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Messages - Tokyo

The Retirement Home / Re: Last poster wins
2014 Jul 31, 19:27:09
Chill! I can smell a baby pony stealing a trophy.
The Retirement Home / Re: Last poster wins
2014 Jul 31, 19:13:27
I realized i am blind ovO

Is about to be burned down by the fire of a thousand suns...
Heard a story about puppets and whales...
Aww, how lovely X3 <3

Came from the deep space :D
To Peace Keeper:

It was actually a thing with the word "Pea", nothing off-limit... >.<

Oh well, i feel kinda stalked now :I

Is an undead creature from the end of the universe O:
To Peaper lol [ <3 ] Then your friend is a perv! >.<

B- but... just look at 'em... :3

Knows everything O:
Long story, but it took me... well, a long, long while :c

I'm sorry to hear that... but, remember that everything can be forgiven, though... everything has its punishment >.<

O: B- bbb... you don't watch me when i'm sleeping, don't you? o.O

Likes the Elsa/Jack Frost shipping ovO
Oh my gosh... now i wonder, am i partner with the evil Mewtwo? O:

Ahem, now, about the jars. It's not A WHOLE desert inside ONE JAR, you silly cutie pie. It's a whole desert, inside those millions of jars, you know, 5kg of sand per jar and so... ^-^

Well, i hope you to be rescued by the X-COM lol

Is derpin' <3 [Idk, i ran out of ideas :o]
Oh, it's okay, i have millions of them, actually, i have a... jar-ed desert, yes, a whole desert inside millions of jars, hidden underground ;) You only took the ones i took for decoration ^-^

Is a CIA agent [Celestia's Inteligence Agency :3]
Nice stuff for the voices, their favourite city is Tokyo, and mine as well ^-^

Stole all of my dirt jars! O:
The Strip, from Fallout: New Vegas :]

It's the "always good-looking devil's hole" that every post apocalyptic wasteland has ;)

I simply love it! <3
Don't be mean >.<

Is playing scissors :I
Oh my... the voices told me Greyscaleisme is a rapper dinosaur O:
It's always nice to meet such a cute little thing like you ^-^

I hope you to receive a warm welcome <3

In case of doubts, the staff is always up for newcomers ;)
Music Archive / Re: Vocaloids?
2014 Jul 28, 02:12:33
Rin & Len <3 'cause Kawaii, mostly :3
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2014 Jan 22, 20:09:51
// Oh, well welcome back. Sorry I don't remember you. \\

[Don't worry Teal, it's alright ^-^ We'll get to know ourselves somehow again :]]

[Okay, is anybody up to somethin' ovO]
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2014 Jan 22, 20:00:43
Quote from: Tokyo on 2014 Jan 22, 19:57:58
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2014 Jan 22, 19:50:31
Quote from: Tokyo on 2014 Jan 22, 19:42:03
[Guys, i'm alive... do you still remembering me, any of you? :c]

// I've never met you. x3 Hi. :) \\

[This isn't a very big surprise really, afterall, i'm easy to forget . Anyways, there's no need to worry, but we met before, a long time ago, i used to RP with you Teal ^-^]

// Did you change your username because I don't remember anybody by the name of "Tokyo" \\

// I'm alright Flame. \\

[No, but... it doesn't really matters, i'm back, and well... just, that X3]

[By the way, thank you guys ^-^]
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2014 Jan 22, 19:50:31
Quote from: Tokyo on 2014 Jan 22, 19:42:03
[Guys, i'm alive... do you still remembering me, any of you? :c]

// I've never met you. x3 Hi. :) \\

[This isn't a very big surprise really, afterall, i'm easy to forget . Anyways, there's no need to worry, but we met before, a long time ago, i used to RP with you Teal ^-^]