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Messages - Cygnus

News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Sep 23, 20:38:35
Cool. I'll try and connect. I'm sure it will be plagued with connection issues and all sorts of problems [kinda the nature of a stress test] but I'm pretty interested to check it out. I've never seen an MMO in an IDE like this, so it's exciting.
News Archive / Re: Welcome to LoE!
2012 Apr 05, 00:25:28
Quote from: zachsparrow on 2012 Mar 25, 12:53:54
I feel that was truly stupid of him. He is now without a team and hopefully without friends!  >:(   I love and tolerate, but when I am riled you may find that I go ballistic. SOMEPONY-and I am not pointing any fingers- but SOMEPONY should get a like of SENSE! Fool.  >:/

I mean, when you say "him", it's pretty obvious who you're talking about. It doesn't matter either way, but you are sorta pointing the finger at him. And why shouldn't you? He really did make a poor decision.

Listen, I agree, it was a foolish move. RD had a choice; he could've acknowledge that he was no longer the leader of the project and give all the groundwork assets to you guys in exchange for accreditation; he could've just handed the project over to you guys, stop working on it, and still get credit as the project lead for the work he did at the start [had he agreed to the Code of Conduct, this issue would've never happened and he'd still be the LEAD on the project. That's a nice looking dot on a resume, if I may say so myself.

He had two choices; acquiesce to you guy's entirely reasonable expectations/demands and remain involved with a project that will actually ship some day, OR he could just be a baby and withold his work just to spite you guys.

As a programmer, I can attest to how infuriatingly difficult it is to restart work on a project from which you've just lose 6 months worth of assets/scripts. It's just too bleak to redo all that old work; we all know he can't finish EO.

So he could've been on this team right now, he could've given up his assets to y'all in exchange for his rightful accreditation [without even continuing to work on the team; the Code of Conduct specified that all work you do is YOURS]. Unfortunately, he decided he'd rather have his game [EO] never ever release and fade into obscurity. In that case, it's a lot of hard work for nothing.

Anyway, enough negativity from me. From my perspective, it looks like he did indeed make a bad decision. However, we've all been in an emotional place that's impeded our greater judgement in our lives; it's not impossible to understand where he was coming from, however childish it may be.

"I love and tolerate, but when I am riled you may find that I go ballistic"

Exactly this; put yourself in RD's place. We don't know the whole story. I made it pretty clear in this post that I feel he screwed up, but I could see myself getting irritated if I felt as if a project I started was slipping away from me. RD was riled, and he went ballistic. He's human. As a result, he's lost somethign that was probably really dear to him. Ease up on the guy, he made his decision; the LoE team is doing exactly the correct thing by simply moving on.

I am curious. Say a week from now, RD gets back in touch with you guys, apologizes, and asserts that he's willing to hand over the files in exchange for accredation: would you guys forgive him? Would you allow him back on the team in some capacity? Whether he continues to help or not, giving up his assets would obviously warrant his name in the credits.

Would you guys take the assets, give him his credit and NOT allow him on the team in some capacity?

Would you guys refuse the assets and have nothing to do with him whatsoever?

Would you take the assets and, give him his credit, AND allow him back on the team in some capacity [not as a team leader, but just as a programmer or whatever]?

I'm just curious how much bad blood their really is. Obviously if he tried to rejoin six months from now, after you've redone all the work that he withheld, you'd turn him down. However, what if it were tomorrow? I'm sure it'd be a difficult decision, but IF he hypothetically was willing, it might be the best thing for the game.