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Messages - Amtrack

Quote from: Natsu on 2015 Oct 25, 16:24:44
Lord almighty, I nearly forgot about this place.

How many years in development now and still in Alpha?

Am in the same boat, lol! Long time. I also notice some of the guilds like The asylum and The travelers blessing is not active anymore. Well it's been like 4 years now, Too bad.

Least this guild is still going strong.  (:
Yes I remember you! Sorry for the long reply, that's cool you went to moderator. :)
Yes, yes it is lol.

Thank you all. I'll be sure to come by once and awhile!
Well then, hello my ponies!

Am currently known as Morgan Sententia in these forums years ago. I'd joined the community for the love of mlp and the mmo that these people are making, I can see the game has improved since I last saw it. However I had suffered from Ulcerated colitis and crohns for the last six years. But at the same time my faze for mlp had fade away and never bothered to visit here.  :x

I am currently healed from my disease and still love mlp at heart. I may not reply here and there since the mmo is still working on. But am happy to say hi and share my thoughts. You guys are doing great!

Cheers. :P