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Messages - FlutterButterflyMLP

(Whoops, sorry, kept quoting myself, so I had to redo this)

Okay, so the first couple of times the server listing shows up.
Then it tells me my username and password are incorrect.
Then the server listing thing shows up again.
What's going on?
Yay! I have it downloaded now! I'll be in Cloudopolis as Cherry Sweet!  :D

EDIT: I keep getting something that says:

Server Listing

Cutiemarks .. Done
Items .. Done
Abilities .. Done
Skills ... Error!
Recipes .. Done
Item Atlas .. Done

Do I have the wrong LoE or something?
All aboard the hype train! I'm so excited!  :3
The OSW was great fun! I was glad to hang out with friends and spend time with others, having fun  ^-^
Due to my cousins visiting and me having to visit a beach house, I missed most of the closing party. But I did manage to make the last fifteen minutes or so.
I had so much fun! :D Can't wait for the servers to be open again!
Awesome trailer!  :3 So excited for the game to be released, and I'm also excited for the next Open Server Weekend!
Also excited to see everything you've done with the game! You guys are already doing great.
Servers open in less than 10 minutes! So excited!  :3
I'm a blue pegasus named Cherry Sweet, server Griffonia, in Cloudopolis!
Hope to see you all there!
Can't wait for the servers to open up! :D I'm so hyped!
Can't wait to meet everybody! And see the changes!  :3
Downloaded! Now to wait until tomorrow.  :3
I can picture all the fun we're going to have!
Hope to see you all there!
Awesome! I can't wait to make new friends on LoE! :3
So excited! :D
Super duper excited! OSW is in two days!
See you all there! (Update: I'll be Cherry Sweet, Sweet Skittle, or Black Starlight. I'll also be recording that event.)
I can't wait to do all the fun things!
But after the OSW ends I'll be crying for ages.
It's not over yet, and I'm really excited to meet you all! :3
(I kinda replied too much, I know)
So, is everyone hyped?  *-*
I'm excited to get the game again!
So there are voice actors now? what??

Mod edit: Please don't use too many emotes in a single post.
Awesome! I'm so sorry I wasn't there..I lost the game when we got our new computer, now I need to wait until the next OSW  :'(
I promise I'll be there when the servers open! You'll probably see me around (I'll most likely be playing as my newest character Chocolate Crunch, a Pegasus pony)
See you around! :)