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Messages - ShadowHeart

Nemora signaled more guards to carry out another cocoon and they took it out to Spy's wagon. She usually wasn't one for taking out others who didn't pose a threat, but if it gave her some peace from other ponies to plot, she was happy. Contently, she went back to scribbling on her map.
Nemora scowled at the stallion. Trying to haggle with royalty, hmph! She raised an eyebrow skeptically and said, "Make it one more unicorn. My subjects only have so much food."
"Very," Nemora replied simply, levitating the cocoon to her and placing it in front of her ally's hooves.
She turned back to her map, still tracing her hoof over Cantermore. More waiting, she felt that she had waited long enough. Slowly she broke off a stalagmite from the cave with her magic and began engraving notes on to her map with it. Just as she finished a note on her map, she noticed Twister and her mother. Carefully she listened, her ears twitching at the sound of the strangers lurking outside her hive.
"No," she sighed, "As long as they don't see us, we have no reason to capture them. If we did, they would go missing and guards would be sent to investigate. We don't want to be found out."
Queen Nemora looked up from her map with a blank expression, just staring with her green eyes. Then she turned to her guards behind her and nodded. For a moment, they vanished down a hive tunnel until they reappeared, carrying a cocoon with a blue unicorn trapped inside. The guards laid the cocoon next to the queen as she made sure to feed off a bit of its love before turning back to the grey unicorn. She wasn't going to give him what he wanted just yet.
"You're report?" she asked impatiently, stroking the cocoon protectively.
(actually I think your double crossing betraying chars would be great for the RP! Juicy story!)
(I would say not because the word ally is only used for those willing to help the hive, not forcefully. If your guild allows you to use more than one character, then you could use him or her.)
(Wow! Didn't realize you guys wanted to join! This will be fun. As an ally guild, you are the only ponies our hive doesn't treat as food. Instead you act as our spies, letting us know what is going on in Equestria because security on changelings has risen recently in Canterlot. You're free to come to the hive as a home any time you like but ultimately, your purpose is to help us with our goal, to take Canterlot and then all of Equestria)
I have great news my changelings, our herd has formed an alliance with another herd! They'll be aiding Queen Nemora's cause and roleplaying with us.
Fillies and Gentlechangelings, The Roleplayer's Guild!
Go say hello!
hi (idk if my last post worked, something wierd happened)
Anyways, when i try to download the file, it opens up an entirely new tab saying that i can't view or download the file at this time
I'm getting the same problem as last time, when I click on the download button for .zip 64, it says it can't display it but when i hit the download button again, instead of working, it says in a new tab that it can't be viewed at this time
Hate to double post but just wanted to let yall know that I won't be around for the open server weekend coming up. I'll be on spring vacation. U can still totally coordinate your own rp meet ups here.
News Archive / Re: Good news, everyone!
2014 Apr 01, 10:43:57
This tops the moose joke from last year!  lol
np, i was inactive myself for a while. Good luck with your major! :D
Canterlot Archives / (Private RP) The Hive
2014 Feb 12, 10:50:27
This RP is for hive members of Dovaborit Amare and its allies only. If you don't know who we are, we are a changeling herd here on Legends of Equestria. If you're interested in joining or becoming an ally, join here!

Now on to the actual RP. Here are some general rules
1. You must be a member of Dovaborit Amare or an ally of our herd
2. No real world swears (use pony swears like "hay" and "buck")
3. No intense gore
4. Nothing rated M
5. Each RP post must be at least one sentence that is longer than five words (but I know you all can do better than that. But that's just a minimum to keep things semi-literate)
6. If you refer to a place, make sure you refer to it as the LoE name (ie: Instead of Ponvyville, it's Ponydale)
7. No godmodding, powerplaying, you know, that kind of stuff

RP Setting: The Changeling Hive deep in the EverShade Forest

Alright, I'll start!

Queen Nemora sat in her rugged throne, looking over a map of Equestria, having day dreams of some kind of changeling conquest. Oh how she wanted Cantermore so badly...She stroked the area labeled 'Cantermore' on the map, longing for the power that dwelled there. She was so caught up in her thoughts, she didn't notice her subjects.
Oh gosh! Sorry again! This is the first time in a long time I've come here. I'll start it up!
Even if I did get one, I don't think I'd be able to find the time to constantly be on. I'm so sorry but I think a private rp for this herd would be better. I made this herd for in game RP, I didn't think I'd be rping until the game came out, but I'll make an rp thread, ok? I'm so sorry
Certain restrictions. I'll see if I can have a makeshift one for rping.
oh ok, well I'll see. But for now, it'll probably be a long time before we get another open server
If you want to, Icould set up a guild only RP in the RP section of the forums
even if I did, i can't skype people I don't know personally. Really sorry.
Are you Twisted Charger? Hi there! I can make you an ally of our herd if you want.