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Messages - Master Masher

Original Characters / Re: OC: Master Masher
2018 Jan 16, 20:05:29
Video Games is my *cough* his power source
My OC would have a Fox costume but it would have to be really good as to not scare others(because he is a unrefomed changeling).
Pony Off-Topic / Re: Changelings
2018 Jan 14, 19:51:32
*thought pops into head* maybe the changelings are other alicorns and Luna :luna:  and Celestia :celestia: are the only survivors. As in the others did not make it.
why hello there
Video Games / Re: Miitopia
2018 Jan 14, 18:52:25
i just got this for harthswarming.

i love the game s much i pony fide it.

as in added pony miis.
Original Characters / Re: OC: Master Masher
2018 Jan 14, 18:27:53
Don't forget this OC is a pony mirror of me.

I also know an adult man that likes the show Doctor Whooves is referencing.
it was a few months ago September to be exact.i was looking for something to watch then stumbled on the show. i thought i would give it a shot. i could not get out of my seat until the episode was over.
out of the ones on the list.i would go for Rainbow Dash even though my OC can't fly he still wants to race her some day. :3  o.O  lol  B)  =P  o_O but my favorite is Princess Luna. :luna: well achualy i have 3 at my top spot Luna Rainbow Dash and Derpy :o  :P
i ain't applejack but i do a good applejack :l and Big Macintosh -.- voices
not so i have seen Starlight glimmer use the teleportation spell in season 7.
Pony Off-Topic / Re: Changelings
2018 Jan 02, 14:04:02
but chrysalis said that the ponies that they captured would last for generations.

does that mean one pony can last for a little bit or do they generate that much love.

i have been trying to wrap my head around this since i knew Changelings existed.
i have training these hooves for years now. always pushed myself till i could go no more.
you got that right this is any thing but a Mary sue.
Original Characters / Re: OC: Master Masher
2018 Jan 01, 15:02:22
i also like contrasting colors. it does not have to have them mom's OC is a unicorn so lets stick with the horn but lose the wings or the other way around PM me a picture of it.could we stick with same theme on the cutie mark which is "video games".
Original Characters / Re: OC: Master Masher
2018 Jan 01, 14:55:39
if i can keep it a changeling with deep green body, brown eyes and white tipped hooves and red see through wings and his magic from his horn is green and looks like it has code in it unreformed of course.

sorry if get to picky or bossy.
Pony Off-Topic / Re: Changelings
2018 Jan 01, 14:48:37
the answer i really want is what happens to ponys that get all of their love stolen?Do they become changelings themselves? i need to know.
Original Characters / Re: OC: Master Masher
2017 Dec 31, 23:00:00
getting rid of the back story gets rid of his wings basically
Original Characters / Re: OC: Master Masher
2017 Dec 31, 22:58:17
ok. but has to have:

OC is Master of video games

same color scheme

has to be a changeling disguising as a unicorn

able to go into the video game dimension
Quote from: DarkSpectre on 2016 Nov 22, 15:31:15Changeling.
Quote from: DarkSpectre on 2016 Nov 22, 15:31:15Changeling. Not just because my OC is one. I don't feel "love" in the same way as most people, it seems.
i feel like a Changeling in real life too. so your not alone there.i also have this feeling of being safe in a costume i don't know why i do.
Pony Off-Topic / Hardest word in equestria.
2017 Dec 30, 23:01:15
i think the hardest word is "draconquis".

sorry if i spelled it wrong