Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Itty Bit

2016 Jan 22, 18:45:30 #17940 Last Edit: 2016 Jan 22, 18:47:54 by Itty Bit
Got a call from my doctor to slow down on my medication, as its working a little too well.
So that's nice and understandable and all, but the change in my body is really messing with me mentally right now
Also the lack of a stable job has left me borderline broke

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: LostSanity on 2016 Jan 22, 18:00:47
I'm a part of the workforce now. Here's what's bad:

Little free time. I haven't been able  to play Birth By Sleep since this past Sunday...


Actually, you were part of the workforce since you started looking. The unemployed are counted.

The more you know...

Sweet Brew

I hate taking down the Christmas tree.

Lync Volan

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Jan 23, 01:03:28
I hate taking down the Christmas tree.
i wish i had one with that emoji you used lol

ehhh my little cousin just broke my ps3 charger wire and then he walked out without saying anything even though i kept saying his name, gosh i don't like repeating myself and he forces me to :l

like as he walks down the stairs i said his name and he was looking at me well his walking and just wouldn't reply at all, i'm ok repeating myself if someone can't hear me but his doing it on purpose and that's not ok with me, i ain't even mad about the charger though but i thought we were playing video games...

Stardust Dragon

I just had an impulse buy moment for some trading cards on Steam.  It wasn't a lot of money, it's no risk of mine to lose, but it still feels like I paid more than what I actually got out of it...and now it's spreading to wanting to buy a couple games that have been on my list for a while.

Midnight Breeze

I don't know what was going on at work tonight but it was a hodgepodge. I was trying to operate a fuji by myself for the first time and I kept getting moved back to the handpacking line like 3 days because we had no product coming. Kitchen was running at full capacity, they just had way too many fuji lines open given demand. Everyone was spread too thin. I came back and resumed production in the middle of the night and I had all of 2 workers on my line. How in God's name am I supposed to run an assembly line with 2 people? For reference: 7 workers and 1 operator is considered fully staffed.

They sure don't beat around the bush. Throw me to the wolves on my first night and see how I do. I'd say I did alright between being moved back and forth like a frickin' yo-yo all night.

Lync Volan

2016 Jan 24, 07:57:48 #17946 Last Edit: 2016 Jan 24, 09:01:17 by Lync Volan
I thought i was already far away from all this "finger pointing"

getting blamed for things i didn't do and stuff, besides i haven't broken anything in a long while now and i've had noting but a good attitude towards everyone or at least everyone in the house for as much as a year now but she insists that it was broken out of hate! instead of by accident or simply because the rubber holding it together finally gave way (its totally not like metal springs give way by themselves eventually :s

Post Merge

So i keep reading about being able to split youtube videos into image frames easily but now that there is a gif i wanna make i can't find the episode of the show on youtube anywhere! instead everything leads me to another link to another website for the video instead ono!


Playing ARK, spend almost 8 hrs kiting, knocking out and taming a tyrannosaurus, taming bar is at 95% and need food asap so I get to some bushes and grab some berries to hold on, get back to taming and found 2 carnotaurus chewing my future pet to death, rage quit.


Well, I just ran into my first anti-brony...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

As much as I'd like a nice unusual hat in TF2 it would mean putting money into an unstable economy which I'm not wiling to do. With how many crashes and screw overs the unregulated virtual market has gone through it seems unbecoming. The cheapest unusuals - which nobody wants, nobody is impressed by, and are just about impossible to resell - are worth like $50 USD. The good ones are hundreds of dollars.

"I earned the keys for my unusual exclusively through TF2 trading, so It didn't cost me any money."

That argument doesn't hold up because TF2 currency can easily (and legally) be traded for real world money. By purchasing an unusual worth $100 USD in virtual currency instead of trading said virtual currency for cash, you have effectively spent $100 on your unusual.

I think I'll just tip my purple Texas ten gallon and call it a day.


So I leave a roleplay I really liked, due to being reminded of something better left forgotten, then I keep on reading the responses, and it's turning out exactly like it bloody did with another situation! It's depressing to continue reading it, but I feel like it deserves my attention, at the very least.


Nightcore, and the fact that people treat it like its an actual bloody genre of music. IT'S JUST SPED UP, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
Even worse when you look for a particular game track, and you can only find Nightcore versions on the whole of YouTube...
Why the check is it even called Nightcore anyway?! WHY DOES IT HAVE A NAME?!
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

Oh my Gooooooooooooooooood. I just got a $3.50 bill for driving on a private express lane......in November 2014. Yes, twenty fourteen. I remember accidentally getting on the express lane when I first moved to the city, before I even got my car registered in Texas. The photo they have of my car still has my old Louisiana license plate.

I thought it was funny that I never got the bill for it, I figured they just decided it wasn't worth it to send such a small bill to an out-of-state resident and waived it. Apparently it's just taken them this long to track me down.

Honestly though, is $3.50 really worth 14 months of administration costs trying to find me? Private sector idiots.

Sweet Brew

Our dog...
Everyone lets him do whatever the derp he wants.

That's why we have both poop and pee on the floor...


"watches New episode of RWBY"
...Welp, time to do what I do best:
Write cruddy fanfiction about characters I hate being beaten up by something.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Jan 26, 04:53:06
"watches New episode of RWBY"
...Welp, time to do what I do best:
Write cruddy fanfiction about characters I hate being beaten up by something.

Please tell me you also blame Cinder, considering she planned all of that.
Too many people rage about Mercury and Emerald and don't say a single thing about Cinder, and I'm like "Really, guys?"
I mean...
Spoiler: show
The reason Emerald and Mercury are following Cinder in the first place is because they have nowhere else to go. Emerald used to have to steal just to have food to eat, and Cinder told her "Follow me and you'll never be hungry again."

They're just following orders and probably don't know Cinder's entire plan. She's keeping Roman in the dark about everything but what he needs to know in order to play his part, so why not keep Mercury and Emerald in the dark about everything except their parts?

And why do people not hate Neo, considering what she tried to do after knocking Yang out, in Volume 2?! Apparently, she's too adorable to hate. I consider her more evil than Mercury and Emerald, considering that she's blatantly malicious.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Jan 26, 12:10:04
Please tell me you also blame Cinder, considering she planned all of that.
Too many people rage about Mercury and Emerald and don't say a single thing about Cinder, and I'm like "Really, guys?"
I mean...
Spoiler: show
The reason Emerald and Mercury are following Cinder in the first place is because they have nowhere else to go. Emerald used to have to steal just to have food to eat, and Cinder told her "Follow me and you'll never be hungry again."

They're just following orders and probably don't know Cinder's entire plan. She's keeping Roman in the dark about everything but what he needs to know in order to play his part, so why not keep Mercury and Emerald in the dark about everything except their parts?

And why do people not hate Neo, considering what she tried to do after knocking Yang out, in Volume 2?! Apparently, she's too adorable to hate. I consider her more evil than Mercury and Emerald, considering that she's blatantly malicious.

Spoiler: show
Is Neo that mute parasol lady? Me and my friend have been DYING to find out her name.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Night Pony

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Jan 26, 12:27:33
Spoiler: show
Is Neo that mute parasol lady? Me and my friend have been DYING to find out her name.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Chishio Kunrin

2016 Jan 26, 16:01:36 #17958 Last Edit: 2016 Jan 26, 16:04:14 by Chishio Kunrin
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Jan 26, 12:27:33
Spoiler: show
Is Neo that mute parasol lady? Me and my friend have been DYING to find out her name.

Yeah, her name is Neopolitan, but Roman calls her Neo for short.

"Neo, if you would." - Roman, in Volume 2 Episode 4: Painting the Town.

Of course, the only reason we know her full first name is because Monty revealed it during Volume 2. He played a little game with us where he kept posting pictures of neapolitan ice cream on Twitter, until someone guessed what he was trying to hint at. Then, he went on Facebook and posted an album of screenshots of her character model from various angles and named the album Neopolitan.

Funny thing, we found out Yatsuhashi's first name through Monty posting over 20 pictures of yatsuhashi (the food) on Twitter, before the episode where Velvet first mentions his name.

But yeah, it's kind of annoying that there are people going "I hate Mercury and Emerald so much!!" and then turning around and saying "I love Cinder and Neo!!!" So, they hate Mercury and Emerald for being villains, but they love Cinder and Neo for being villains. Okay.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2016 Jan 26, 16:27:34 #17959 Last Edit: 2016 Jan 28, 05:49:22 by Chromastone64
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2016 Jan 26, 16:01:36
Yeah, her name is Neopolitan, but Roman calls her Neo for short.

"Neo, if you would." - Roman, in Volume 2 Episode 4: Painting the Town.

Of course, the only reason we know her full first name is because Monty revealed it during Volume 2. He played a little game with us where he kept posting pictures of neapolitan ice cream on Twitter, until someone guessed what he was trying to hint at. Then, he went on Facebook and posted an album of screenshots of her character model from various angles and named the album Neopolitan.

Funny thing, we found out Yatsuhashi's first name through Monty posting over 20 pictures of yatsuhashi (the food) on Twitter, before the episode where Velvet first mentions his name.

But yeah, it's kind of annoying that there are people going "I hate Mercury and Emerald so much!!" and then turning around and saying "I love Cinder and Neo!!!" So, they hate Mercury and Emerald for being villains, but they love Cinder and Neo for being villains. Okay.

I hate Cinder (I keep spelling it Cynder. Dang it, Spyro...) mainly because of her conniving attitude. In fact, I hate all three of them equally because of that. Neo not so much, mainly because apart from a few things, we know next to nothing about her (that is, if I'm not missing anything, which I probably am.)
Eh, whatever. I'll just put a moment in my story where my friend sends them flying with a Skell or something ^-^

Post Merge

I've wanted to play Final Fantasy IV for ages now, but I don't have the money. Anyone know which is the best version of it?
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

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