So uh... Horse Racer Kart is back from the dead

Started by Itty Bit, 2014 Feb 20, 18:01:20

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Itty Bit

Not sure if this goes in video games or MLP thread...
Anyway, anybody remember Pony Kart? That one Kart racing fangame that had lots of potential, but has kinda fallen off the map? Apparently the game is being broguht back from the dead in an attempt to revive it... I think this is pretty cool, since I'm a big Kart Racer fan, so if they could actually get this up and running, and somehow avoid a C&D from Hasbro, it could become something pretty neat.
So uh, what do guys think you think?


I've remembered mixed reactions while the game was in the green.

Hmm...From when I had my hooves on that it was alright and all.  It's been so long I don't even remember what I thought of it at the time.  :]


What with a lot of Brony games being shut down, such as MLP Online, Fighting is Magic (nearly, but not quite), and multiple others disappearing, one coming back is a nice change.


Who is bringing it back from the dead? The same team? I didn't see any news on the site for it.
Link for source of the news?

Aside from LoE, that was the other pony game I was looking most forward too, so I was sad when it died.

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