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Messages - Stalephreak

Wouldn't be so bad, but it crashed just as my 5 year old was settling in to play.  You know how hard it is to tell a 5 year old that something on the backend is broken?
Quote from: Jinx_Sparkhoof on 2015 Jan 24, 13:13:00
We all get this is a fan made game and the people working on it are doing so only out of there own personal desire and good will to see a great thing created FOR NO PAYMENT WHAT SO EVER. But you dont need to go throwing that in our face making us seem like we are ungrateful just because of this single incident.

I am sure that if they put up a donations link This wouldnt even be a problem. I cant be only one wanting to say "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!" to the creators of this project and see it succeed.

Also making this open sourced would be a terrible idea. How many of you all of you know even the barest basics of code/level/ai design BEYOND the "its all there for you" tools of videogame editors? Show of hooves? Yeah I thought so my self included in that boat. By not making it open sourced We get something alot tend to forget. QUALITY CONTROL. Since this is being made by fans and not a corporate faceless BRICK we get a level of QUALITY CONTROL beyond what the corp would give.... Does this mean it takes longer to fix BIG hiccups YES~! But it also means they are fixed RIGHT AND PROPER THE FIRST TIME! ...(USUALLY) Because the time care and dedication put into it pays off.
Tell that to Sun Microsystems and the other giants that have open sourced quite a bit of product.  They found that quality control went UP, and R&D time went down.  No, open source isn't the answer when you have a product that will be monetized, but this has been stated to not be in that category.
I realize the devs probably won't like me saying this, but I'll say it anyway.

Every person working on this game is a volunteer.  They're not getting paid, and the only compensation they get is a small bit of resume padding if this actually works.

My take as a player.  I want you to succeed, and I love your vision.  The game simply doesn't really exist though, and you've been working on it for a VERY long time.  It's been in pre-alpha for over a year with only small weekend snippets.  Please strongly consider making your game open source at this point.  We admire your ambition, but we also respect your need to put food on the table.
I can't get past the cloudopolis splash screen.

Also, there's one character who's name I can't remember who refers to it still as Cloudsdale.  I assume that's a typo.
Resolved Issues / Re: Chat vanished
2014 Nov 25, 20:58:27
Quote from: Racquel SilverSpirit on 2014 Nov 25, 09:10:01
Quote from: Invultrois on 2014 Nov 25, 08:56:44
Well, lost another friend. Good going.  :l

IF only there was a way to help and give every pony what they want
Burnout is a sad thing, no?
Resolved Issues / Re: Chat vanished
2014 Nov 24, 22:02:17
I'll try to put this politely, but even at my job, it's not something that we water down.

In regards to staffing, when understaffed, the answer is to staff.  It's a volunteer group.  Unpaid!  Okay. That tells me ( I've been in management for a LONG time now) that you don't have to worry about overhead in terms of your personnel budget.  You theoretically have an infinite supply of personnel at your potential disposal according to the math.

The player base here is small, but the brony community is HUGE.  Surely there's somebody, at least a few, who are capable mods.  Many of us here WANT to help, and we want this game to happen in a bad way.  Has there been consideration towards moving to a more open source to try and get things completed quickly?  Are there plans to monetize the game that make open source impossible?
Resolved Issues / Re: Chat vanished
2014 Nov 24, 11:17:26
Pros of the chatbox (from a guy who's been in the service industry for about 15 years):
1.  It's the only active communication you guys really have with your player base.  Forums don't cut it.  Playerbase has to have some way to kill time. 
2.  No communication means that we will eventually stop visiting the website.  This isn't a chatbox killed the website bit.  What it does mean is that there's less reason for us to check as meaningful updates become few and far between.  Eventually, like an unused toy, it is forgotten.
3.  Chat allows a quick method for players to entertain other players while waiting on pins and needles for the next open server. (seriously, we're chomping at the bit here)

Both these items are a natural expression of progression.  Even live games have this issue.  They constantly have to deliver new content. 

Negatives of the chatbox:
1.  Mod time.
2.  Coding issues-though I don't really have sympathy on that front.  That's exactly what programmers are for, no?
   2a.  Yep, debugging is a pain, but once you really have it streamlined and working correctly, it "just works".

Closing:  While the chatbox was annoying from a development and moderation standpoint, it is currently about the only reason people come back (Literally in my case.  I came back specifically to chat with people like WindSong, Ging, MrEmu, etc.) day after day.  When a customer has little reason to look for news or updates, they stop paying attention, and they do go away.  I appreciate that the entire team is  doing this out of the goodness of their heart, and I know that this is draining.  Like Mr. Emu said, have ya'll actively asked for help?
Resolved Issues / Re: Chat vanished
2014 Nov 24, 01:15:51
I've had a bit of time to think about this, and is it too much of a leap to interpret this as the final curtain for any real hopes for this game?  No chat?  Just a forum?  No gameplay?  It seems odd.  I understand wanting to be able to  spend time with family.  I really do get it, and I also understand that you're volunteers. 
Resolved Issues / Re: Chat vanished
2014 Nov 24, 00:13:37
Quote from: wingedpineapple on 2014 Nov 23, 20:48:37
Quote from: Perry The Pony on 2014 Nov 23, 20:40:55
I would like to hear the community thoughts on this topic since there seems to be interest.

Since there's no game yet.
Chat is practically the only reason I'm still here, but of course it can be just me :v
Nah, that's why I'm here.  To chat with a fistful of people that I'd like to not lose touch with who likely wouldn't be able to join my gaming group for one reason or another.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Mar 02, 14:38:39
Well, that's the reason I need more minions in the first place!!!

Granted, regrettably, the world that received peace was Mars.

I wish for a useless box.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Mar 02, 14:07:14
Granted, but you're unable to change it once you've seen it.

I wish for more minions.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Mar 02, 11:01:28
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Mar 02, 04:06:28

Are they ever going to demolish this horrifying building? By God, it looks like a comic book supervillain HQ!
I like the evil villain look... ;)
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Mar 02, 10:59:07
Granted, but you live in Chicago, and it's something more than breezy everyday.  You're stuck indoors.

I wish for a date with Rarity.
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Mar 02, 00:21:09
Quote from: Yellowpikmin476 on 2014 Mar 01, 21:35:40
Granted but it's hard to control. Get used to crashing into stuff!

I wish for a PS4.
Quote from: Stalephreak on 2014 Mar 01, 18:54:06
Granted, but it bounces on it's tushy
I wish, I wish, I was a fish
Cause fish have better lives than people?
It's a reference to an old movie, "The Incredible Mr. Limpet"
The Retirement Home / Re: Corrupt a wish
2014 Mar 01, 18:54:06
Granted, but it bounces on it's tushy
I wish, I wish, I was a fish
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Mar 01, 18:44:44
Quote from: BlazeyE on 2014 Mar 01, 14:34:24
Quote from: Stalephreak on 2014 Mar 01, 12:30:52
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Mar 01, 12:29:10
Quote from: Stalephreak on 2014 Mar 01, 12:28:03
People who throw the word "try hard" around as an insult.

That's two words, lulz.  :]

That's part of what makes it annoying!  It's tossed like it's one word (I guess it's hyphenated in their head).

To be fair... I've never heard that as an insult.


try-hard (plural try-hards)
1.(derogatory) A person usually of little talent who tries hard, especially through imitation, to succeed, usually to gain fame or popularity.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Mar 01, 12:30:52
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Mar 01, 12:29:10
Quote from: Stalephreak on 2014 Mar 01, 12:28:03
People who throw the word "try hard" around as an insult.

That's two words, lulz.  :]

That's part of what makes it annoying!  It's tossed like it's one word (I guess it's hyphenated in their head).
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Mar 01, 12:28:03
People who throw the word "try hard" around as an insult.  I landed my first professional gig when I was 16, was in the nation's top choir the year I graduated,.  I've got a store of my own that's fairly successful in a market where it shouldn't be...  Darn straight I try hard, it's why I've been successful.  If you're not trying when you're at work, you're going to get promoted quickly...TO CUSTOMER.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Feb 28, 16:38:09
Quote from: BlazeyE on 2014 Feb 28, 15:14:01
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Feb 28, 15:10:51

But no, no, Gaia couldn't pass up the chance to milk us for more money.

Sounds like Wargaming and World of Tanks.
yeah, that's as irritating as a cold sore.  When you think that you can purchase  a brand new, complete console game for $40-50 that you own the ability to play for life, as it was in the "olden days" of gaming, the new model just irritates the death out of me. 

I am all for companies making money, but I recently was in one game where even after I shelled out $35, and most of my friends shelled out hundreds (this company raked in $4M in closed beta alone!), they still haven't been able to finish the game that they promised.  Worst yet is the excuses wear thin on me when the specs sheets come out.  Games used to have to pre-render all the high graphic bits.  It worked and it allowed the games to run on low end machines.  Now most developers are lazy and prefer to let everything render on the user's hardware at the very last minute.  That results in bugs and highly inefficient code (waste of resource).  If I'm shelling out more than $15 in the lifespan in the course of a shovelware game, I'm furious.  I remember gaming before subscriptions and before microtransactions...Guess what, it was good!
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2014 Feb 28, 12:35:36
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 Feb 28, 12:12:31
Fun Fact: On the average Louisiana summer day the temperature in Fahrenheit is higher than the state median IQ.
  LOL, Some people in Louisiana would take that as a compliment.