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Messages - O. Vannen

1. Forum Name: O. Vannen

2. Email Address: [email protected]

3. Age: 21

4. Discord Username: O. Vannen #4670 (same as on the LoE server)

5. Skype Username: o.vannen

6. Current Timezone you live in: PST

7. Hours of Availability: ~17:00(and some days earlier)-late night almost every day, I am the most free on weekends, and I can be messaged at practically any time

8. Are you a current member of the LoE team?: Yes

9. If yes, what department?: Writing


12. Do you have any moderation experience?: No

13. If yes, please list: N/A

14. What would make you a good moderator?:  I will follow and uphold all given rules. In every situation I will uphold a professional and unbiased demeanor. I will thoroughly dissect each possible infraction and dole out the appropriate consequence(s) and advise those involved what should be done if it were to happen again. If necessary, I will communicate with my fellow team members to discuss the best course of action and if the situation is beginning to get out hand, I will ask for help.

15. Why do you want to join the moderation team?: I'd love to be able to dedicate more to the LoE team and help create and sustain a safe environment for all ages. I am also incredibly interested in the nature of this position.

16. What areas do you believe you could better yourself in?: I believe I could always use more experience to better my communication and social awareness.

17. If you could change one thing on the forum, what would it be?:

18. Do you have any Game Master/GM experience with other online games?: No

19. If so, please list: N/A

20. Why should we hire you?: I am very easy to get in contact with (as I have both Skype and Discord on mobile and check both regularly), I take instruction well, and since I'm already a part of the team (if only for a little while) I am already semi-familiar with the workplace and a number of the other team members. I also have participated in many teams as well as been elected into leadership positions, so I am familiar and well-acquainted with cooperating in groups and I have taken many tasks on my own with little instruction.

Wow! All the winning entries look absolutely stunning! Thank you so much to everypony who participated. We appreciate your patience and enthusiasm.

-posted via Tapatalk

Episode 16 - The Times Are a Changeling

Spoiler: show
Ah, the trope of the odd one out, or however people call it. Despite being part of a race entirely based on the eating of love, wanting to be different since hatching (which I call BS, you just hatched for crying out loud). This has been a recurring problem with MLP; too perfect too quickly. Luna's self-acceptance with her demons, Discord's reformation, and now ONE SONG from Spike of all characters and the parents of the reason this changeling is here now accepts the creature that JUST BARED ITS FANGS IN THE PRESENCE OF FLURRY HEART.
But I digress, we got to see more of the changelings. We now know they can change into more than just ponies. Add baby dragons and stones to their list.
I'm gonna need to sit on this episode. I'm not sure how I feel about it, yet.
Turns out Amazon's GameCircle and WhysperSync don't work with the MLPGameloft app . . .

I had to start over! ovO >:O D: My Friend Code is in my signature (92428, for those on Tapatalk). Add me, please.

Comment your friend codes so I can stalk add you as well.

P.S. - If you haven't touched the game for a while, there was an update about a month back.
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Aug 12, 00:17:09
QuoteIn the end mate, it's FIRST COME. FIRST SERVE.

The application process for LoE has not been announced, yet. Therefore do not quickly assume such a notion, please.

@White Chaos 
QuoteSo let me get this, we'll have to send an aplication, and then they'll accept it or deny it? WHAT???

Again, no application process has been detailed. Please be patient.

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2016 Jul 27, 01:26:25
QuoteI wrote a story called the strange friends.
Have I got to send it?  :\ I don't know. I never tried something like writing a story for Legends of Equestria.

Alas, the deadline has already passed. I don't believe they're accepting more applications, but that's not my place to decide.
I don't trust myself with writing anything creative, however I'd be more than happy to help with editing and proofreading (and if directly asked, plot or story).

I know, not a lot to go on, but maybe I could edit something as part of my resume?
Chicago Ted, just to touch on one of the things you suggested in your write-up.

From LoE FAQs:
QuoteCan I upload my own cutie mark?
No. The sheer amount of moderation that would be required would be too exhaustive in order to keep cutie marks acceptable for everyone, so you cannot upload custom cutie marks.

Regardless, from what I glanced over in your write-up, it was written really well. I assume you'll be returning?

P.S. - The last OSW we overflowed TWO whole servers by putting ponies in just SCC. 0:) The servers will improve with time.
I will be honest, I wasn't too amped/hyped/excited this time around. Given that I just had a couple long weeks might have been a part of it, but to say that an OSW wasn't a surprise would be a lie. I'm not sure why I wasn't really up for this.

Right off the bat, the main menu music, the first music I ever heard when I first played this. Even thought it wasn't too long ago, nostalgia still hit me. I had to rework some of the controls because they got switched around, not the devs fault, but I was just happy to figure it out.

The new combat music, THE COMBAT MUSIC, oh my sweet Luna it. gave. me. chills. Not because it was new music to the game, but the sounds, the instruments, the dynamic, just on the edge of perception. I can't explain it. While it's probably pushing the envelope to be implemented in a game such as LoE, I still enjoyed it. And the horns, THE HORNS.

I guess it was just an off weekend for me. Since it was going to be shorter, I planned to stay up through ALL of it. Needless to say, I failed to do so. I also didn't prepare a personal quest log like last OSW. It . . . *sigh* It has nothing to do with the development team, it was just a bad weekend for me and hearing SO MANY people have difficulties from accessing the download in order to download all the way to random server kicks and I couldn't figure out half of them other than "try a relog" or "try another download." And then there's internet connection and computer power and antivirus softwares . . .

This game NEEDS to be finished. I don't care when, it just needs to see the light of day. This is too good for what it is to be shunned away by computer problems and server issues. I enjoy this game. I really do. I like how everything looks. I like the team's interpretations of major MLP locations, even coming up with The Heartlands on their own. I even enjoy some of the quests, they all seem pretty unique (yeah I could delve into nitty-gritty stuff about how some NPCs only exist for their two lines, but I'm not gonna). The quest lengths vary incredible, which shows off the diversity. Mindless Violins is so long, but it's so worth it. While stuff like combat can still be ironed out, it will help pave the way for all of the other skills planned. I'm eager to see what the devs have planned.

Will you see me at the next one? Absolutely. If only for several hours, you will see me there. It's not gonna be like ArcheAge or Guild Wars or Aion or World of Warcraft, but it will be SOMETHING. I've spent minimal times in MMOs (or really at all), but when I first logged on and saw all the open expanses and little hidden out coves, it looked so huge and grande and after multiple OSWs and running around for quests and helping people when it comes up in chat I still, I STILL miss things, or find things, or forget where things are. Someone showed me a portal to a washed-up crystal heart (which was strangely absent this time 'round), but this time I found that Quicksand's house in The Heartlands is laid out much like Fluttershy's cottage in the show. It gave me respite from the populace to just watch the chat.

Keep up the sparce OSWs. Argodaemon had brought up a good point on one of his last streams that people would grow bored really quick if servers were opened full time as is. I'm really sorry if sometimes people tell you glitches as if "they should have been fixed already" or "you're the devs, this is your fault." Please, just, do what you can.

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto

LoE is on no deadline. You do you, devs. Just . . . tweet something out once in a while to let us know you're alive. No, not when you fix a glitch, but just a little "horse in socks" or the like.

P.S. - Maybe something to keep in mind with the growing player base: Closed tests. Gives a little more control and less static when contacting the players. Would also greatly minimize stress on the servers, could point out things that would break under heavy load. Probably when you're settled in Beta.

Please, just . . . don't lose hope.
No Linux support. Only Windows or *bleh* Mac.
Legends of Equestria just moved out of Pre-Alpha into Alpha. We got a ways to go before Beta and any semblance of a full release.

A polite reminder, this is a 100% fan-project, there're no donations or money going around. Yes, they've been in development for almost five years, but they haven't stopped putting out stuff. Even this "party" has a pretty decent chagelog.
I'm in!!
QuoteCan I has an alicorn too?

No alicorns. This user must have messed with the coding to 1.) open the game prematurely and 2.) create an alicorn (which at some point in the past was a glitch a player could perform, but has since been fixed).
Make sure you're downloading Version 0.2 if you're trying the Launcher. And it only works on Windows Operating System. Macs, ChromeOS, and the like will not support it. While the direct link will take some time, it's an easily accessible alternative to the Launcher.

If I may throw in my two bits.

Quotelol now remember, its hard for it as it is hard for you. acceptance is the key  :nod:

Acceptance IS key. Like it should accept my carnivorous tendencies. Naw, I'll just take Ellowee's advice and throw some carrots at it.

See y'all when servers open!   <3
QuoteWe'll be kicking things off at 9:00 AM EST January 16th, and finishing up at 11:00 PM EST January 17th.

Soon . . .
QuoteMy anti-virus software is saying the launcher is a threat and removes it every time I uncompress the file. What do I do? :I

Your software should have the capability to leave user-set files/folders alone. Check around in your anti-virus sotware's settings to exclude from scans.

I talk about how to do that in Norton HERE
Version 0.2 did it for me. Beautifully, I might add.

QuoteOkay, i downloaded the Windows 32 bits (XB6) I know that I should wait until tomorrow, but what do I do now? I just Extract the loe.exe in my destktop and wait till tomorrow? Or do nothing?

The "Version 0.2" is an updated version of the Windows Launcher. If you've already finished the direct download, extract the .zip file and run the "loe" application just to make sure it's running. You'll get the main menu with settings and all that, but yes, you won't be able to log on to a server, yet.


*sits quietly in anticipation*
Hmm, seems my laptop is vegan. We're gonna have to talk about that.

In the mean time: Launcher Version 0.2 (which has gone father than 0.1 in the time I took to write this).
Quoteit finally worked after letting it sit for about 40 mins. just had to offer it food like i did.  :o

Food . . . OF COURSE!! It's so simple! But I don't know what my laptop likes. It might like Italian, but then again it may be privy to spicy foods. I SHALL FIGURE THIS OUT!!