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Messages - Aven

I can't seem to find it. Would you mind sharing the path in the game files ? Thanks.

EDIT : Nevermind, found it, it's in the Appdata/Locallow folder, not the game itself.
2">Read the forum rules., that's quite inconvenient. I'll test that later, thanks
Where can I find my Unicorn Teleport skill ? I moved it off my skillbar and I can't find it anymore !

That's pretty much what happens, they teleport to the next location, but since the whole point of the quest seemed to be about fighting with them, I assumed it was a bug that you end up doing it alone.
Is it normal that in the "wolf-pony" chain quests, the "group combats" with the other foals NPC don't happen ? It just moves to the "resolved" quest, it's a bit disappointing.