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Topics - Sapphirethunder

I'm going to start a new forum game.

It's called Roll to Dodge as it reads in title. Since we are on MLP forums, I'm going to have it as players being ponies.


1: You can only have 1 action/round

2: Round ends when everyone participating have posted their action.

3: The game won't start before it has 4 participants. Maximum 8.

4: You do not have any special powers by default. You have to learn them through actions. However there is few racial powers.
More info later in the post.

How to participate:

Simply reply to this topic if you want to participate.
After 1st Round has been posted, which contains the starting situation and all other information, you may post your actions.
Round ends after everyone has posted their actions. Then the next round will start along with the results of your actions.
Each participant has 24 hours to post their action.

I will post the round results each day around the same time.

How the game works:

I will roll a dice to determine the result on your action.
The results are as following:

1: Fail - negative result
2: Partial Fail - slightly negative result
3: Normal - Nothing negative and nothing positive happens
4: Partial Success - slightly positive result
5: Success - positive result
6: Critical Success - positive result + extra reward

Special results:
3 Fails in a row (3 rounds = 1 fail/round): Skip a round
3 Critical Success in a row (3 rounds = 1 CS/round): Your special powers level-up to be more effective or you learn new power depending of situation.

Goal of the game:

Be the last one to survive or co-operate with others to survive so multiple people can win.

How your pony race is determined:

Just like the basic function of the game goes, these will be determined by dice roll:

Earth Pony: 1-3
Pegasus: 4-5
Unicorn: 6

Default powers:

Earth Pony: Physical Strength level 1 by default
Pegasus: Fly level 1 by default
Unicorn: Item levitation level 1 by default

No matter what race, you are able to turn into Alicorn through actions.

Wait, I can become an Alicorn?

Indeed, however for this to happen, you need to have luck, effort and fulfill a special requirement.
Unicorn has +1 added to the result at the time the change might happen. The change will be determined through dice result.
Pegasus has no bonus added to the result
Earth Pony has -1 to the result.

What benefits Alicorn has?

If you are Unicorn, you gain Fly level 1, Advanced Magic level 2, +1 level to Item Levitation and +1 action/round
If you are Pegasus, you gain Advanced Magic level 1, Item Levitation at level 3, +1 level to Fly and +1 action/round
If you are Earth Pony, you gain Advanced Magic level 1, Fly level 1, Item Levitation level 3, +1 level to Physical Strength and +1 action/round


1. ImTheDoctor
2. narwhaliagames

Let the game begin.  ^-^ ;) :3 :D :] >.<
For forum moderators:

If you lock a topic, please, PLEASE write a reply there with the reason WHY you locked it. Along with something like "-Locked-".

That is a proper etiquette of moderating.

It's hard to tell from some topics why they got locked while some are self explanatory (spam, repeated topic etc.)
So take a small portion of your time to write a brief explanation. This will make foruming much more enjoyable for people.

