymore. She might do it some time in one of the movies, but I seriously doubt she will in the show.

To be honest it's going to be very hard to keep EQG consistent with the main show chronologically anyway if the show keeps moving along like it has. Roughly six months were skipped between seasons 5 and 6 which leaves very little time left in whatever part of the school year the EQG world currently is in. If EQG keeps tying itself into the season finales like it has in the previous movies, and if the girls are in their senior year of high school, then that means there is very little time left before they would have to graduate to keep things consistent between worlds.

If the main show skips ahead another year and the girls from EQG are still in high school after that then there is no viable way I could consider it canon to the main show anymore.

Spoiler: On to the fun stuff I learned from the season 6 opener • show

The Crystal Empire is a self-sustaining city completely surrounded by snowy wasteland (figured it was just a cold region/winter season in previous appearances)

The Everfree Forest is no longer the only region of the world where the weather does what it wants, but in the Frozen North the weather is so strong it can even overwhelm two powerful Alicorns. This leads me to believe that the nation of Equestria is the only place in the world where the weather is controlled unless other nations have ways of controlling it.

Princess Celestia and princess Luna, the two longest-lived Alicorns we know about, have never heard of a pony actually being born an Alicorn in all their time ruling over Equestria, and that such a thing is beyond even their understanding. If you think about that for a moment that means it is extremely likely that they too were born as regular ponies and ascended like Cadence and Twilight.

That last one's a bit of a doozy and really makes me hope that the writers actually delve into Alicorn backstory lore this season.

I didn't mind too much how Starlight was portrayed in the episode. Since we skipped from "we're having a baby" to "we're parents" between seasons then a good six or more months have been skipped over between seasons. This has given the mane 6 a lot of time to get to know Starlight behind the scenes which would probably explain why they were so relaxed around her.

What I'm looking for in Starlight now is some good insight into "how she has changed for the better in those six months" to make her quick redemption a bit easier to accept.


Quote from: Dawnstar on 2016 Mar 27, 09:41:41
Guessing this is turning into the season 6 discussion thread?

Quote from: Princess Darcy on 2016 Mar 26, 15:04:46
Just posting to change the title of the thread, so someone doesn't go off making another one.

I don't know why the title changed back.

Spoiler: About EqG • show

Just like with the comics they try to not make direct references in the show, the closer you are gonna find is Flash cameo (EqG) and Babs cutiemark ("Foreshadowed" in the Comics)

Spoiler: About the Alicorn role • show

Celestia says "The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!"
There is an official book that says they both come from an alicorn land and not Equestria.
But then again the writers can not use that, be just inconsistent or let this the last reference we are gonna get of the alicorn lore, I guess we can just wait and see.


Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2016 Mar 27, 10:12:01
Yes I don't know why the title changed back.

Forum mechanics. If you reply ("quote") a post, it uses that post's subject for yours (making sure "Re:" is in front). But just using "reply" at the bottom doesn't; it either uses the subject of the first post or the most recent post or maybe a name registered for the thread. (It depends on the way the forum software is written.)

You can edit your post's subject to whatever you want.
Watch for "Census Taker" (pegasus), "Chuck Wagon" (earth pony), and "Bug Hunter" (unicorn).


Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2016 Mar 27, 10:12:01
Spoiler: About EqG • show

Just like with the comics they try to not make direct references in the show, the closer you are gonna find is Flash cameo (EqG) and Babs cutiemark ("Foreshadowed" in the Comics)

Spoiler: About the Alicorn role • show

Celestia says "The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!"
There is an official book that says they both come from an alicorn land and not Equestria.
But then again the writers can not use that, be just inconsistent or let this the last reference we are gonna get of the alicorn lore, I guess we can just wait and see.

Spoiler: show
I do have that book and actually the Alicorn land they came from was the city of Canterlot itself. However, show canon does trump other canon if there is a conflict of continuity.

Also, there is Luna's statement that "It is beyond even our understanding." Celestia's comment is vague enough to wave off, but Luna's implies they have no experience with an Alicorn birth at all.


2016 Mar 27, 11:14:12 #32 Last Edit: 2016 Mar 27, 11:25:16 by wingedpineapple
Quote from: McClaw on 2016 Mar 27, 10:49:02
Forum mechanics. If you reply ("quote") a post, it uses that post's subject for yours (making sure "Re:" is in front). But just using "reply" at the bottom doesn't; it either uses the subject of the first post or the most recent post or maybe a name registered for the thread. (It depends on the way the forum software is written.)

You can edit your post's subject to whatever you want.

Ok then.

Quote from: Dawnstar on 2016 Mar 27, 11:06:31
Spoiler: show
I do have that book and actually the Alicorn land they came from was the city of Canterlot itself. However, show canon does trump other canon if there is a conflict of continuity.

Also, there is Luna's statement that "It is beyond even our understanding." Celestia's comment is vague enough to wave off, but Luna's implies they have no experience with an Alicorn birth at all.

Spoiler: show
Then the writers probably just wanted to avoid the subject for waving it off, either because they are planning something for later/the movie, they don't know what to do with the lore yet or they want to keep it a mystery.

Also, from Amy Keating Rogers


Spoiler: show
I am hoping they elaborate on Alicorn lore this season, but I will admit they have been dancing around making anything canon for a while now.

The way Luna's comment was worded though is what has me thinking of possible implications.

That tweet seems to be related to the book though so if they do decide to change the canon in the show then that's their choice. Though it would be sad to see one of the few sources of Alicorn lore become invalidated like that unless they actually do expand upon it in the show finally.


considering the season started yesterday  I'm surprised  that someone  has mentioned that


Quote from: McClaw on 2016 Mar 27, 10:49:02
Forum mechanics. If you reply ("quote") a post, it uses that post's subject for yours (making sure "Re:" is in front). But just using "reply" at the bottom doesn't; it either uses the subject of the first post or the most recent post or maybe a name registered for the thread. (It depends on the way the forum software is written.)

You can edit your post's subject to whatever you want.

I also changed the OP title....let's see how many time stuff needs to be edited before it finally stays Re: Season 6 Discussion Thread


Quote from: Princess Darcy on 2016 Mar 27, 15:14:34
I also changed the OP title....let's see how many time stuff needs to be edited before it finally stays Re: Season 6 Discussion Thread
You got it, Darcy. :)
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2016 Mar 27, 11:14:12
Spoiler: show
Then the writers probably just wanted to avoid the subject for waving it off, either because they are planning something for later/the movie, they don't know what to do with the lore yet or they want to keep it a mystery.

Spoiler: show

Sounds like a classic case of writers retconning random lore when they've run out of ideas.

Icy Shield

Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Mar 26, 18:37:05
I'm going back to working weekends and I'm going to have too many DVR recordings to watch on Sundays. So I decided to get myself to get used to doing it on Saturdays instead.

What am I talking about? I watched the premier today of course. Instead of on Sundays like I normally do. This is for the best since I'll be working weekends again after this weekend and I'd might as well get used to it.

How I feel about this should be quite obvious. However, either way, for obvious reasons I will put in spoilers. With a simple warning:

Read at your own risk. Because this shouldn't surprise anyone. In fact, most probably won't like this. So either read it and then ignore it and don't respond to it, or don't read it at all.

Spoiler: show
Oh look. It's NOT REEDEMED character. NOPE. GO AWAY NOW.

She's not going away... this is going to be a LONG episode...  :l

I'm waiting for content I don't have to ignore...


Don't teach her anything. She doesn't deserve it.  :\

Still waiting for content... Part of me begins to hope she FAILS.

Crystal Empire. The baby alicorn that I decided to overlook because it was took cute to hate. Yep. Still feel that way. Her magic is... scary...  :I

Plus she can fly. As a baby. I now feel sorry for Scootaloo.  :')


God... I was FORCING myself through this. I'm not even kidding here. I hate FORCING myself to do ANYTHING.

Sunburst is an interesting character. However her excuse for everything she did is still ridiculous. I don't care if she regrets what she did. Go die in a hole as punishment. No I'm not joking. She needs to go in a hole and die in it.  :l

The baby causes the problem. Awkward but somehow not surprising.  :s

So... am I supposed to forgive NOT REDEEMED character just because she helped to restore the Crystal Heart? lolnope. Not even close.  :P

Not surprisingly NOT REDEEMED character and her friend are the key to resolving the issue. Which... I suppose isn't surprising.


Sorry. I really am. But...


Too much emphasis on trying to get people to forgive NOT REDEEMED character, which for me, will NEVER happen.

This... isn't the start I wanted. It's not looking good for my future in the fandom.

There were a couple of funny moments and I liked the Flurry Heart antics. That's about all I can say about it.

With that... I wait for episode 3 and hope it's MUCH better.


Spoiler: show
 yeah, that is 1 of 3 reasons why this start of S6 I really hate and considering Starlight Glimmer gonna be 7th main character?Oh, god NO....

The other 2 reasons would be: Flurry Heart beaing an alicorns. I have nothing against her, but she complete destroyed headcanon that only natural alicorns are immortal. I thought Celestia and Luna were special, I thought they were naturally born alicorns! Even Luna said was suprised and said they they never seen this happening before... I'm literally destroyed inside... And speaking of royal sisters. Celestia and Luna dissapointed me. Even together they could barealy hold and failed in the end to hold snow storm. Are they really that weak? How did Twilight even beat Tirek in S4 if even combine power of 2 alicorns is not enough to stop blizzard?

Let it snow!


Quote from: Icy Shield on 2016 Apr 01, 08:40:40
Spoiler: show

The other 2 reasons would be: Flurry Heart beaing an alicorns. I have nothing against her, but she complete destroyed headcanon that only natural alicorns are immortal. I thought Celestia and Luna were special, I thought they were naturally born alicorns! Even Luna said was suprised and said they they never seen this happening before... I'm literally destroyed inside... And speaking of royal sisters. Celestia and Luna dissapointed me. Even together they could barealy hold and failed in the end to hold snow storm. Are they really that weak? How did Twilight even beat Tirek in S4 if even combine power of 2 alicorns is not enough to stop blizzard?

Spoiler: show

M8, they were defeated by a love bug, a slime and a PLANT, plot convenience is a thing but I'm surprised it took you too long to realize they are used as "Hey, look this powerful ponies, they were defeated by this thing now you know that it's a serious thing!".
Unfortunately, this premiere had more plot conveniences than usual.

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