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Messages - MajoraTheHylian

Nea tilted her head softly and didn't say much after the outburst that the pony next to her gave. She cleared her throat and then finished off her ice cream, moving to pace to the edge of the pool and dip her hoof in. Letting out a soft sigh, she slowly lowered herself into the shallow end and sat, playing with the water a bit with her hooves.
Turning her head to face the pony that was now sitting beside her, she hovered her ice cream aside and moved to wave at the strange pony. "Hi." She smiled. "Wonderful cruise, huh. Nice way to just get out.. And relax, y'know." Neapolitan sighed happily and sunk back into her chair.
Swinging her tail back and forth as she sat on the pool side, Nea listened to the music that played from the speakers. She had an ice cream cone in front of her, but it was slowly dripping due to her not eating it. She moved to levitate the ice cream near her and lick at it, bobbing her head from side to side along to the beat of the song. She was slightly surprised at the amount of ponies around the pool area, but that didn't stop her from jamming out to the song. Besides, singing was her talent after all.
Quote from: Mogeko on 2016 Jun 09, 06:00:36
Please wait right now. also please have a talent :D that would help us out a lot

Alright, I'll wait. And I updated my post by the way.
Name: Neapolitan Swirl (can call her Nea or Polly)
Gender: Mare
Species/Race: Unicorn
Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show
This mare is well known for her assortment of delectable treats she makes, as well as her awfully sweet sounding voice. She sings a lot where ever she can, such as at parties or big events in town. Along with this everypony gets to enjoy her desserts (she makes the best ice cream evverrrr) like her ice cream sundaes, cupcakes, milkshakes, and the occasional cake or pie.

Little bio:
Spoiler: show
Nea was born in Ponyville with two loving parents, and an older brother (who wont appear in this). She took interest in singing at a young age and others discovered quite quickly that she had a natural singing talent. But when she got a bit older she had to help out her parents in their dessert shop, which made her interested in that as well. The foal managed to excel in both singing and sweets, and one night got to perform at Sugarcube Corner. That night she earned her very own cutie mark.

Spoiler: show
A very sweet, and kindhearted pony who is very talented in ways of creativity (singing, cooking, magic use). She's always willing to lend a helping hoof to anypony in need, and is quite the bubbly pony. Nea is a rather smart pony, but often doesn't seem like it considering she gets into things she's probably not supposed to. She'll always try to be there for her best friends if they need her. Although she likes being around others, she enjoys time by herself; whether it be resting, strolling through the park or doing one of her many hobbies.
Whiplash trotted around her home for a few minutes, trying her best to cure her case of boredom. To no avail, she decided to go out and down to one of the closest and most populated areas, Canterlot. She dashed for the edge of the cloud her home was on and then sprung up, spreading her wings and taking flight. She tucked her wings in and then spiraled down, gaining speed as she did. Whiplash opened her wings and then landed with a bit of force on one of the paved roads in the middle of town. She shook herself off, adjusted her bag around her neck, then sighed happily, looking around before slowly beginning to walk around. She walked over to a Vending Pony who happened to be selling ice cream. "One purple-berry blast please, with a sprinkled cone?" She asked with slight question in her tone. The vender nodded and then used his magic to scoop out one large scoop of ice cream and place it on a cone, handing it to Whiplash. "That'll be 5 bits ma'am." Whiplash handed the bits over and then dipped her head in thanks, walking off while licking her ice cream.
((I've decided to sign up. Oh and by the way, my OC may look like a RD x Soarin pairing, she is in the story I'm writing but not in this))
Spoiler: show

Name: Whiplash Wind
Gender: Mare
Race: Pegasus
Persona: Whiplash is a very outgoing and helpful mare. She loves having fun with her friends and feeling free. She's flying most of her days and sometimes can be a bit of a show-off, without meaning to of course. Whiplash is very kind and generous, protective of her things, and over all a really great friend. Just don't get on this pony's bad side. It'll take a lot, but she holds a grudge until you prove yourself.

Home: Skytropolis (a new residence for Pegasi located in the upper (no pun intended) parts of Equestria, not far from Canterlot)
((*Ponders on joining*))
The sky blue mare trotted up with aspiration in her rosy colored eyes. She quickly lifted off and hovered around, flapping her wings as she looked around. She wasn't the slightest of what she was suppose to do now. Whiplash flapped over to a chocolate brown mare, with a blue mane and green eyes. "Um.. Excuse me, could you help me? I'm.. Kind of new here." She asked, stepping down and flipping her mane back from her view.
Name: Whiplash Wind
Gender: Mare
Age(18+, since this is a university): 19
Race: Pegasus
Personality: Whiplash is a very helpful and selfless pony. She is quite vivid and an optimistic pony, who loves having fun. Although her most of the time outgoing persona, she often spends time by herself doing various things. Whiplash is very protective of her friends and will stand up to them as much when time is needed. Overall she's a very friendly, funny and cool pony to have on your side.
Picture/Visual Description:
Spoiler: show
Working on it, will be up very soon. She had a color change in her mane and tail.
For now here's the old version. Everything will stay the same except for the mane and tail COLORS.
And here's what her mane looks like
((I suppose I worded that bad. I didn't mean them as OC's. I have an OC which is a RD x Soarin foal.))
((I know this is a jump in but do you allow ships? As per say RD x Soarin? Because that's my main OC.))
I'm using my unicorn OC for once in a while. Ice cream pony's rule

Name: Neapolitan Swirl
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Mare
Age: 18
Talent: Her world famous ice cream that's said to have positive effects on ponies
Occupation: An ice-cream vendor that travels around all over Equestria
Description: A mare that has lived in Whinnyvile for most of her life. She's new to Ponyville and recently got her job and her side job.
Personality: Nea is a very sweet pony who will stop at almost nothing to help out. She is always there for you to lean your head on her shoulder, and she will try to cheer you up at all costs. She is a very talented mare, wrestling moving a lot and lots of other things.  As well as those, she is a wonderful cook, a minor writer as well as a work in progress mane stylist. Nea can have a very low self esteem sometimes, due to her mother passing away and her thinking she could have saved her. Nea was very young though at the time, and there was nothing she could do. She can be quite sensitive around certain topics, but is over-all kind and willing.
Spoiler: show
((I can join, correct? Or is it not an open RP.))
Oh. Um. Ok, wow I was late. xD Dangit. School...
Canterlot Archives / Re: (Open Romance Rp)
2015 Aug 17, 13:27:36
((May I join as well?))
((Oh, woah sorry. Woaaahh. A hooman.))
Nea looked up, almost shocked. She had never really gotten a chance to look at what the figure talking to her was. "Woah... What are you?" She asked, sitting the batter down and then staring up at Weston.
"Oh no no! It's fine it's fine. We're both completely ok. Right?" Nea asked, smiling. "Right. So it's no one's fault or time to be sorry." Neapolitan straightened her apron and then went to the fridge to get the cupcake batter. "I haven't seen you around. You must have the day shift. I usually have the later shift--" She turned and shut the fridge with her back leg, setting the batter down. "I'm Neapolitan Swirl. But people just call me Nea." She turned, and stuck a hoof out to the human.
With no answer, the mare grumbled lowly and then trotted down the stairs. She sat at the bottom step and placed the popcorn down and her drink. She took turns, shoveling popcorn into her mouth and then occasionally drinking some of her fizzy pop. Neapolitan looked up, bored by the movie and then quietly went out of the theater. She sighed and then dumped her half empty popcorn bag in the trash, keeping her drink. She walked out of the theater and then to the streets of Ponyville she went. Nea looked around and then decided to go into work early. Usually her shifts were later in the evening, but she had nothing else to do. She opened the door and then walked in. "I came in early today Pinkie. There's nothing else to do." Nea groaned, boredly. "What about that movie you were going to see?" Pinkie asked, prancing up to her and tilting Nea's head up. "Eh... It was bored and there were no seats. So I had to sit on the stairs." She looked up and placed on her apron. "That's too bad Nea. But you can work here! We have lot's of cupcakes due by tomorrow. It's the Cake twins' birthday!" Pinkie smiled. Neapolitan smiled and looked back, dashing to the kitchen. "I'm on it Pinkie!"
Name: Neapolitan Swirl
Age: 17
Gender: Mare
Species: Unicorn

PERSONALITY (REQUIRED): Neapolitan is a very helpful mare. If you don't know her, yet you're in trouble she'll always lend a hoof. She is very creative (hence her job as a cook and sometimes as a mane stylist, she can also sing!) and a sweet pony. Nea can be quite shy sometimes if she is stuck in large places with bunches of crowds around her.. Neapolitan is a major optimist and will always try to cheer a pony she knows, or doesn't know up. She can make friends quickly and stays with them for life. Nea loves partying and having a good time, she'll often be seen prancing or skipping through Ponyville.

The first picture is one I drew for the body style and stuff, look at the second one please for the mane (which I messed up on the first one. Ignore crystal texture)


Talent/CutieMark: By cheering a total of 50 ponies up, this sweet cutie mark appeared on her. It shows her love for every kind of pony (the different flavors) and how kind she is to them.