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Messages - Silver Gust

Granted, your plushie shall arrive in 1,896 years 5 months and 9 days, give or take a few.

I wish I could be original.
Granted. You will recieve your Candy Cookies plushie in 1,896 years 5 months and 13 days, give or take a few days.

I wish I had more wishes...
Granted. Your skin is beautiful, but a layer of matted fur has grown over it.

I wish Senpai would notice me...
Granted, but you cannot have them.

I wish I could hang out with Rainbow Dash.
PS4 controller broke, so I can't play any of my PS4 games (I have a fair number of them) so I've been wasting time waiting for the holiday season (to be over) by playing idle/incremental/clicker games.

I'm hopelessly addicted to PokeIdle right now. Nearly 100% complete with Gen 1, after only 2 days of barely active play.

Idling to Rule The Gods is open in the background, currently in a UBC (my first UBC) despite having started playing this game over a year and a half ago.

Transport Defender is also open, though I usually only pop in for a few seconds at a time to use abilities and then minimize again until it's time to transfer (rebirth, ascension, etc in other games)

Also trying to get back into RuneScape now that I know that Fletching has been turned into a F2P skill. (Favorite skill <3)

Beyond that, a few dozen games on Kongregate that I don't care to list right now lol.

Oh, and I also have been playing a little Rag Doll Kung Fu on PS3. That game is oddly fun lol.

If my PS4 controller wasn't broken I'd be playing a few minutes of Warframe each day and a whole lot of Sword Art Online Hollow Realization.

... Sadly, I could probably continue for a good 30 minutes about gaming lol. But let's just be quiet and let somepony else post. xD
Quote from: Night Striker on 2017 Nov 19, 19:28:02As far as Equestrian vocab goes, it usually just replaces certain words to their pony respective. Like for "everyone", it changes to "everypony" or like "helping hand" changes to "helping hoof"

And as far as everypony who says "everyone", there's not really much to say about it. it's just a matter of preference or if they're into rp. I switch the two terms every now and again, so there's nothing wrong with saying either of them :P
Being somepony with limited experience and great interest in role playing, I'd love to have some more examples that I might not be aware of. If only to help with the immersion factor.

Thanks for the replies, everypony. Looking forward to joining you in game... just as soon as my life decides it wants to get back on the tracks lol.
Quote from: Night Striker on 2017 Nov 19, 19:38:57Eh as long as people don't go overboard with this, I'm fine with everypony using them. It gets old reading through posts/messages when you have to stare at a wall of text without any kind of color between the lines or words.

I'm roughly the same, but considering my personal formatting rules (whith extra line breaks between paragraphs/subjects) I don't feel like a wall of text is just a wall of text, as long as it's well formatted.

Quote from: RCdeus on 2017 Nov 20, 13:37:48...What the actual -- did I just look at. o_O
Haha, I'm with you on this one. That was... a lot.

Also, it was only after posting that first message that I saw the little tickbox (in full reply, not quick reply) to disable automatic emotes. If I could just take a moment to thank the forum devs for adding that option. <3
Introductions / Re: Hello, everypony
2017 Nov 16, 18:27:02
Yeah, I get that lot online, especially in the forums of PC games. (Because obvious reasons lol)

But as aforementioned, when I start playing 'officially' next week I should be able to get used to things pretty quickly, as I plan to play at least an hour everyday next week and onward.
Because V was a little down and J tried to cheer it up.

Why can't we enter the Matrix?
Music / Re: Brony Music or Mainstream?
2017 Nov 16, 13:42:10
Quote from: Night Striker on 2017 Nov 15, 19:56:43Hm and as far as music recomendations go, have this:

Thanks for the suggestion! I've been looking for more 8-bit music to listen to while chatting and playing games, and this sounds awesome!

@Howitzer Yeah, I suppose you're right. I had a thought and posted it without really thinking much about it.

Just trying to get some conversation going, really. I can't really sit down and play LoE at the moment, due to time constraints and some IRL stuff going on, but I can check the forums a few times a day, so I wanted to get a dialogue going here, maybe try to make some friends even if I can't actually log in and play at the moment.

Edit: Anypony have more 8bit music suggestions? I just can't seem to get enough. xD
Introductions / Re: Hello, everypony
2017 Nov 16, 13:36:56
Thanks for the reminder, DarkDawn, but my problem with the controls is the fact that I'm a console gamer, and I don't have a gamepad that's compatible with Windows 10 at the moment.

Keyboard controls in general are hard for me to use. But given some time, I'm sure I'll pick things up.
Hey everypony. Lemme jump right into it with some backstory and information.

Being somepony that has been a part of the fandom for a few years but never really communicated with anypony else (because antisocial behavior) I'm more than a little out of the loop when it comes to Equestrian vocabulary and I was hoping somepony here would be willing to give me a few examples of the potentially lesser known words or phrases I might be unfamiliar with.

Obviously, the first paragraph proves my knowledge of terms like "everypony" or "anypony" and I've been exposed to certain terms like "lend a hoof" as well.

I've seen the series, up to and including Season 7, and I've seen all of the EQG movies, and the new 2017 version of My Little Pony The Movie (because there might be a few Gen 1-3 bronies here, just had to specify; and that movie was good, but not great in my honest opinion) so I've seen most of what's in the series officially, but I wanted to know if there were any terms that might not appear in the show as often (things I might have forgotten) or specific terms that don't appear in the show and/or movies but are used often in the fandom.

Reading through a few threads on the forum showed me a couple of other terms (and I saw a few new users make the mistake of using 'everyone' or something  similar lol) but I'm sure I missed quite a bit too, as I only checked threads that interested me (and I didn't check any threads more than 2 months old, because I don't know exactly how 'gravedigging' threads is handled here yet)

Thanks in advance!
Because this thread is too long, so it takes everypony too long to catch up. Give it a few hours.

Why did I choose to reply to this thread?
A can of Mountain Dew.

Not complaining. :)
Music / Brony Music or Mainstream?
2017 Nov 15, 17:21:34
Title says it all.

As somepony who listens to both regularly (and just a bit of underground dubstep/electronic) my opinions on this subject are pretty open. Always looking for something new to listen to while gaming and while simly living life.

Anypony here want to chime in?
Off-Topic / Emotes - Love 'em or hate 'em?
2017 Nov 15, 17:13:41
Having joined over 100 message boards over the course of my lifetime I've seen every type of emoji user out there, from the "I hate emojis." herd to the "lol :P :D" herd.

This gets me wondering about the opinions of emojis and emoticons in general whenever I find myself in a new message board or community so I figured I'd ask everypony here to share their opinions on the matter.

I prefer text only emojis, but it seems like they are impossible on this forum, due to automatic conversion. (And that's fine, by the way. Just not a fan of image based emojis personally)

Your thoughts?
Rocks. I was wondering if somepony made this thread, because I was going to make it. Guess you beat me to it.

If I had to pick a favorite rock, it would be Obsidian, both for the glassy sheen and texture. But not just that, it's also the fact that despite it's beauty, it's also quite durable.

When I was just a little one, I remember finding some obsidian on the ground one day while hiking with my family and I slowly grinded and smoothed it on the riverbed of our campsite until it was roughly egg shaped (but a fair bit smaller) and I made a necklace out of it. I still have that necklace, actually, though the string is far too small to reach around my neck now.

As for music, I listen to a little bit of everything. Rock is nice, but as Silverbeat mentioned, it just doesn't have enough rocks in it. More rocks or change name, please.
One of the first things I did after signing up was look through the various menus and options for a darker theme, to no avail.

Considering I nearly decided against posting on the forums at all because of theme, I have to support this suggestion.
Introductions / Re: Hello, everypony
2017 Nov 15, 15:29:35
Thanks for the replies and warm welcomes!

Time constraints IRL prevent me from playing as much as I'd like but I'll be on a few times a week, starting next week.

I only wish I was more used to PC gaming, because the controls are hard for me to get used to. I keep flying in circles instead of forward lol.

Also, thanks for the information about the CAPTCHA. Not a fan of it, but I understand why it's there now.
Introductions / Hello, everypony
2017 Nov 14, 15:59:40
The name I wanted was taken, so I used my fallback username.

I've been a brony since shortly after Season 3 finished airing but I don't have many friends that enjoy the franchise, so I'm excited to be here, though I seem to be having some trouble earning my wings.

Character name: Silver Glow (Also my Twitter name at the moment)
Server: Amareicas
Species: Pegasus
Looking For: Friends

And yes, I'm kind of bad at introductions.

Anyway, if anypony wants to chat, just send me a message or reply here.

PS Little strange to have to complete a Captcha to post a message. Any way to disable that? Or is it maybe a one time thing?