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Quote from: Blues-Music on 2013 May 30, 10:12:43
I'd also like to point out how many team members are straying away from this topic. We are constantly told they aren't straying away from anything , but the second people start talking about this they keep posting unrelated pictures , and videos thinking that would change the topic. So why not just stop running away , and come say something? I promise we won't bite.
Quote from: KillerJH2 on 2013 May 30, 00:28:46
You do realize that you've just committed the very heinous crime of having a picture that adorable, and not telling me directly of its existence.
I mean, it doesn't seem that bad; but if I would have missed it, it would've ranked up there with crimes such as not sharing your pringles, or even taking a huge bite of my favourite sandwich when I had only permitted you a small taste.
I am committing this file to my hard-drive along with a stern warning that you shouldn't post d'awwwh of this magnitude without fair warning.
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 16:17:57
makes sense, although conservation of mass is not necessarily followed when magic is involved.
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 16:17:57
possibly Equestrian "water" is not entirely just water, but a sort of mixture of water and aether that reacts to the antigravitational fields projected by flying creatures.
Quote from: Ryo_D_Disk on 2012 Jun 21, 15:17:40That is so much win I can't brain.
eeyep for my title (although self proclamed) is the dueling pony for i am a yugioh fan
Quote from: Zbizo on 2012 Jun 21, 15:02:55Maybe in Equestria, clouds are made of some sort of magic barrier that only responds to the magic of winged animals?
If clouds are able to hold pegasi, alicorns, winged animals and objects placed on them why they can't hold earth ponies and unicorns?
Quote from: Ryo_D_Disk on 2012 May 30, 13:26:48...Is his cutie mark a YuGiOh card?
RUn while you still can its to late for me ive been
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 14:06:18I was thinking it was because they have no true form, and Conservation of Mass would require them to keep the same mass through out all of their shapeshifts, so in the form they usually choose they don't have enough mass. By creating holes, they are able to maintain their mass.
Maybe they are a part of the anatomy? Allow greater air circulation without compromising structural integrity?
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 Jun 21, 13:21:06
Changeling designs from the artists
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 02:26:08
well, put that way it makes a bit more sense.
Seems everything in the entire world, bar the Everfree, is utterly dependent on the ponies...
...maybe appleloosa is actually what happens if there aren't enough ponies to watch after the land?
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 02:03:50Quote from: Blues-Music on 2012 Jun 21, 01:53:42wait...that's...not actually that magical...
Earth ponies probably have some sort of power at their hooves allowing the ground to respond to them like how clouds respond to pegasi hooves.
Be able to shape and stand on it?
Quote from: Coffee Rush on 2012 Jun 01, 23:03:26
My Question : Would Pegasi have larger or enhanced lungs because of the oxygen in their blood to keep them going, AND their altitude of flight, just not to go unconscious, but fly fast?
Quote from: Ninkon on 2012 Mar 31, 11:32:35Quote from: wanderingmagus on 2012 Mar 31, 11:25:37Wait what? Plant abilities? Where'd that come from?
Earth ponies are by far the least obvious in terms of magic. Their mana channels do not have specific focus points that I can think of, except perhaps their hooves. They are linked intimately with the ley energies rooted in the very soil of Equestria, thus giving them access to their plant abilities.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2012 May 12, 13:33:17He shapeshifts by sciencing. o-o
I vote for the way Alex mercer can shapeshift.No magic involved!
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 May 09, 21:14:04Quote from: Albino on 2012 May 09, 21:09:24iie, iie...Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 May 09, 20:12:32Quote from: Albino on 2012 May 09, 20:08:23You mean like I described in my earlier analysis of the mixture of science and technology?
The walls of text are sorta ominous. o-o Anywai, I'm kinda leaning towards the kind of thing that Fairy Tail has, where magic is used to power machinery, but can be used in other ways as well. Like in the Flim Flam Brothers episode, where they use their magic to speed up the machine. ouoQuote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Apr 07, 23:31:35
I postulate that magitch is controlled by a mix of actual technology and runes and gems that hold actual magical energy. The Ponyville Train uses steam power, for instance, but it could be that some of the other things inside use magic. There might even be interaction between the two, with electric generators being run by Griffonic lightning runes and magic generators powered by Tesla coils.
Now, what of Herbology and Alchemical minerals and plants found within Equestria? They already have a wide variety of magical plants.
Truthflower, Heart's Desire, Poison Joke, Zap Apples...
And alchemical minerals and materials are plentiful as well! Distilled rainbow, cloud tufts, pegasus feathers, dragon scales, unicorn horn filings...
That was one of the walls of text I was speaking of.So I didn't really read it. Gomenasai~
it's sort of what you were saying actually, but with magic being more scientifically studied and used kind of like electricity today, being stored in runes and gems and stuff.
on the topic of genetics, here's what one tumblr has to say:
Blah blah huge genetics thing, read up to see what it was.
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 May 09, 20:12:32Quote from: Albino on 2012 May 09, 20:08:23You mean like I described in my earlier analysis of the mixture of science and technology?
The walls of text are sorta ominous. o-o Anywai, I'm kinda leaning towards the kind of thing that Fairy Tail has, where magic is used to power machinery, but can be used in other ways as well. Like in the Flim Flam Brothers episode, where they use their magic to speed up the machine. ouoQuote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Apr 07, 23:31:35
I postulate that magitch is controlled by a mix of actual technology and runes and gems that hold actual magical energy. The Ponyville Train uses steam power, for instance, but it could be that some of the other things inside use magic. There might even be interaction between the two, with electric generators being run by Griffonic lightning runes and magic generators powered by Tesla coils.
Now, what of Herbology and Alchemical minerals and plants found within Equestria? They already have a wide variety of magical plants.
Truthflower, Heart's Desire, Poison Joke, Zap Apples...
And alchemical minerals and materials are plentiful as well! Distilled rainbow, cloud tufts, pegasus feathers, dragon scales, unicorn horn filings...
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 Apr 06, 22:21:49Waiting for someone to post something relevant. >-> This post obvsly wasn't it.