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Messages - spiritwolf98

There is no release date yet :(
General News / Re: Legends of SOCKquestria!
2017 Apr 01, 16:52:23
How great XD
To Sky Clouds: I don't believe they have posted anything, but I know I don't know anything about an OSW :/ And like I said, They haven't posted anything yet. Hopefully! :) Just keep your hooves crossed! .3.
I might be able to go. At least it's closer to CT. Anyway, if not, I hope they record the LoE panel! And I hope that anypony who goes has fun! :)
Nope! Ah, Oh well. Good luck to those who made it in!
Exciting news! Applied, and hopefully ill get in soon!
I'd love to, but sadly I cannot apply. Whoever is applying, great! Have fun and enhance the game even more! ^-^
9 There it is! I tried my best and I know it isn't the best but at least it is something! :)

I am so confused how to do this, so can anypony help me? Thanks! :)
General News / Re: Announcing Release!
2016 Jul 11, 07:20:51
This is very great to hear!!! :D But a question, what about a download?
...( At least post something related to the thread... >:/ )
Yeah. Sadly I don't have much experience but whoever got the job for the game, make it even better :)
letmehit, they don't have any clue what time, day or month yet. There was an OSW last month. Sorry about that ono
Yeah, who cares XD Norton will do the same but I will just have to ignore it.
Oh my stallions! THE HYPE IS REAL!! O: :D
Choo-Choo! All aboard the hype train with Rainbow Eclipse!
~Choo Choo! All aboard the HYPE TRAIN!~
~Make sure to see Rainbow Eclipse and her other friends too!~ :D
I had fun...ALOT OF FUN....But why are you still keeping up the servers when I cant log in? Because your closed! And why didn't you take down the server listing? Because somepony forgot to take it down! Now that's just temping me to play!
*Choo Choo!* Every Pony got their  *-* Golden Tickets?  *-* To come onto the HYPE TRAIN? I'm aboard the train! But it will go to  :D Equestria!  :D Oh wow I really hope that the updates will be as big as expected! its okay if they're small because i'll enjoy anyway. I really wanna go to GalaCon but im not in Germany  :c Go on LoE Wiki. It's telling (For the moment) how many days it will be on. 32. *sigh*
When will there be another OSW?