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Topics - Onion Sing

Art / Expect the Unexpected
2019 May 30, 18:10:26
I couldn't wait till Monday, to see this episode through iTunes, because Woona,
so I got a 720p TV Recording from the Internets! :ajshifty:

It didn't have subtitles, so I made some...  ;)


Enjoy!  0:)
Here ya'll go!

Ya might have to tweak the synching a bit?
I wasn't able to test it on an iTunes version of the episode, but I will, as soon as I get it.

I made this using a HDTV 1080p Recording of the episode, that a friend recorded with her Cable TV.

I edited out the commercials myself, before making the above subtitle file... So, it might lose a bit of sync with other versions/recordings of the episode, depending on where we decided to start and end the cuts for commercial breaks. Hopefully, it won't be noticeable.  X3

At the very least, you can use my subtitle file as a kind of transcript, and it could save you some time, if you have need of that, or something...?
Just finished making it!  *-*

As with the other one I made (for the 6'th Episode of Season 5) it's designed to work with the 1080p version, of the iTunes version, of the episode.

I hope ya'll enjoy it. Gonna sleep nao. Been awake for waaaay too long.  :o
I can't seem to find subtitles for Season 5's 5'th (Tanks for the Memories) and 6'th's (Appleoosa's Most Wanted) episodes.
So I went ahead and tried my hand at making them, myself.

It took nearly a day, just to make subs for Episode 6, but it was worth the effort!

I did this because I have a family member that's kinda hard of hearing, but loves dem ponies.  :D

To be honest, I'd rather just get the subtitles from an online source or something, because I've never really done stuff like this before, and it takes such a long time for me to do it.  D:
Anypony got any links to good places with Pony subs?

If I wind up making subs for Episode 5, too, I'll be sure to start a new thread, to post them in, so long as it's ok with the mods.  X3

Here's a link to a copy of the subtitles I made, for Season 5's Sixth episode:

They're designed to sync up with the iTunes 1080p commercial-free version of that episode.
The episode itself is not included. You gotta get it yourself, somehow.  :P

You'll probably need to use a 3'rd party video player, that supports External Subtitles, to get em to work, though.
Can't speak for apple or android stuff, but I just use Zoom Player with the DirectVobSub plugin on XP or Windows 7... Both are free. Google em if ya wanna.  ;)

If you right-click on the Video Playback Area of Zoom Player, when playing a video (It's ok if it's paused, but it does need to be loaded) a menu will appear.
Mouse over "Stream Selection" and another menu will appear, where you can pick Audio and Subtitle streams, for whatever video is loaded and playing (or loaded and paused).  x3

You also need to make sure both the Subtitle File and the Video File are named exactly the same, except for The part after the dot, and both are in the same folder/directory.

Kinda like this:

Or like this: