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Messages - Pa_Kalsha

So many good designs already; keep it up guys, you're fantastic  ^-^
The Retirement Home / Re: Do you like sit?
2013 May 28, 05:18:13
*rolls over*
*plays dead*
Quote from: Trege on 2012 Oct 03, 04:33:18
A vile soft drink.


Mine are fairly normal, I guess.

  • Grinding a little black pepper over fresh strawberries really brings out the flavour

  • Sprinkle parmesan cheese over scrambled eggs. Optional: add grilled or roasted red pepper and pine nuts.

  • Smoked paprika on houmous on toasted pitta bread

  • Dark chocolate and salt (the big sea salt crystals are better than granulated rock salt)

  • No one in my family seems to be aware of the wonder of mustard mash, although they do like cheesy mash, grilled on toast.

  • Ready salted crisps in strawberry jam sandwiches (a childhood favourite)

I also did the 'cheese and ketchup on bread' pizza thing when I was a kid, only I sometimes used BBQ sauce, and I grilled mine. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad.
Quote from: BlueMoon on 2012 Sep 27, 23:14:32
I remember seeing Azure Dreams in the store, maybe around the same time, shorty after Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy Tactics?  If its the game I THINK it is, I think you have to start over every time to exit and re-enter the tower?

That is exactly the game you're thinking of.

I know what I'm playing once I finish Bastion!

(Vagrant Story. I'll be playing Vagrant Story once I've finished Bastion. Another oft-forgotten gem.)
I've never met anyone else who's ever heard of - never mind played - this:
Spoiler: show

(frankly, I'm not surprised; I bought it from a petrol station and never saw it for sale anywhere else)

I thought this series was under-appreciated:
Spoiler: show

^ Best entry in the series, IMO

Probably because it was pitched as a game, rather than whatever the heck it really was (artificial life simulator). I learnt so much about biology from trying to keep the little critters alive.

This was great fun, but again, no-one I've ever met had heard of it:
Spoiler: show

I finally managed to complete it three years ago and went looking for the sequel. Given the price, Tombi 2 is definitely not an under-appreciated game.

And lastly, this game was always good if I had friends over:
Spoiler: show

Being able to switch out the game disc for a CD, to create new levels was HUGE for me. Infinite levels, none of which used naff pop music. Unfortunately, I'm a heavy metal/hard rock fan, so all the levels were utterly fiendish, but it was fun nonetheless.

EDIT: Fixed the image in the second spoiler
For the cutiemark and eyes, try embroidery. It was a lot easier than I thought; I was able to do Derpy's cutiemark without making too much of a pig's ear of it, and I'd never embroidered anything in my life. Patience, preparation and research are the key.
If you choose to embroider, I'd suggest doing it before cutting out the pieces, because it's a pain in the bum to do after you've cut them out and darn-near impossible to do after you've sewn the plush together.

Also: a chopstick is useful for turning the plush inside out. and getting all the fiddly bits.
Take it slowly, keep the seams an even width and, when you clip them, don't get too vigorous!

If you don't have a pattern yet, I'd strongly suggest ValleyViolet's - her instructions are really easy to follow, even for a total novice.

QuoteBut I wonder how I should sew the final part after I turn it right-side out and stuff it.

Ladder stitch, every single time.
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: Daring Do
2012 Aug 24, 08:27:43
Quote from: Night Pony on 2012 Aug 17, 03:59:59
Or we knew how she looked like because she was on the cover of the book.

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Aug 17, 04:04:46
Spoiler: show

... I stand corrected *bows*
I have no idea how I missed that three times
If you're at all worried about losing your laptop, make sure that your data is backed up (you should be doing that regularly anyway, but most people don't). If you can't afford an external hard drive or USB thumb stick, writable/rewritable DVDs are pretty cheap.
It won't stop her trashing your machine, but it'll make it less of a disaster if she does.

Now, to stop her using your machine. There are three steps:

  • Changing your main account password should be your first priority. Do that right now. I'll wait.

  • Okay, the next step is a little trickier: change the admin password.
    (I'm assuming you're using Windows - I know nothing about macs, and slightly less about linux).
    It's possible that, instead of guessing your password, she simply booted into safe mode, and used the admin account to bypass the password.You'll have to search for steps on how to do that, but it's still really easy.
  • Next, go into the BIOS settings and change the password.
    Now your computer needs a password before it even loads the operating system. Again, Google is your friend; search for the model of your laptop and how to access the BIOS settings.

Nothing here is 100% guaranteed; there are ways around all of it, but it should stop all but the most determined invader.
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: Daring Do
2012 Aug 17, 03:55:22
Quote from: Tiger on 2012 Jul 10, 09:07:04
She's just a freaking recolour of Rainbow Dash

Did no one else assume that she looked like RD because RD was the one reading the book? I don't know about you, but when I read, I imagine the main character looking like me or someone I know, unless they're described at the start (and even then, there's still some wiggle room).
Quote from: Sotha on 2012 Aug 13, 01:07:08
Uh... Did anyone record the stream or anything? I missed it, and I haven't heard anything about the event or any of its reveals since.

Ask and ye shall receive:

Thanks for pointing that out, Tiger. Fixed it here, too.
Quoteif a Pony is leaving because a Moderator dislikes them then the reason may be because you have not followed the rules or done something that is controversial to the site remember they are doing a job for free ill add. There job is to make sure the rules are followed so that all can enjoy themselves and this site stays safe for all the users.


Of all the forums I've been on, I've never seen someone who the mods 'hated' without good reason. If you think the mods hate you, try looking at your behaviour. Mods don't get to be mods by being vindictive, maybe there's a reason they delete your posts and lock your threads. Is it because you're an arrogant, offensive, spamming troll? (I'm not talking to anyone in particular here, just a hypothetical 'you')
If you really think you're being unfairly singled out, make your case, calmly and rationally, to another mod - that's why there's more than one.

If you think the community doesn't like you, just go.
I they don't like you, why would they care that you're leaving? You're either looking to feed your ego with "oh no, don't leave", or to justify your martyr complex with "fine, sod off then". I will guarantee that 99 times out of 100, it's the former.
Video Games Archive / Re: Assassin's Creed
2012 Jul 10, 05:30:46
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Jul 09, 17:11:12
Huh. Is it just gonna be another of those little direct-to-DVD more-of-the-lore movies? I honestly hope there won't be an actual Hollywood movie following the games.

With Fassbender in the title role, I doubt it'll be direct-to-DVD.

Woodkid's Iron EP was used the adverts for AC:R, and simply doesn't get enough love:
Spoiler: show

That's one heck of a song.
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: Daring Do
2012 Jul 09, 07:17:03
I would cheerfully watch a spin-off series based on the adventures of Daring Do.
The answer depends entirely on what format do you need to be able to export into.

[EDIT] It looks like you'll be needing to export as a GIF file. In that case, I'd second the sugestion of GIMP, and recommend getting as many of these books as you can: The Animator's Survival Kit (Richard E. Williams), Drawn to Life vols. 1 and 2 (Walt Stanchfield), and Cartoon Animation (Preston Blair) in order to give yourself a firm grounding in the basics of animation.
Supplement that with Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators (Mike Mattesi), and you'll be unstoppable!

BTW: If you're at all into old-school hand-drawn animations, try Plastic Animation paper.
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 21, 21:10:08
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 Jun 21, 21:05:02
Who Framed Roger Rabbit pulled it off, I have no doubt that it's easy as long as there's no tension between both sides of the agreements.
then hasbro...and dr. Who...

That'd be cool, but first they'd have to get BaldDumboRat to do the voice for Derpy.

You know what would be 20% cooler than that? Hasbro and Bethesda Softworks.
You know what I'm talking about.  8)
Team Biographies / Pa Hsia
2012 Jun 20, 18:27:11
Hi there, I'm Pa (AKA Plant-kun).

I'm one of the concept artists for Legends of Equestria; I specialise in environments, although I have been known to dabble with NPC design.

I like long walks and listening to the rain ... sorry, wrong bio.

I came to Brony-dom via the Cheezburger network, of all things. Scrolling through the comments, a lot of people were arguing about the relative merits of MLP. I decided to watch an episode ('just one, mind you. Oh, it's a two-parter, well okay then. Two. Maybe one one more')... you know how it goes. Some time later, I saw an ad for concept artists on Equestria Daily, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I get bored easily, so I have several hobbies: I'm training in the Korean martial art of Tang Soo Do, learning to play the harp and ocarina, practising my writing and storytelling, painting characters from my novel (a constant work in progress), learning German, reading and thinking about philosophy and mythology, learning about science and the universe, and I've recently been inspired to make my own plushies.
When I write it out like that, that's a lot of hobbies O:
On top of all of that, I work full-time as a software tester (which isn't even as interesting as it sounds), take illustration commissions and do the occasional fine art painting.

One day, I'd like to get my novel published (got to finish it first!), have my own gallery show and run a marathon.

Best pony: Tied between Zecora and Derpy Hooves
Best people (influences and heroes): My Dad, Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Albert Einstein, Leonardo daVinci, Raegan Chastain, Lupa, Juniper Jeni, William Blake, JMW Turner, Caravaggio, James Gurney, Petar Meseldzija, Jeff Jones, Frank Frazetta, and lots and lots of other artists
Best music: classical, jazz, metal, operatic/classical metal, 80s/hair metal, 80s pop, whatever you call what Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band play, and Steampunk music
Best authors: Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Herge, Patrick Rothfuss
Best films: Inception, A Single Man, Spirited Away, Batman Begins, the Lion king, Mulan, the Rescuers, Ratatouille, Wall-E, Bolt

I've made some great, albeit strange, friends in the team, and I'm looking forward to seeing everypony's reactions when the game's finally finished.
Until then, I'll be over here, drawing.
QuotePlease, I don't even want to think of something so horrible.

Maybe I shouldn't mention Fred: the movie, then...
QuoteI'm glad they're keeping the crappy love triangles to tiny snippets of episode now, but they still often seem out of place to me.

The price we have to pay for an older Avatar, I suppose.

I was kind of disappointed when I found out season one was only 12 episodes, but I'd take quality over quantity any day of the week. Since Korra doesn't seem inclined to try surfing elephant-koi, any filler would probably be of the romantic variety.

Also, I still haven't seen episode 10 yet, but adult Aang was so cool :3
First Toph invents metal bending, now cars, radios, non-moon-dependant blood benders. I'm really excited to see more of how the world's developed since the last series.
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: Pony Tattoo's
2012 Jun 12, 04:15:39
QuoteTattoos don't typically get infected, unless when they are done it isn't sterile

When I got my tattoo, I was told that, since the area that's inked is basically an open wound, I have to be careful to keep it clean until it fully heals. It scabbed over after two or three days, and I was fortunate in that it didn't itch too much (so the temptation to scratch it wasn't unbearable), but I've heard some nasty stories about people who weren't exactly fastidious with their personal hygiene.

I don't know how much truth there is to them, but in my mind, it's better to be safe than sorry.

I don't have any MLP tattoos, but if I did, I'd get either Derpy's cutemark or custom sigils based on the names of the Mane Six (plus Derpy).  8)
Actually, that last idea sounds pretty good. I may just do that.
This turned up on my FB news feed, and I thought: "who do I know that I can share this with?"

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