Park RP (Open)

Started by Gamepad, 2015 Jul 11, 23:32:57

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"Well, we could go play something..." HowTea looked around and found a great spot on the grass.

"Anypony got a ball or something? I brought a blanket, those who dislikes moving can use it, if they want." HowTea said looking at Gamepaw.

For Chat-O-Landia!


'I'd be fine with laying down and watching such. I may try to play something else on the cello in a bit.' Sonata writes.


"Sounds good for me." HowTea says, "Uhh, I think I left the blanket under that tree."

"Okay, I'll get the blanket. Lets meet there." HowTea pointed at the free spot on the grass.

"Wanna come with me?" HowTea asked the blue mare.

For Chat-O-Landia!


'Sure.' She writes.


Game, intent on not walking or waddling as his case is, decided to lay down and wait for the ponies to get the things together.


HowTea went with the blue mare back to the tree, where he was lying.

"Don't want this to sound rude, but, umm, why you don't talk?" HowTea said, still blushing.

For Chat-O-Landia!


Sonata frowns and silently sighs. 'I thought it was rather obvious, but I'm a mute, been that way since birth.' She writes. 'That's why actions that usually emit noise don't emit noise, and why I "don't talk". I just can't do so.' She continues.


HowTeas ears settles themselves down as he looks down.

"Sorry for bringing it up." he says quietly.

They both were approaching the tree. Packed blanket could be seen under it.

For Chat-O-Landia!


Sonata notices how she made the mood. 'Hey, it's alright, okay? You didn't know, it's fine.' She writes, hugging him.


HowTea hugs the blue mare back.

"Okay." he smiles.

HowTea takes the packed blanket and scans for a good tree near the spot he has shown the others. He saw a shadow of a tree right next to it.

HowTea remembered the case.

"Could you please unpack this somewhere near that spot? There's a good shadow there," HowTea points at it, "or you can unpack it wherever you think there's a good spot."

"I'm gonna bring your case before somepony falls on it." HowTea said, waiting for response.

For Chat-O-Landia!


Game noticing the the blanket being placed slowly waddled his way over to it, motioning for Doro and Marble to follow him too.


'Any requests for music? Also, thank you.' She writes.


"You can play whatever you want. That instrument sounds amazing in your hooves." HowTea said before he turned around and went for the case.

He took the case and caught up to Gamepaw

"Your pony friend doesn't talk much, huh? I didn't know you have a wolf friend. Hay, I didn't even know there were more wolves in this town!" he said.

For Chat-O-Landia!


Sonata smiles and blushes a tad as he turns to go to the wolf, and despite her sore muscles she manages to get the cello and everything out, and thinks of a piece to do. She finally decides on a piece that inspired her to take up the instrument((Look up Evening Star-Octavia)), and starts playing, lost within her own wave of music.


HowTea lies on the blanket, closes his eyes as he lives with the music.

For Chat-O-Landia!


2015 Jul 16, 21:11:55 #115 Last Edit: 2015 Jul 16, 21:15:34 by MMTfan1
Blue Cloud just sits there, watching the ponies move to their new spot.  They didn't even acknowledge him when he asked to join them, nor did they invite him to go to their new spot.  'Did I do something wrong?' he thought to himself.  He just let out a dissappointed sigh, laid down on the grass and curled up. 


Game, taking notice of the forgotten pony slowly pulled himself up and waddled over the the pony, nuzzling into their side as he attempted to curl, being blocked by his pudginess.


Blue wraps his hooves around Game, cuddling him as he laid on the grass.   He gives him a warm smile and pets him a little bit. 


Game purred lightly from the hug and petting, relaxing and wagging. Nuzzling even more into the pony, he found himself suddenly hungry and wanting food, more so than normal.

Aeterna Sol

"Huh? That's odd..."
A mare, with a great deal of her color being white and yellow, had entered through the park gates. "I though this was some sort of training center... Oh well, works for me. May as well see what other ponies are doing." She then noticed some music. She liked it, but decided to keep moving as to avoid attracting attention from her heavy-looking punching bag. She found a good tree to take a quick nap under, placed her stuff beside it, and dossed off.

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