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Messages - bananamustang

Team Biographies / Banana Mustang
2015 Apr 29, 12:22:51
*Explosions and awesome guitar riff* BANANA MUSTANG! *more explosions with a sweet guitar riff and drum set*
Greetings! I am Banana Mustang the Lead for the Audio Department.

You may know me from films such as: Legends of BABS Con or Clifford The Movie.

I had been with the project since 2010 starting out as a writer creating some of the fun characters and quests that we have in the game. After a hiatus due to the military I had to step back and change gears to be a voice actor for the project which lead to me becoming the team leader. While I don't normally lurk in the forums I am usually around and will answer almost any question that any may have.

Please enjoy the game and the sweet music and awesome sound effects that we dish out!



Thank you for your interest in the audio department. While it is awesome you have access to live music it is a difficult thing to try to use. The musicians we have are also the composers and use an array of programs to create their tracks. Each person works on their own piece or area of a map or maps. Coordination between all members takes a decent amount of time. To introduce a live element, while as cool as it would be, would add a level of difficulty. As for voice acting we are currently not hiring at this time. Sorry if that puts a dapper on things for  you, but thanks for looking out.

Very Respectfully,
Banana Mustang
Audio Lead

Quote from: O. Vannen on 2015 Apr 15, 15:28:54
     I recognize that information on the Audio department is not part of this forum and on the Legends of Equestria home page it states that Audio is not hiring, however, I would still like to throw my hat into the ring. I am no composer, but I would like to offer my talents as an oboe and English horn player, in case your composers maybe had something in mind and would like access to a live musician. I also would love to do some voice acting, maybe just bits here and there or if you need a go-to person. Even if it's not much, if it's something I can do that someone else doesn't have to, I'd like to do it. I'm not looking for long-term employment, just something despite my limited talents. I found LoE several months ago, but missed three OSWs until last weekend's (4/10-4/12) and did not hesitate to put in upwards of 20 hours into the game, pushing past any technical difficulties (I also slept less than nine hours that weekend) and I am excited for its continued development. Also, on a side note, will you be having guides? I found myself from time to time just sitting and watching chat, but I think I was too active in chat to be a moderator (I know you aren't looking for moderators) and I liked helping ponies out. Again, I'd like to provide if I can and am eager for more OSWs and LoE's eventual release. Best of luck to all involved in this project, just don't get stressed out by so many asking for a full release, I'll take it when it comes. Many thanks
I think I got everyone that was waiting. If not let me know. For those that probably didn't get the response they were thinking: don't forget that my input is for rooms and places with strict rules or to make your character more show friendly. A lot of what some of you did is very creative and also very impressive.  ^-^
Quote from: Vick McBread on 2012 Jun 07, 22:34:57
a Constructive Critic? HOW RARE!
You can find our OC in our singnature below
Thank you! :D

Occupation: Teacher should be older a bit to give a sign saying that he has learned things and is well enough at the point in life that he can teach. 22 would be fine, but not for a high school.

As I said in the skype call with you: a lot needs to be changed. Your character at this point is OP and is all over the place. If you are trying to created a ponysona of yourself you need to ponify a lot of things and keep a lot of your actual private life out of the pony. A lot of the idea of your pony or OC is to play a game or create a means of escape from the toils of life to another world for a brief time.

After looking through the profile this isn't really an OC this is more about the person than the pony.

Sorry, but there isn't really anything here I can truly review.
Quote from: Chautauquan on 2012 Jun 18, 00:57:20
I dunnae want to tax the overwhelmed and esteemed bananamustang, but wouldn't mind a critique as well, if possible...

OK so he can't learn medicine but he finds out his talent is studying. Change that so the practical side of the medical field wasn't something he was able to do. If that is what you meant then you need to word it slightly different.

If anything you can have him be a historian or a teacher or something. I can see a few funny moments coming through with this OC because he would know so much and try to be friendly to others possibly pointing out when they are wrong with something.

Overall this is a good humble pony and he needs just little work to fit in to FiM.
Quote from: Lusterless Nova on 2012 Jun 17, 15:48:51
Hi. If you have some free time could you check out my second character? My friend made him and now he wants to know what you think of him.
Please check out Sky Blaze's profile. It's in my signature.

This is where you draw a fine line between OP and creatively making something new.

If he is being used in an RP then his interaction or life with the mane six has to be cut back or taken away completely. Working for Sweet Apple Acres and racing Rainbow Dash doesn't seem like it would work because it would affect the daily lives of the mane cast. Part of the idea for some RP rooms is that their times coincide with the show.

You attempted to create a new race pretty much, which is fine, but you made him over powered. The special talent isn't really a talent. that seems more like a special attack, but it is an OP attack. If I understand that right it says he gets to mach 1 (yet still loses to RD in races) and is engulfed with flames that can make him grow 5 times in size (because of the flames) and cause and explosion. This is obviously OP.

A talent is something ponies do on a regular basis. Art, cooking, singing, acting, writing, specific magic use, acrobatics, etc.

The additional info shows your attempt to try to give him restrictions to not seem or be OP, but it makes it worse. To not take damage after reaching an intense speed and a catastrophic explosion seems a bit much. To fly for almost non-stop is also quite a bit much, because even RD needs to take a break.

This is another case of a non-unicorn using magic in some way. It might not seem it, but that is the case for the character. He is engulfed in flames and he isn't a dragon.

You can work around somethings if you give him a detailed enough back story that works but there is a lot that has to be removed or changed.
Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 06, 21:54:53
I'd love to have mine critiqued. Sorry they're so long. x3

Quote from: Morning Glory on 2012 Jun 06, 21:54:53
I'd love to have mine critiqued. Sorry they're so long. x3

Ok... sorry if the reviews are out of order. I am trying to take them as quickly and best I can when I have a free moment.

Morning Glory: I like this character because of the fact that she has so much to her personality which could make an interesting character in a long story arc. Her talent should have more of a story to it. How did she get it? Is it magic based? When did she realize it was a powerful tool when she used to its full potential?

Those items would shed light on her abilities so that if you RP with her other players will have an idea as to how to react to the things she does. Also consider that her ability might not persuade everypony every time.

Also I like the name swap with the fact that her name is pretty opposite her personality. I think of the flower and how pleasant and nice it is, but reading about her makes her seem like she isn't as nice as her name makes her to be.

Pen Bitten:

I like the way this character is put together so I really have nothing to say on this one. He is fairly normal interms of the show and it's character format.


I like her conflict. Striving for perfection, but cant get over her fear of singing in public.I can see a bit of The Taming of the Shew here.


This is a nice example of a character with a personal issue on a physical level that tries to over come the problem and helps others.


This is a nice way of saying that gender doesnt matter to what you do in life.

I had to change up the way I was doing this for your OC's because they all are really good. I have no issues with them, but most of them seem to have a socialising issue. Try not to start a pattern when making OC's. Also add a specific talent for what they do. Nightingale, Pen, and Morning Glory all seem pretty obvious, but Merri and Copper might need to be spelled out better or narrowed down a bit.
Quote from: Gracie Sky on 2012 Jun 26, 17:18:28
No doubt its going to be something more or less closer to the review I gave them.

I also have another OC for you to sink your teeth into when you are caught up. Hopefully you're not getting overwhelmed with these.


No its all good.
Funny enough do a search for a name generator for ponies. Try a few things. You might find something you like or something that clicks. Or you can read articles surrounding your OC's talent or profession.
Don't worry I didn't forget you all. I am working on Morning Glory's OCs now.  :D
Sorry I have been busy again. I will make an attempt to clear out the requests during the weekend. If you see me on the irc just give me a poke to see if I am free. If I am and am not working on it just remind me.  ^-^  :P
Quote from: Night Pony on 2012 Jun 07, 14:02:43
I've been following this thread for some time and you give out some nice reviews.So I'd like to hear your opinion on my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet
They weren't designed for RP.Also I want to apologize for any mistakes in the text that I've made.

Take 2:

Night Shine:

Race: Alicorn. Some rooms would have an issue with this. Mainly because they feel Mary Sue about it. I say it's genetics. If two Earth Ponies can have a Pegasus and a Unicorn as kids then I say it should be possible to have an Alicorn.

Friends: I am sure that there would be at least somepony up at night some point. Not everypony is a day pony. Luna being a teacher seems nice, but the issue is that she is too young and is learning things herself. With that note if you manage to have a story of that you can have the lessons or training be behind the scenes. I always felt that a bit of character development even while no rp was happening was a nice way to keep the character fresh and moving along.

Ability: What exactly is her special talent? You say flying and magic is, but there are many different types out there. There is stunt flying and racing. There is healing magic and elemental. Find a nice balance between the two and also make sure that even though she is talented in it she can fail or mess something up some time.

Moon Violet:

This is honestly the most realistic pony of the two. I like the way she learned of her talent. As well as her care for her sister. To make a cute twist make her the younger pony (more younger. like almost a year).

Her ability seems to match that which is the setting of MLP:FiM.

If you use them in an RP at first have them both on and enjoying each other. Moon seems like the one to reach out a bit to other ponies first. If you play a long time or are able to toy around with things play one of the girls during the day and one at night.

These are very good characters and I hope you can flourish them out to fun siblings.

The small things that need to be changed or tweaked are really just minor and can be fixed as you feel them out in an RP or even a Fan Fic.
 O: My response didn't post!  :'(

Guess i have to rewrite it.
Well... you all seem to have my work cut out for me. It will take me a while to review all of them. In the mean time I ask that you do not argue here. This is a courtesy that I am providing to help you with your OC's so that you can have something that can belong in the world of MLP:FiM or a majority of RPs out there. If I see a problem happening I will just ignore the post.

Again you do not have to send your requests here you can PM me.
Quote from: Lord of Madness on 2012 Jun 06, 18:00:59
well i did say being mothered... being cared for... Madness thinks everything secretly hates him, like The Well, so when he is shown affection or is mothered he becomes very confused = so love/kindness/caring = defeating him, and all 3 are very easy to do, ether way im revising him... he will have the coldest... darkest.. most horrible background ever... you will cry for him when you read it....  ovO more or less m taking entity out of the picture, and im making sure he is great at deception, he will never truly trust anypony ether, but he will still be pretty random from time to time, not all the time now, BUT time to time,

Real quick...  "he will have the coldest... darkest.. most horrible background ever..." <- that already tells me I am not going to like it because it will not match the setting of which I am trying to explain of what the MLP:FiM world is.
Do me! Do me! I've only "finished" the first two, but the first one is the only one that has real information. I'm trying to get the second one through RP story. >:(
(They also have no place in MLP, I guess)

Isterdyul :

Color: He shouldn't change color to express his emotions. It makes no sense... this is what body language and facial expressions are for. Granted he is a unicorn, but none of the ponies in the show changed their color for emotional reasons.

Communication: I can deal with this only if it is his special talent. You never said one or I missed it.

Character summary: His past seems to involve too big of a story that influences a lot of the world and events of MLP:FiM. This is ok for fan fic and alternate universe RP. However, more main stream RP rooms might not like the idea because of the involving of major players in the world.


This is too grim for the setting of MLP:FiM. Hate isn't something that would be used for any of the show's characters. I don't even recall them using that word at all for anything in the show. And there really isn't any pony that is demented.

There isn't much on these to go on. Keep working on them though. If anything they would be good for AU or fan fic.
Quote from: Lord of Madness on 2012 Jun 06, 00:32:12
loved your review ^3^ you seemed thou to ignore his weaknesses, they are in there thou A BLU BLU BLU I LIKE TO YELL PUMPKIN PIE  ^-^

if a mare comes to close to him, he becomes jelly

If a mare OR stallion mothers him, he becomes their slave and thinks of them as his adoptive mother

if he uses to much energy up, he cant even walk... he uses his magic to stand as his body is to physically weak to stand

without his shield, like if you use a spell that counters shileds, he would fall down to weak to stand, the act of falling off his own feet would break all his bones... and kill him

he very often hurts himself, which uses up his own magic

his body is so frail that without his shield, of you were to... lets say... high five him... in his face... it would fracture and kill him

thats about 6 weaknesses about 4 of them lethal to him
P.S. why all the clapping? and darkling your like... 10 times more powerful than madness from what I've heard about you lol  ovO Ozzy thou i expected to clap sense he has always disliked me

You are missing the point I mean when using weakness. Nightmare Moon - Friendship, Discord - Friendship, Changling Queen - True love.

You are talking about mental and physical conditions that would hurt him. I am talking about defeat in a battle of good and evil.
Quote from: Lord of Madness on 2012 Jun 01, 01:00:27
OH you should do mine... WARNING it has A LOT of information...
(post was WAY to long so i shortened it ^3^)

Ok.. Um.. well I read all of it.

I cannot go into each section because it is easier to keep things as a full over view.

For RP and in some or all cases of a fan fic. This is a perfect example of a God Mod/ OP character...

Additionally this is a character/being that doesn't fit in with the world of MLP:FiM. Meaning that he is too grimdark/gothic/or what ever else can go along those lines.

In the RP rooms I have been in they have strict rules about these things you have done with the character. The picture looks nice, but he isn't something that would belong in the world of MLP.

He has no direct special talent.

And if he is to be something along the lines of, let's say the Changling Queen, then he needs to have some weaknesses and ability to be defeated.

The only way's to improve this character is to make him a villain and work him to have a noticeable weakness with out giving it away. Otherwise as a good guy he would need to change completely and possibly just be removed.

Now I know of the way some view you so I will say this first. The reviews I give are my professional opinions. I offer this help on my own accord to ensure that I can still remain creative so that when I return to the game full time I can write the quests that you all would want to play.

Do not take what I say personal because those comments will be ignored.
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Jun 01, 00:52:08
By the way, could you possibly post your reviews on deviantart so that if this thread gets deleted there's still someplace we can reference your suggestions?  And if not, would you mind if i copied your review of my oc's for private noncommercial use as reference?

Feel free to copy it and paste it ^_^

However, if you want me to put it there I will.
Quote from: Gracie Sky on 2012 May 24, 20:13:19
This is a really good idea, I should have thought of this myself, since I enjoy seeing what creativity other people come up with for characters.

Well, while you're here and offering, I guess it wouldn't hurt if you took a look at my wall of text of an OC. I don't think you read it, but a few ponies on the concept team blew me up about it... although I sort of was expecting it. You'll probably understand if you took a look at it.

Gracie Sky

Be assured everything I put in there was deliberate and possesses a rational explanation... that I won't tell you about right now but is still embedded in the complexity of her story. So don't run around screaming Mary Sue like Tater did, please. v_v

EDIT: Oh, while I'm thinking about it: her color scheme. I made it in pony creator and only later did I find out it's almost identical to another pony's color scheme when I was watching the Royal Wedding and saw what I thought to be Gracie's unknown Earth Pony older sister running the kitchen with Applejack. Learned it was Apple Fritter. I probably have to change Gracie's color scheme and pay more attention to the background ponies...  :l


I kid. Couldn't resist.

I am supposing that the profile was made like that for an RP itself. If not then that is an interesting way of  putting it.

OK. The OC looks nice. I can't see why it would be considered a problem that she has the same colors as Apple Fritter. It happens all the time. Look at the show and tell me how many have the same color schemes.

Overall you gave the character some mystery. She is an orphan and doesn't know anything. Its like a new character for an RPG. You have to build her up. Either through RP or a Fic.

As you said there seems to be a rational explanation to everything you have there. From what you said of the interest if she is too young then it's OK to not have her lean to anything, but at her age she might be leaning slightly to something.

I don't see how this is bad in anyway. It allows you to build the character through experience and interactions. Pretty much you developed an OC that is slightly generic when it comes to being a filly, but that also gives the chance to let her grow up into something that stands out and is unique.

Also if you have some answers to the mysteries of an OC sneak some out. Give a little teaser so that anyone that reads the profile and is paying attention will be curious enough to find out what their story is. However, if your character has strong presence then you might not have to worry about it.