Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Peace Keeper

I am an idiot for this, though I already know it is scripted and animated. I just like to point out the illogical parts of things I watch on TV.

Every time I see Dora the Explorer or a couple of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with my little siblings, I always scream at the TV saying stuff like "If it is block, then why not go to the grass behind the trees and return back on the road? It's easier. It ain't like the grass is made of lava or quicksand and if you get behind one tree you get lost." and also stuff like "when Dora looks at you to give directions to stop Swiper, you know he lost already cause I read the pattern lol ". Wow how I like to throw logic into this. Not sure why it annoys me when the characters don't think right, but yet at the same time I like to poke fun at them lol .

Yea,,, it is a really REALLY dumb thing that annoys me, but at the same time I have fun with it x3
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: thexcrimsonxghostie on 2016 Feb 02, 06:16:40
I'm a redneck.

I believe the politically correct term is 'rural American'.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Feb 03, 02:42:23
I believe the politically correct term is 'rural American'.

Politically correct versus the truth is a very fine line.


Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong


So far it's the hype of content and products, messages that start to fade and are misdirecting from what it originally means, and the defects of my computer.


I just, feel, wrong. Off. Messed up. Off my game.. Any of those things apply. I can't focus, can't think clearly, can't make myself care about anything, really.. My life just seems really, grey, right now. I'm not even sad or anything, I just feel really numb, and I can't shake myself free of it. I want the old me back, not this shell. Nothing really seems exciting or fun anymore, it's all just a grey lump of meh. *sigh*
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Greyscaleisme on 2016 Feb 04, 22:45:30
I just, feel, wrong. Off. Messed up. Off my game.. Any of those things apply. I can't focus, can't think clearly, can't make myself care about anything, really.. My life just seems really, grey, right now. I'm not even sad or anything, I just feel really numb, and I can't shake myself free of it. I want the old me back, not this shell. Nothing really seems exciting or fun anymore, it's all just a grey lump of meh. *sigh*

Sounds like depression to me. You should probably see someone about that and see if someone can help you make life not be gray anymore.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Sweet Brew

2016 Feb 05, 00:22:33 #17987 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 05, 08:10:45 by Sweet Brew
Quote from: Greyscaleisme on 2016 Feb 04, 22:45:30
I just, feel, wrong. Off. Messed up. Off my game.. Any of those things apply. I can't focus, can't think clearly, can't make myself care about anything, really.. My life just seems really, grey, right now. I'm not even sad or anything, I just feel really numb, and I can't shake myself free of it. I want the old me back, not this shell. Nothing really seems exciting or fun anymore, it's all just a grey lump of meh. *sigh*

Spoiler: A derpy pones' reply to a Grey pones' lament. (I have no idea why I said 'lament', it just sounded cool. • show
I knew someone who was going through the exact same thing, well...to be honest they still are!
What they did was whatever made them feel the most, even if it was just a tiny whisper of a fraction they went in that direction.
Three things helped them get through daily derp and actually start feeling something, but much, but a tiny glimmer of hope.

1: They felt pointless, Only thing that ever made them feel anything, even if it was barely there was a specific brony song...
What'd they do then? Tried to get into music making.

They feel now they've found their cutiemark.
Though it's not music maiing for them, music making is part of it.

2: Find a schedule you enjoy of forcing a smile and pretending to be happy around people and then just plain dropping off the internet/ your social life for a week or so.

Forcing a smile can actually help.
But sometimes everyone needs a break from people.
Find that schedule that best suits you.

3: Get emotional self dependence.
Make it so if every friend hated you, you could keep on walking and not let your trail blazing stop.
Will you be sad? OF COURSE! Just for your sake, and your future friends sakes...Keep moving.

4: HA! There is no number four! It said there's only three... =P

But yeah, I'm no special pone of the mind so I could be completely wrong.
Events prove to me that I seem to know what I'm talking about, but everyone's wired differently.
If you ever do see a doctor or whatever about this stuff just don't mindlessly follow what he says or mindlessly dismiss it all either.

Think about each an every word that you hear.
Inside that room, and everywhere else in life.

You'll find when you really, truly think about something it rarely is uninteresting.
Just...don't get interested in the bad things. lol

Stardust Dragon

I just witnessed Mountain Dew's attempt at a Super Bowl commercial and...well, I'll give it credit for one thing.  It helped me find the circuit breakers in my brain I had to physically reset in order to process what in Celestia's name I'd just seen.  o_o 

Marketing department, is this what you see when you drink this stuff?  Because I have a whole slew of questions to ask you further if that's the case...


Drove down(Now that I finally have my car back)on Wednesday to buy a treadmill since it was on sale for half off, to find out it won't fit in my hatchback.

Well today, I have access to my dad's truck.  Guess what?  Not on sale.  Figures.

Midnight Breeze

I just keep getting more bad news about my past colleagues. Out of the 4 nurses I was personally closest to during my time in healthcare - one is dead, one took a job she hates and is completely miserable, one commited a felony, lost his nursing license, and his life is ruined, and the other...well, his family life was a complete wreck when I knew him. Between losing one daughter, his son growing apart from him, and his marriage in shambles I can't imagine he's doing well. And of course my job there ended after being falsely accused of patient abuse and getting kicked off the floor.

On top of that my mom got suspended for supposedly patronizing tech and she stepped down from her position of house supervisor after 8 years. She's going bide her time working in ICU until she can retire.

That hospital is a hellhole. Seriously. Do not ever work there or it will turn your life upside down, with me and all my colleagues as examples.

Chishio Kunrin

I honestly do not understand people who so easily brush off missing something in an episode and not bothering to rewind to see what they missed.

Really? REALLY?!

I cannot stand to miss something! If I have to look away from the screen for even a second, I pause it!! If I had to look away and didn't have time to pause, I rewind! Just in case I miss something important! I HAVE to see every single second of the episode!!

And then there are people who're like "Wait, this thing happened? When did that happen? I had to leave the room for a moment and forgot to pause."
I just sit here like ":I .... Why... WHYYYYY didn't you rewind the episode when you came back and realized you had forgotten to pause?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? >:O"

Even if not much is going on in the second or two that I missed, I still want to see it because shows and movies are about more than just the dialogue and action! Facial expressions and body language are also important! You can tell something is going on with the character if you actually pay attention to their face and body language! There are moments in TV shows, when a character says one thing but their face and/or body say something else, and if you look away, you're only going to get what they say, but not what they mean or what they're hiding!! And then there are moments where a character does something, but there is no sound or dialogue that indicates that something happened, so if you look away, you will have no idea that something just happened!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I think in this day and age everything ought to be open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, at least in larger cities. As someone who works antisocial hours I don't get much free time during daylight hours. (I might request to move to first shift because of it, actually. Though I'd lose 50 cents an hour.) Population is more than large enough that we could support a society that never sleeps, so to speak. Today we have the infrastructure and labor force to keep things open indefinitely.

Keeping things open for more shifts also means there would be more work to go around. There are currently 2-3 unemployed workers for every 1 job opening, keeping businesses open for 2-3 times the amount of hours would solve the unemployment problem overnight - no pun intended.


I have an assignment due in less than 3 hours.  I haven't started it yet.  Why?  Because I hate English.

Submission Instructions:

  • This is an individual assignment; please provide a title page with the assignment name, your full name and the due date for the lab.

  • Provide your answers in a document using MS Word (You must submit a Word document - please no RTF or PDF submissions.)  Include the question number, question text and your answers in the document. 

  • Please use both in-text APA citations and a reference page at the end of your Word document.

......was I supposed to learn this in high school?  I looked up what 'APA citations' are and it looks like a huge pain in the backside to do.....remind me why a computer programmer has to essentially write an english paper?  I took programming to get away from that stuff...

Midnight Breeze


2016 Feb 08, 05:14:36 #17995 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 08, 09:51:44 by Chromastone64
Short hair and football.
Also, got on bus to go to Crawley for college. One hour-long bus trip later, I realize A: I forgot my ID, so I couldn't get in, B: I forgot my assignment USB so even if I got in it would be pointless, and C: After ANOTHER hour long bus trip, I found out my keys were gone, so I had to ring the bell and get my sick mum to open the door.
This I why I never take that thing off...

Post Merge

Quote from: DawnsEmbrace on 2016 Feb 02, 18:04:48
Dude, wasn't the release date out ages ago?
What makes your decision worse is that Fates is in two versions with significant differences between them.

I meant the UK release date.
Anyway, I had to go and buy FFEX...and completely forget that, not only was there FE, but also Bravely Second coming out soon...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Princess Darcy on 2016 Feb 07, 20:42:38
I have an assignment due in less than 3 hours.  I haven't started it yet.  Why?  Because I hate English.

Submission Instructions:

  • This is an individual assignment; please provide a title page with the assignment name, your full name and the due date for the lab.

  • Provide your answers in a document using MS Word (You must submit a Word document - please no RTF or PDF submissions.)  Include the question number, question text and your answers in the document. 

  • Please use both in-text APA citations and a reference page at the end of your Word document.

......was I supposed to learn this in high school?  I looked up what 'APA citations' are and it looks like a huge pain in the backside to do.....remind me why a computer programmer has to essentially write an english paper?  I took programming to get away from that stuff...

I hate doing citations and reference pages. :l I had to do that in high school, though we used MLA citations. It was really annoying.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


How long ago was it that I posted about my ear getting blocked?
Well, now BOTH of them are getting blocked on an almost WEEKLY basis, and guess what? Not ONCE have my parents ever called the freaking doctor. It's all just "Hey! We found a cheap discount ear vacuum thing in this magazine! We'll use that!"
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn's ending just messed me up so bad emotionally... And here comes Heavensward... Seven hells... ono

Midnight Breeze

2016 Feb 09, 02:59:16 #17999 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 09, 03:03:22 by Midnight Breeze
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Feb 09, 02:16:22
How long ago was it that I posted about my ear getting blocked?
Well, now BOTH of them are getting blocked on an almost WEEKLY basis, and guess what? Not ONCE have my parents ever called the freaking doctor. It's all just "Hey! We found a cheap discount ear vacuum thing in this magazine! We'll use that!"

This is obviously worse than wax buildup, it's an infection. It needs real medical attention. Failure to address this properly could cause permanent hearing loss of some degree. Your senses are not something you want deteriorating at a young age (says the high-myopic.)

I don't see what your parents problem is. The NHS will almost certainly pay for it.

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