The Pillow Master [OC]

Started by Pillow_Master, 2015 Aug 15, 16:19:15

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2015 Aug 15, 16:19:15 Last Edit: 2015 Aug 15, 16:28:46 by Pillow_Master
The Pillow master might be a stupid name for this pony, but his adventures with PILLOWS isn't so stupid. The Pillow Master has a MASSIVE crush on Rarity but is never able to see her due to her secret. [ Check out ' Rarity's Secret. ' ] The Pillow Master is also crushing on a different mare, The Magic Mare. He has just met her but is slightly starting to make a love spark, will you ever stop lovin' mares, Pillow? Probably not! His whole life is based on lovin' mares, pillow movies, pillows, and sad movies. You may be thinking of making a theory about him, you will never find out about Pillow's life, Never.... When Pillow notices a cute, small mare, he'll follow her around giving her flowers and trying to make that BIG move. You may be saying to yourself ' Pillow your never gonna get the mare if you act like an idiot! ' That is not true, idiots do get the girls, Pillow's just being his crazy, odd self. I would never say 'WEIRD' honestly, I do not think the word ' WEIRD' is nice, Neither would Pillow... ! HAVE I TOLD YOU HIS AGE ! It's 14..  :/ ..... Now, you shall figure out what adventures will stick with Pillow, and what mare would love him for life, and what pillow is his favorite... Toodles.  :3

Appearance :

much pony, very mane, such brony


who drew this nice picture of this awesome OC? O:


 That is a secret, Darling.  ;)
much pony, very mane, such brony


Quote from: GlassMirror on 2015 Aug 15, 22:33:26
who drew this nice picture of this awesome OC? O:

Quote from: Pillow_Master on 2015 Aug 16, 10:22:43
That is a secret, Darling.  ;)

The water mark says Black Freya on DeviantArt.


Quote from: SparklestheUnicorn337 on 2015 Aug 16, 12:20:22
The water mark says Black Freya on DeviantArt.
   I do not need to be told who made it, I know who made it.  :l
much pony, very mane, such brony


Quote from: Pillow_Master on 2015 Aug 16, 12:28:00
   I do not need to be told who made it, I know who made it.  :l

Yes, but Glassy wanted to know.


This character REALLY must like pillows...
Relaxation is one of the best medicines.

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