Wild Life (Open/Jump-In RP)

Started by Gamepaw, 2016 Jul 19, 05:47:50

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Super sayian pony

((Imback! :D))

*Jasper soon fell asleep on the dashboard of the vehicle*


Aqua Fire

Raptor flew close to the wolf. Eventually, he landed. The hawk kept a close eye on him.
(You know what, can I change Raptor from a changeling to a hawk?)
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


(If you want.)

Game looked at the large bird, wondering what it wanted.

Aqua Fire

"Why hello there!" Raptor the Hawk said.
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


"Hello." Game replied, raising a paw to the hawk before having to quickly steady himself.

Aqua Fire

Raptor looked around.
"So, um.. How do you feel about the ponies here?" He asked, for no reason at all.
Hey, look. I have a deviantart. Come check it out. My DeviantArt


"As long as they leave me alone or give me food, I have no issue." Game offered, thinking of all the times he was pushed over onto his back by mean ponies and all the times he was fed by nice ponies.

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