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Topics - MajoraTheHylian

Go through adventures and wonderous times in Ponyville as your pony tries to find love and a partner for life. Journey to the Crystal Kingdom and many other places, looking and making new friends. Maybe even go on a cruise vacation to beautiful island beaches! Everything is in your hooves now!
I made this for anyone who wanted their pony to have a special somepony that doesn't have one yet. Anyone can join at any time. You can basically do anything you want, in perspective.

Please keep romance PG. Nothing graphic, just keep in mind kids are on here.
Don't say you know ponies if you don't.
You all are smart. You shoukd know.  <3

Just fill out this form with your ponie's information and you can go ahead and post!
Anything else you want us to know:
Original Characters / Majora's Pony OC's
2015 May 31, 17:25:49
Hi everypony! I welcome you to the thread where I'll introduce all of my MLP OC's!

I'm quite new to the forums, so don't expect anything out of the ordinary from me.

My pony OC's will go in no specific order, and I don't have a lot. But this thread will be edited multiple times.

<3Whiplash Wind <3
Spoiler: show

Name: Whiplash Wind
Nicknames: Whiplash, Windy
Gender: Mare
Age: Same age as the mane six
Race: Pegasus


Home: Cloudsdale
Occupation: Equestrian Guard/ Minors as a helper with the Filly Flying Comity


Special somepony: Looking for one

<3Water Spout <3
Spoiler: show

Name: Water Spout
Nicknames: Spout, Rainy, Twister, Stormy
Gender: Mare
Age: Same as the mane six
Race: Pegasus

Personality: A childish, sarcastic and one of the fastest ponies in Equestria. She loves rainy days and is always willing to lend a helping hoof. She loves to have fun and play around when the weather pegasi get lazy. Water Spout often splashes around and plays pranks by flying by ponies really fast when they're by a puddle.

Home: Cloudsdale, or Ponyville with her friend
Occupation: Co-leader of the Storm Chaser's flying group

[spoiler]Water Spout is a dark grayish teal coated mare, a slightly wind blown grayish blue mane, violet colored eyes, and a water spout lightning Cutie Mark.

Spoiler: show
Her cutiemark looks like this (but it would have a lightning bolt spiraling around it)

Her flying trails are a funnel of steam behind her with a bit of water droplets falling from it

Special somepony: Looking for one

<3Neapolitan Swirl <3
Spoiler: show

Name: Neapolitan Swirl
Nicknames: Nea, Swirly, Swirl
Gender: Mare
Age: Same as the mane six
Race: Unicorn

Personality: Neapolitan Swirl is a very sweet and kind girl. She will lend a hoof to anypony who is in need, even if she doesn't know them. She is very cheerful and loves to have a good time with her friends. Nea is quite musical, and also creative. She can be very lazy, and most of the time has to be dragged out of her bed. Rather than partying, she loves sitting and listening to tunes, or sleeping.

Home: Ponyville
Occupation: She works as a part time music maker, and also at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie.

I actually drew the first one. I'm putting the second one up (which my friend did) to shower her mane better because I failed at drawing it

Special somepony: Looking for one

<3Firebird <3
Spoiler: show

Name: Firebird
Nicknames: Fire, Bird, Birdie, Phoenix
Gender: Mare
Age: Same as the mane six
Race: Pegasus

Personality: Firebird is a very hyper and cheerful pegasus. She is quite rambunctious and one of the most daring ponies you'll ever meet. Fire can be a little shy around ponies she doesn't know, but quickly warms up to them. She can turn feisty and have a hot-headed temper though if you get on her bad side, or do any sort of harming to anything/anypony she likes. Firebird is a very competitive pony when it comes to almost anything. She will do anything to make one of her friends smile, and never backs down to a challenge.

Home: Skytropolis (A place similar to Cloudsdale, but it is a bit past Equestria on a map)
Occupation: Firebird is the leader of a very skilled flying group, called the Storm Chaser's


Special somepony: Looking for one