Isn't this the saddest fan art of Sweetie Belle ever?!

Started by Bro1997, 2014 Aug 14, 22:31:26

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Chishio Kunrin

2014 Aug 19, 04:50:58 #20 Last Edit: 2014 Aug 19, 04:53:34 by Chishio Kunrin
Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 18, 21:23:48
Spoiler: show
The show sometimes doesn't make any sense at all. They put elements we use to describe equines and show inventions we made for equines like Bridles and Saddles. Twilight sure only knows things in a equine perspective. You really think that ponies in Equestria really use that phase and can tell a pony's age by their teeth and how mature they are? Imagine what Celestia and Luna's look like. They've been around a thousand years! By the way, what scenes from the show actually show the ponies wearing Bridles and not the mannequins? I've seen maybe one scene from a episode of a pony wearing a saddle, but not a Bridle. Maybe they'll show it in Season 5? I hope not. These things didn't even exist in MLP cartoons until FIM! G3 did something right for once, excluding "Rainbow Dash always dresses in style". G3 Rainbow Dash was G4 Rarity and even said words like "Darling". You can tell how much Rarity and Rainbow Dash have changed. G3 Rarity was just a filly.

I imagine that saddles and bridles don't have the same origin and meaning in their world as they do in ours.
Though, I like to imagine that Twilight wearing a saddle when Spike rides on her back would make it more comfortable for both her and Spike. lol As I said before, riding a horse bareback can hurt, and someone else pointed out that a saddle makes it more comfortable for the horse too, not just the rider.

Also, no, I don't think that the ponies in Equestria tell each other's age by their teeth and whatnot. But Twilight Sparkle did use that phrase. When I said "What is its etymology in your world, I wonder?" I was basically saying "I wonder what that phrase's origin is in their world because surely they never bought each other and priced each other according to age."

By the way, Celestia and Luna's teeth wouldn't be huge.
Yes, a horse's teeth keep growing, but they also keep getting ground down. You tell a horse's age by what the tops of their teeth look like, not by the size of their teeth. It's almost like when you cut down a tree and can count the rings on the stump to tell how old it was.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Aug 19, 04:50:58
Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 18, 21:23:48
Spoiler: show
The show sometimes doesn't make any sense at all. They put elements we use to describe equines and show inventions we made for equines like Bridles and Saddles. Twilight sure only knows things in a equine perspective. You really think that ponies in Equestria really use that phase and can tell a pony's age by their teeth and how mature they are? Imagine what Celestia and Luna's look like. They've been around a thousand years! By the way, what scenes from the show actually show the ponies wearing Bridles and not the mannequins? I've seen maybe one scene from a episode of a pony wearing a saddle, but not a Bridle. Maybe they'll show it in Season 5? I hope not. These things didn't even exist in MLP cartoons until FIM! G3 did something right for once, excluding "Rainbow Dash always dresses in style". G3 Rainbow Dash was G4 Rarity and even said words like "Darling". You can tell how much Rarity and Rainbow Dash have changed. G3 Rarity was just a filly.

I imagine that saddles and bridles don't have the same origin and meaning in their world as they do in ours.
Though, I like to imagine that Twilight wearing a saddle when Spike rides on her back would make it more comfortable for both her and Spike. lol As I said before, riding a horse bareback can hurt, and someone else pointed out that a saddle makes it more comfortable for the horse too, not just the rider.

Also, no, I don't think that the ponies in Equestria tell each other's age by their teeth and whatnot. But Twilight Sparkle did use that phrase. When I said "What is its etymology in your world, I wonder?" I was basically saying "I wonder what that phrase's origin is in their world because surely they never bought each other and priced each other according to age."

By the way, Celestia and Luna's teeth wouldn't be huge.
Yes, a horse's teeth keep growing, but they also keep getting ground down. You tell a horse's age by what the tops of their teeth look like, not by the size of their teeth. It's almost like when you cut down a tree and can count the rings on the stump to tell how old it was.

I saw scenes in which Spike was actually riding Twilight bareback. She doesn't seem to mind somehow. I'm not exactly sure where the origins for bridles and saddles are in their world. I'd like to imagine that they probably originated the same way odd fashions did. Like high heels or corsets. I didn't think that you could tell a pony's age from it's teeth in Equestria. Because Equestrian ponies are different from our ponies. I've also seen real life ponies wearing bridles even when not being ridden. I just don't get the lifestyle for ponies in Equestria. It also doesn't make any sense why Rarity would have mannequins of ponies wearing this odd style of clothing that I don't see ponies out in Ponyville wearing. I mean, what's the point of wearing clothes if your a pony. Most ponies in the show only wear clothes because when something special that deals with royalty comes around, I'm certain Celestia appreciates those who wear fancy clothing. It just doesn't make any sense. I mean, is Celestia going to sentence you to execution because your not wearing clothing? If your not clothed most of the time, don't you think that wearing clothing would be uncomfortable. I wouldn't bother with clothing if I lived in Equestria. At least the ponies in Equestria don't eat meat (I've heard about carrot dogs in Manehatten and saw a Hay Burger restaurant) because obviously since they are herbivores in real life, the ponies in both worlds would probably die since meat is toxic to a equine's digestive system. And that's no exception to anypony, even Alicorns would die.


Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 20, 10:41:44
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Aug 19, 04:50:58
Quote from: Bro1997 on 2014 Aug 18, 21:23:48
Spoiler: show
The show sometimes doesn't make any sense at all. They put elements we use to describe equines and show inventions we made for equines like Bridles and Saddles. Twilight sure only knows things in a equine perspective. You really think that ponies in Equestria really use that phase and can tell a pony's age by their teeth and how mature they are? Imagine what Celestia and Luna's look like. They've been around a thousand years! By the way, what scenes from the show actually show the ponies wearing Bridles and not the mannequins? I've seen maybe one scene from a episode of a pony wearing a saddle, but not a Bridle. Maybe they'll show it in Season 5? I hope not. These things didn't even exist in MLP cartoons until FIM! G3 did something right for once, excluding "Rainbow Dash always dresses in style". G3 Rainbow Dash was G4 Rarity and even said words like "Darling". You can tell how much Rarity and Rainbow Dash have changed. G3 Rarity was just a filly.

I imagine that saddles and bridles don't have the same origin and meaning in their world as they do in ours.
Though, I like to imagine that Twilight wearing a saddle when Spike rides on her back would make it more comfortable for both her and Spike. lol As I said before, riding a horse bareback can hurt, and someone else pointed out that a saddle makes it more comfortable for the horse too, not just the rider.

Also, no, I don't think that the ponies in Equestria tell each other's age by their teeth and whatnot. But Twilight Sparkle did use that phrase. When I said "What is its etymology in your world, I wonder?" I was basically saying "I wonder what that phrase's origin is in their world because surely they never bought each other and priced each other according to age."

By the way, Celestia and Luna's teeth wouldn't be huge.
Yes, a horse's teeth keep growing, but they also keep getting ground down. You tell a horse's age by what the tops of their teeth look like, not by the size of their teeth. It's almost like when you cut down a tree and can count the rings on the stump to tell how old it was.

I saw scenes in which Spike was actually riding Twilight bareback. She doesn't seem to mind somehow. I'm not exactly sure where the origins for bridles and saddles are in their world. I'd like to imagine that they probably originated the same way odd fashions did. Like high heels or corsets. I didn't think that you could tell a pony's age from it's teeth in Equestria. Because Equestrian ponies are different from our ponies. I've also seen real life ponies wearing bridles even when not being ridden. I just don't get the lifestyle for ponies in Equestria. It also doesn't make any sense why Rarity would have mannequins of ponies wearing this odd style of clothing that I don't see ponies out in Ponyville wearing. I mean, what's the point of wearing clothes if your a pony. Most ponies in the show only wear clothes because when something special that deals with royalty comes around, I'm certain Celestia appreciates those who wear fancy clothing. It just doesn't make any sense. I mean, is Celestia going to sentence you to execution because your not wearing clothing? If your not clothed most of the time, don't you think that wearing clothing would be uncomfortable. I wouldn't bother with clothing if I lived in Equestria. At least the ponies in Equestria don't eat meat (I've heard about carrot dogs in Manehatten and saw a Hay Burger restaurant) because obviously since they are herbivores in real life, the ponies in both worlds would probably die since meat is toxic to a equine's digestive system. And that's no exception to anypony, even Alicorns would die.

Spike is also rather lightweight (or at least seems to be), so it's not like he'd hurt at all.
"Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works."<br />--Virginia Woolf


Trying to explain a single article of fashion with logic is just showing you don't get the whole point of the thing. Fashion doesn't operate on logic and utility, it throws those out the window and blows raspberries at it!

Which doesn't mean the phenomenon as a whole is unexplainable. Clothing, accessories, hairstyles, cosmetics, etc can be used as:
- A statement of some sort. Think punk rock if your old, emo if your less old.
- An expression of your character. Even just colors express character. Desaturated blue is calm, saturated primary colors lively, etc.
- Identification as part a group. From MLP shirts to a cross necklace.
- Identification of a function. Uniforms aren't always purely functional. Police uniforms are made to look authoritative, waitress uniforms to look approachable and uh, other things.
- Convention, think business suit. Or neckties, the ultimate example that fashion doesn't have to pretty, comfortable or functional. I dislike ties...
- A source of confidence. Stylish, expensive and high-quality clothing accessories and paraphernalia (I like that word) boost confidence, presuming you are comfortable with wearing them. You can deny it all you like but its baked into everyone programming, like it or not. If you don't need it to be confident then all the more power to you, but confidence doesn't come easily for the vast majority of people.
- Social advantage. Being scruffy will get you looked down upon in 'higher' circles everywhere in the world, Canterlot having so many more clothed ponies makes sense.
- Simply because its pretty.
- Stuff the forum rules don't approve of. You can proly guess.

To sum stuff up, fashion isn't logical. Its social. Product of the monkey-part of out brain, and theres nothing wrong with that.

... Do I tend to over-explain things? Nah! There is no such thing! Only under-reading things!
Slate Grey, my OC! Awesome profile picture by Bakasan94

Chishio Kunrin

Yeah, there are a lot of ponies in Canterlot that wear clothes.
Maybe there's another town or city somewhere where bridles are a popular fashion, and Rarity exports them to that town. After all, she makes clothes for ponies in Canterlot.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

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