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Topics - PoserPanda

I have drawings that I made for my profile picture, but no matter which link I use to upload my drawings, it won't load up the picture. I have a photobucket and a Deviant Art, any help with my profile picture would be greatly appreciated.  DD:

This is the drawing that I'm trying to use.
So far, there is Tanya Birch, who is a donkey, and the two pony sisters - Jelly Bun, and Jelly Bean. I haven't quite figured out both of the ponies cutie mark, so I might fill those in later. For now, here's two pictures of Jelly Bun, one of Jelly Bean, and one of Tanya.

Jelly Bun:
Jelly Bean:
Alternate Bun:
 Howdy, I will be known as Jelly Bun on the Amareica server, and you will probably see me with a bucket in my mouth. I was thinking of starting up a herd called, Buckets & Socks, so once herds are available you may see that in the future. I'm hoping to help the game with my art and other skills that I have, but that will come when I have shown more of my presence here on the forums. Until then, I may be in the Roleplay forum.

I am also hoping that my profile picture actually uploads, because I am not sure that tinyurl works.

Also, is there a way to skip out on verifying that I'm not a robot, on every single post that I make? I'm hoping it is something that will go away, once I have posted enough, or I have been a member long enough. Secondly, is there a Help thread, for any further questions that I may have? I'd rather not continue to edit my introduction post, whenever I have a question about the forums, or the game.