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Topics - bananamustang

Team Biographies / Banana Mustang
2015 Apr 29, 12:22:51
*Explosions and awesome guitar riff* BANANA MUSTANG! *more explosions with a sweet guitar riff and drum set*
Greetings! I am Banana Mustang the Lead for the Audio Department.

You may know me from films such as: Legends of BABS Con or Clifford The Movie.

I had been with the project since 2010 starting out as a writer creating some of the fun characters and quests that we have in the game. After a hiatus due to the military I had to step back and change gears to be a voice actor for the project which lead to me becoming the team leader. While I don't normally lurk in the forums I am usually around and will answer almost any question that any may have.

Please enjoy the game and the sweet music and awesome sound effects that we dish out!


After seeing a few things I figured maybe we could help each other with OC creation. This has nothing to do with the game and what I do for it, but I wouldn't mind helping some of those that either feel like they need or request help. The characters that would be created would be yours and also will be the same to the show ponies in terms of the type of special talent and their biography.

One thing I do want to bring up is with your special talent and your cutiemark is that they don't have to match, but what is really crazy is that you don't have to have their career focus on their special talent.

The main thing to remember is this: it is your creation so have fun with it.

I will go more into it later as time goes on if anypony wants help with their creation or even if you want to tweak your current character.