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Topics - DrizzleMutt

Video Games Archive / A DOTA 2 Team
2013 Jan 01, 22:36:05

I'm planning on getting a DOTA 2 team setup, and are looking for eligible candidates. There are currently 5 slots available in the team, and sign ups are below.

Steam Name:
Average Playtime on DOTA 2:
Current Battle Level:
In-game hero roles (Lane Support, Jungle, or Carry):
Heros Generally played:

This group will have semi-scheduled training exercises for people who wish to learn to play at a higher skill level.

Positions Available:
Captains Slot- DrizzleMutt
Slot 1-
Slot 2-
Slot 3-
Slot 4
Slot 5-

Contact me on my Skype, on the fourms, or on Steam. (Linked below).

Skype: the.misinformed
Steam: drizzlemutt

If you wish to learn or play, or obtain it, I have extra copies (Six to be exact) of DOTA 2.
Original Characters / Regeal Verivi
2012 Oct 14, 09:13:30
Regeal Verivi is a... Odd pony. Her body could be mistaken by the figure of a griffin, as well as her wings. This is mainly because of her weird coloration of complementary colors, and her height. (Which could be matched the height of Nightmare Moon.) Her griffin like attitude is even more noticeable in the way she walks and speaks. The most apparent things is that her hat is the most important thing to her, as if it reminds of a long lost pony that she once knew. Regeal quite often gets in trouble with other ponies, because pressing buttons is a thing she does very frequently.

Her most notable feat is being able to fly past the tropopause, and into stratosphere for the total of 30 minutes to fly back most unscathed. But even this is unknown to most common ponies, being that it was for scientific reasons. This is mainly due to the potency of the 'Breath Underwater' spell if charged to create a bubble of a measurable size. (Which I find canon from 'Sea Ponies') This feat was not accomplished from a stopped position, she had first to reach a near 'Sonic Rainboom' speed to exit the Tropopause. What is unknown about this pony is that her world is beginning to fall about her, as a celebrity falls out of it's popularity. Regeal isn't one for the spotlight, but can hold a conversation with about anypony.

Height: 6'2 (Roughly almost 2m)
Age: 19
Coat Color: Orange
Mane-Tail Color: Sky Blue
Noteable Features: Her Tulip Gold eyes quite often confuse her for a predatory being. And has a very long fuse, and doesn't get angry very quickly. If you get the chance to notice, she has very long and rugged scars under her wings, this hidden to most ponies who don't take time to notice them.

(Currently a work in progress, a new picture will be out soon. Mainly because Regeal is hard to think of ideas for.)
I was really wondering if anybrony out there plays this game.  :3

If so, you can add me, my account name is DrizzleMutt.


One of the greatest moments I've faced in the game would have to be running from Nastyas to Doggs, and getting two Sport Armors along to way. Such a booster to start at Doggs.
I've heard of this game, and are watching the Playthrough..


Warning, seriously scare and contains gore.

Er.. Yeah.. Good game.
Introductions Archive / Heya Everypony
2012 May 29, 14:24:35
Like the title says, Hi everypony. My name happens to be DrizzleMutt.

Like anypony (one) knows it.

Mostly because I'm quite new to this, forum communication.

Buttt, beside that, I'm not a very active user. But I will make a few appearances every now and again, and will most likely be doing a one action role play. Or, if the need arises, a sketch or so for somepony.

I hope to be able to share some love and tolerance with some of you, and have a wonderful day, morning, or evening.

Drizzle is found to be a loner. (Not a shocker.) But, he doesn't choke on his own self-pity and sit alone the whole day. He is a progressive protagonist in Ponyville, silently in the background. Watching and waiting for trouble. You may even see him, with his duck-tape gray hoodie, which has seen better days. His golden hair strikes from his figure with unkempt grace. Drizzle's mane has a rigid and shaggy cut, seemingly self done. His tail is of the same case. A pair of glasses sit upon his muzzle, which behind them a glowing set of rain-blue eyes. Hence the name, Drizzle.

Drizzle's past is a mystery to others, as well to him. It is quite obvious that he suffers from a serious case of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Which has frayed many of his memories of the past, but is quite capable of carrying on a conversation. If found in conversation, he has a terrible stutter in his speech. 

Image by Drizzle Mutt

Drizzle's emblem (Cute Mark) is both familiar, but as the same is a mystery. The purple shield gives off as a sign of a protector, and a sign of justice or royal majesty. The vines that embrace it symbolize a meaning of life that clutches to this, justice and protection.

Image by Drizzle Mutt