Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Work is not taking things seriouly in regards to my resignation.

For those who want background I'll leave some in the spoiler
Spoiler: show

Background time
I work for a museum as an IT Support, I have 18 hours a week and mostly i deal with the genral day to day computer stuff, looking after the tills there events ect. I also fix and repair all of there inhouse electricals. I decided to leave work for a few reasons. First im fed up of being taken advantage off, I seem to do more of everyone elses job than my own. Two the pay is to little, at the current rate I can just afford to live with the help of my family and Three (and the only possitive bit in this rant) Im going to the US for 3 months for a break and to live in the US with CrabApple.
Backstory end

but long story short I've quit work and have about, 6 days left and I have done 0 trade over work to prep them before I go and what do they want me to do today while im in. Man the Reception desk which is not my job. (not to mention today is a stupid long hall where ive opened the building at 9am and I wont be closing untill 10pm or later. Its mostly annoying because ive left Crab behind at home and I wont get to see her all day.

Im doing what I can to save battery life on my phone so no skype and no whatsapp. Kind of Isolated today to be honest



You want me to be a villain? Fine. I will be. Since apparently I already am.  :s

Spoiler: show
So... S6 news...


That's... just... great... (not...)

Well... what am I supposed to do now? I NEVER WANTED TO SEE HER EVER AGAIN. Because she's NOT REDEEMED.

Hmm... well...


I really don't want to leave the fandom...


The teaser did look good otherwise. Maybe the premier will be good enough to the point where NOT REDEEMED character can just be ignored?

That's what I'm hoping for at this point.  :l

Other than that I'm glad to see it's starting even earlier. This month even!!  O:

*The Encounter plays*

THAT'S RIGHT AWAY YOU GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*throws bombs at everyone*

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Lync Volan

My cousin went from keeping his hands off my stuff in my room to grabbing everything in the room just now and its kinda bugging me, call me paranoid but it just annoys me for some reason DD:

i mean i don't mind him asking me to hand some of my toys or whatever to him and he can put it on the side later but i do mind when its all random grabbing!

Midnight Breeze

My downstairs neighbors cook the most horrible smelling things. I swear half the time I walk into my apartment and the place smells like straight-up rotten meat! Disgusting!

Itty Bit

Financial struggles are awful. I really wish everything would just work itself out sometimes.


My graphics tablet is probably either damaged or dying.

Lync Volan

Well i was able to connect this Bluetooth headset to my Ps3 and it seems to work in the setting areas but not in the game i'm playing, i searched all over the internet with no help on this matter so yeah :l

Sweet Brew

When some derp that hurt you like heck comes back trying to talk to you like nothing's wrong. lol
"Didn't you get the memo?" -.-

Midnight Breeze

Discover Bank is working my nerves with nanny-like security. I'm so sick of having to input a texted security code every few days. News flash: If I'm logging into my account from the same computer then I am the SAME PERSON. I wish I could disable this nonsense, nobody is going to take the risk of jail time hacking some random dude's bank account with like 2 grand in it.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Mar 10, 05:59:34
Discover Bank is working my nerves with nanny-like security. I'm so sick of having to input a texted security code every few days. News flash: If I'm logging into my account from the same computer then I am the SAME PERSON. I wish I could disable this nonsense, nobody is going to take the risk of jail time hacking some random dude's bank account with like 2 grand in it.

Uh, neither computers nor people work that way. There is numerous ways for other people to mess around with your computer (from you clicking an email full of computer crud, to someone just stealing your computer and seeing where it does auto-logins before wiping and fencing it). People are also quite willing to risk going to jail for far, far less than a couple grand.

So yeah. I'd be a bit worried about it your bank not having anything verifying your really you for every single login.
Slate Grey, my OC! Awesome profile picture by Bakasan94


If I say "Gocompare", will that explain everything?
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


2016 Mar 12, 16:19:23 #18111 Last Edit: 2016 Mar 12, 16:23:11 by Princess Darcy
Note about livestream contests that involve tracking viewers.  Unless you can track IPs, which you can't, DON'T DO THEM.  Just takes one person to set up a bunch of timed false connections to make it unfair both to people in the contest, and also the streamers.

Other things that annoy me:
Being broke. 
People leaving laundry in the machines EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. they leave for work, because they KNOW it annoys me.
People in the house being loud and running around at 7am.  No, literally running.  Like children.  21 year old children.
Not having internet for 3 hours
Not having coffee until 2:30pm
My art sucking.
Oh, and being a taxi.  Use the bus, you have a FREE PASS!

All things that happened in the last 9 hours, so forgive me if I seem a tad snappy today.


I know we're not supposed to talk about politics... but... I just HAVE to say something here.

I'll put it spoilers though (as always with my opinions) just to be on the safe side. So read at your own risk.

Spoiler: show
If what happened yesterday in Chicago... (HI CM PUNK!!) doesn't get people to stop voting for bigoted Trump... obviously nothing will.



[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Mar 12, 18:00:56
I know we're not supposed to talk about politics... but... I just HAVE to say something here.

I'll put it spoilers though (as always with my opinions) just to be on the safe side. So read at your own risk.

Spoiler: show
If what happened yesterday in Chicago... (HI CM PUNK!!) doesn't get people to stop voting for bigoted Trump... obviously nothing will.




I'll be honest - I kind of feel like his highly-publicized attack on Bernie Sanders will give Sanders a much needed popularity boost. Trump is gonna be feeling the Bern before long.

Sweet Brew

Ugghhh! I got sick!
I hate sick. :x

I just hope I get better soon...

Lync Volan

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Mar 17, 03:52:14
Spoiler: show
Ugghhh! I got sick!
I hate sick. :x

I just hope I get better soon...

I hope you get well soon too :]

I know Smash Bros Melee is "oldish" and i should probably have EVERYTHING unlocked by now but i don't so sue me! all that's left is the Stage that unlocks for completing all the Target Tests but NO WAY am i gonna be able to do that on my own DD:
tried watching videos but the player keeps making moves that don't seem to make sense to me?

Midnight Breeze

It's been like 5 weeks and I'm still waiting for this dang burn on my knuckle to go away. I touched a 340 degree Celsius heat sealer for a spit second and it caused a second degree burn. The wound has been closed for a week and it doesn't hurt anymore but the scab tissue isn't going away. Sure hope it doesn't scar.

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Mar 18, 03:10:48
It's been like 5 weeks and I'm still waiting for this dang burn on my knuckle to go away. I touched a 340 degree Celsius heat sealer for a spit second and it caused a second degree burn. The wound has been closed for a week and it doesn't hurt anymore but the scab tissue isn't going away. Sure hope it doesn't scar.
Put cocoa butter on it.
That makes scars vanish!

My Dad crashed on a motorcycle years back and even after his leg healed it looked like ground beef, thanks to cocoa butter it now looks semi-smooth.

I mean, it's not perfect, but if you saw the change it made you'd be impressed.

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Mar 18, 18:20:50
Put cocoa butter on it.
That makes scars vanish!

My Dad crashed on a motorcycle years back and even after his leg healed it looked like ground beef, thanks to cocoa butter it now looks semi-smooth.

I mean, it's not perfect, but if you saw the change it made you'd be impressed.

Can I eat it afterwords?


I have bug bites *Itches*

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