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Topics - Tiger

Just some random animations I made when bored.

Applebloom walking - made in about 2 hours.

My tablet started making my Adobe Flash crash about halfway through, so I actually used my mouse for drawing most of the parts you see here  ovO

Freakiest thing ever seen - Made in about ? hours


that's my sister's oc by the way
Animations Archive / Running animation
2014 Jan 29, 23:25:25
Finished this up yesterday.

I think the tail went a little wonky though  X3

TryHardNinja, y ur song so awesome

And the animation... Gah, just gah *-*
Resolved Issues / Inability to reply?
2013 Jul 18, 19:23:38
I'm able to reply just fine to most threads, but Jenzy's Most horrific things in video games thread I am unable to reply to. It just keeps loading forever and when it does finish, it's just " Bad request". Why?
Video Games Archive / Portal 2
2013 Jul 18, 08:44:48
I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this.

So, yeah, Portal 2. No spoilers please! ovO

Thoughts on GLaDOS, Wheatley, the whole game? c:

I really like the concept of Portal. A puzzle game with a great storyline that really gets you into the feels. It feels like you ARE part of the storyline, 'specially with all that great voice acting. And that thing... No spoilers  ovO

The only thing that's been puzzling me is that people on the internet keep saying "The cake is a lie", but I've yet to find anything about that so far into Portal 2. Was that in Portal 1?
Off-Topic Archive /
2013 Jun 24, 00:47:36

Eventually the nyancats fill up your whole screen and you can't see a thing. I can't see what I'm typing right now.

Can be done for any website! Enjoy the nyan cats filling up your screen and blinding you with their rainbows.
I'm surprised how I typed this all with the nyan cats completely blocking my sight and with almost no mistakes

EDIT: Oh, you can click away the nyan cats XD
Off-Topic Archive / Let's see your pets!
2013 May 25, 23:29:44
Tell us all about your pet(s) ovO

Technically this cat isn't my pet, it's a stray cat. But it likes to come into our house very often and we feed it and all that ovO

Spoiler: Sorry about bad image quality • show

She's very likely older than me  :o It meows very loudly when it wants attention until one of us starts stroking it. When I would abruptly stop it would look at me expectantly because it wants more wub  X3

What kind of pets do you guys have?  :]
I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet, which quite intrigues me.

From what I've seen in the show, they don't seem to be able to. Or, at least Applejack and Pinkie Pie don't seem to be able to.

Remember when Twilight wanted to help Applejack out in Winter Wrap Up (S1 E11), and used her magic. Magical glowy aura was all around the thing, but Applejack didn't even notice. Only when Applejack was caught in Twilight's big, rolling snowball did she say "You used magic, didn't you!?" or something along those lines. Spike could see her horn glowing though, so it seems that the inability to see magic might only be confined to Earth Ponies.
Applejack also seemed surprised that the spool and needle floated up during the song "A True, True Friend" (S3 E13) when Rarity lifted them up with her magic.

In S2 E13 Baby Cakes, Pinkie Pie was utterly shocked by the butterfly toy flapping and flying "on its own". Given, she COULD have just been so shocked that Pumpkin Cake was already able to make things levitate with her magic. But judging from her facial expression and eye direction when she came nearer to the cot, she had only just begun to realise that the toys were floating because of Pumpkin Cake's magic.

Though, that's all I really remember. I don't remember if the pegasi could see the magic.
So, can they?
If there were a section for "Voice acting hilarity", this would be in that.

I laughed too hard.
Animations Archive / Endertainment 3
2013 Apr 19, 10:29:53

"Endertainment - A game in which the goal is to get the diamond block as creatively as possible....and to mess with people in the process."

What is it about this animation by Slamacow that I find so impressive? I can't figure it out  :I
2013 Jan 17, 07:26:08
So today... Tonight. I got myself some new headphones to listen to music while I walk home from school. So when I got home, I decided to do a test run of it. I played "Smile Smile Smile" on my phone, and then listened to it with my headphones...



These headphones let me listen to the beautiful background music hkjsafhkjasdhkeuashdfkjsdahgkjdshgkhsd


Excuse me while I spaz.

Does anypony else ever feel like this, ever? XD
Animations Archive / Tiger's jolly walk
2013 Jan 06, 07:20:32

... I don't even know :D
Pony Off-Topic Archive / Poni shiirtt!!
2012 Dec 23, 21:32:49
I got myself a pony shiiiiiiiirrtttt :D :D EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  :3


What (poni) shirts do you guys have?
Hello everypony! As you should know, in "Teh Minecraftness Thread", we've been discussing about making a video with us in it in a randomly generated world of vanilla minecraft, so we decided to move the discussion here.

The minecraft server will be set to normal mode.

Ponies part of the group

Tiger - TigerPegasus - Orange
Darkangel - Kirbyzerotwo64 - Red
Xeno Aura - Dreedo - Yellow
Rikaria - Blazevoir - Pink
Johannes - Neenya - Blue
Travius Trott - madsteel3 - Green
Sponk - Sorabrad - Light Blue
Trege - Trege100 - Cyan
Chishio Kunrin - Redpenguin18 - Purple
Lyra - Disolia - Lime Green
Book Smarts - Pojo458 - Gray
Ryo - Bt968 -
TCDubstep - Builda500

Skype usernames

Tiger - TigerPegasus
Darkangel - Kirbyzerotwo64
Xeno Aura - Jenraux
Rikaria - Blazevoir
Johannes - bakasan94/Teemu
Travius Trott - Travius Trott
Sponk - Geautenburger / Fwuffy Wuvable
Trege - Trege100
Chishio Kunrin - deathtkid64
Lyra - Disolia/Lyra_Heartstring
Book Smarts - Pojo458
Ryo - Ryo.d.disk
TCDubstep - TCDubstep71


Use to figure out what times these times will be in your timezone!

1st meeting
6 - 9 AM, Sunday, Singapore time. Which is...

10PM to 1AM GMT, Saturday
5PM to 8PM EST, Saturday
2PM to 5PM PST, Saturday
4PM to 7PM CST, Saturday

If your timezone is not listed here just check using the website above.

Done! That was fun!

2nd meeting

7 - 9 AM, Sunday, Singapore. Which is...

11PM to 1AM GMT, Saturday
6PM to 8PM EST, Saturday
3PM to 5PM PST, Saturday
5PM to 7PM CST, Saturday

3rd meeting


4th meeting

Probably same times.

5th meeting
Coming soon?


Okay, everyone currently in the group, please give me your MC usernames :D
I need/want/desperately want the background music of the Failure Or Success Song-Reprise. The one where all of the mane 6 are singing. I wanna have it in file form?

I tried using youtube downloader for this video, but it didn't work, it just says "Failed to download". Same for all other videos I try. Does anyone know other ways to download videos?

EDIT: Nevermind, I got it already  X3

~Electro-BLITZ - This topic has been locked due to inactivity, if this was a error and your the topic starter, please contact a moderator for assistance
Video Games Archive / Order of Twilight
2012 Nov 25, 09:42:48
Has anyone else tried out this game?

[ Invalid YouTube link ]

EQG review:

I played through the whole thing with a little help from AdventuresofLuna's videos :3

The game is awesome, considering it was made in 27 hours! What are your thoughts?
The Retirement Home / I have a question...
2012 Nov 20, 22:16:37
What program do you people/bronies/ponies/whatever use to combine different sound tracks together?

Electro-BLITZ ~ Topic Locked For inactivity
Animations Archive / My Little Pony: Dota 2
2012 Nov 15, 00:15:33
I keep watching this over and over :3

Off-Topic Archive / Weird MMD Shadow
2012 Nov 14, 19:58:50
So today my sister downloaded MMD and I played around with it.

And then this happened.


Feel free to share other weird 3D models here!
Original Characters / Shofter and Falliver
2012 Nov 14, 08:10:39
I'll post up my drawing of them later ovO

Name: Shofter

Age: 19 pony years

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Female

Appearance: A white unicorn with long, black, straight hair that wears a brown coat.

Personality: Serious, almost never smiling. Not kind OR mean. Never laughs.

Cutie Mark: Unknown. She always wears a brown coat that covers it. BUT she specialises in doing spells that involve animals.

Likes: Being alone, Canterlot, being alone at home. Falliver is an exception in all these "being alone" stuff.

Dislikes: Ponyville, crowded places, talkative ponies/things (Falliver being an exception)

Fears: Being trapped in Ponyville, being trapped in the middle of time and space, the end of the world.

Info: Never smiling, Shofter may appear to be a mean pony. But if you get to know her, you'd find out that she's very lonely, if you exclude Falliver. She would  treasure your friendship with her - you just wouldn't know it.

((I haven't roleplayed with her much, so I haven't decided if she would be friendly to friends that aren't Falliver  ^-^))


Shofter was just a small filly living in Vanhoover when her parents were taken away from her. They were never seen again. Since then, Shofter had been living independently, refusing help from anyone she met. As a result, she became rather anti-social. She earned money by working as a waitress at a fancy restaurant.
One fine day, she went down to the streets, the sides filled with stalls. There, she got Falliver, who was always kind to her no matter what. She was her only friend.

She started practicing spells with Falliver. Eventually, her speed spell succeeded, earning Shofter her cutie mark, which no one knows what.

((True, i could write more about her history, but she's a very undeveloped oc, unlike Tiger who I've had for years.))


Name: Falliver

Age: (Undecided)

Species: Magical parakeet

Appearance: A light green parakeet with two long... things... As her tail. Sparkles occasionally.

Gender: Female

Personality: Pinkie Pie-ish. Always smiling, always kind. Basically the complete opposite of Shofter.

Likes: Ponyville, meeting others, making others smile.

Dislikes: Boring stuff, Canterlot, being alone

Fears: Being stuck in the middle of time and space, the end of the world, supernaturals.

Info and history: Falliver is a magical parakeet from Galloping Gorge. There she was always afraid, mostly due to the snakes there that would steal their species' magical power. Then she was captured by a salesman and sold at the streets, where Shofter got her. Falliver owed it to Shofter for getting her away from all the snakes in Galloping Gorger and from the other creatures the salesman had for sale.

((Yes, very little, but if Shofter is undeveloped, then Falliver is even MORE undeveloped.))


I first created Shofter in Nala Valor's Random oc rp, where we had to create a completely new OC to roleplay with. I thought it would be funny for her to always be with someone that has the complete opposite personalities, and thus, Falliver came about.

Yeah, not much about her creation ovO
Post your "The Perfect Stallion" and "Failure or Success" covers here! No matter what version, they may all come here ovO
Just be sure you put your "Failure Or Success" cover in spoiler tags, since some may have not watched S3 yet.

Also, here's some help for the numbers part of Failure or Success!

Spoiler: NUMBERS • show
"The square root of five hundred and forty six is twenty three point three six six six four two eight nine one zero nine!"

Electro-BLITZ ~ Topic Locked For inactivity
The Retirement Home / The Gypsy Bard
2012 Nov 06, 21:48:20
Ever since I heard this song I couldn't stop singing it, so I had to do this! lol

Original song:

Karaoke version:

Now do your own version... But warning... IT IS HAAARDDD ovO

Electro-BLITZ ~ Topic Locked For inactivity
Original Characters / The OC pages of Iahs!
2012 Oct 27, 19:33:39
Post your Iah's OC page here! Here's mine!

Spoiler: Feshru the Iah • show

Name: Feshru

Species: Iah

Age: 6 years (Teenager?)

Gender: Female

Personality: Seriousness, not very cheerful. Occasionally helpful. Talks a bit like Rarity.

Likes: Scaring others (occasionally), fish, Everfree Forest, Canterlot

Dislikes: Her name, the rest of her species, mud

Fears: Paranormal activity

Info: Feshru is an independent Iah that lives alone. Most of the time she sleeps in trees, but sometimes she would build a small hut in the tree to make things more comfortable.


When Feshru was born, she instantly got interested in fish. Her parents decided to name her after the fish, or "Fesh", as her older sister called them when she was young.

She grew up disliking her name and her species. Her name sounded weird and everyone in her species teased her for that. She ended up running away and living on her own.

*History still incomplete, trying to think of something, please come back later*
Original Characters / Tiger Stripes
2012 Oct 24, 04:14:34
(Currently thinking of re-writing Tiger's background story and some other stuff)

I'm pretty sure I haven't made one of these threads for Tiger yet.

Anyway, you thought you knew Tiger? Well, you're going to know her more!

Spoiler: Tiger's reference page.png • show

(Thanks Skardan for the gif above!)

(Name): Tiger Stripes

Original species: Cat

Gender: Female

Age: 14 pony/cat years

Personality: May be kind or may be mean, depending on how irritated she gets. Always helpful and outspoken. Tomboyish, can get irritated or frustrated easily.

Cutie mark: Map, showing that she's good in adventuring.

Likes: Adventuring, flying, treasure, old and new friends

Dislikes: Ponies that act smart, extremely dumb ponies that ask about the extremely obvious, anything that hurts her friends.

Fears: Slendermane, Bees

Fun fact:
-Tiger's mane and tail style tends to change if her mood or sanity changes very drastically.
-Tiger will never forgive anyone who messes with her friends.
-She may often be found trotting around Ponyville while eating some muffins. She would also give some muffins to other ponies that she meets.
-She may over-think things.
-She likes to call ponies by the shorter form of their names, if their names are quite long.

Info: Originally a cat, Tiger retains some of her cat genes in pony form, allowing her to communicate with animals. It also allows her to see slightly better than others in the dark. She dislikes telling this to others though, thinking that they would shun her. She may be very smart, but occasionally she just doesn't see the obvious. Sometimes very persistent.
She is commonly found flying about, adventuring, or eating at Sugarcube Corners.
She's normally very determined when she has a goal for something, but she occasionally snaps and acts like a little foal.


Tiger's parents went missing because of an earthquake that happened after she was born. She was found alive, trapped in a small space in between the rubble. She was adopted by a caretaker in another village. As Tiger grew up, she was called Tiger Kitty by her friends because of her species and tiger-like stripes, so she thought that was her name. She grew to become mature and independent at a young age.

Many years later, when she was 11, Tiger met Remie and Cappy, now her best friends. At the age of 12, she had already gone through 20 adventures with them and others, such as Shori, a cat that had been trapped in an alternate dimension for years.

Soon, she was 13. 3 months after her birthday, she went into a cave that had been neglected for a thousand years with her friends Remie, Cappy and Shori.

They had no idea what they were getting into.

They got turned into ponies. Initially, they had no cutie marks, but through the things they had to go through in the cave, they obtained their cutie marks. They aren't very keen to tell others how they got them, though.

They ventured through the cave and defeated some evil bat-with-no-legs kingdom and eventually reached the bright Ponyville in wonderful Equestria. They settled in by the time Cappy, the brilliant and bright scientist and mechanic of the group, had finished her machine that would help them get back to their home from Ponyville and vice versa. Tiger and Cappy decided that they wanted to stay in Ponyville, while Remie and Shori wanted to get back home. So all four of them went there, Tiger and Cappy saying that they would stay in Ponyville and telling everyone not to worry. Then they went back, wanting to know more of Equestria and its inhabitants.

In Ponyville, they kept calling her Tiger Stripes. Tiger found it better suited than Tiger Kitty, being mature, so she decided, her full name would be Tiger Stripes.

Tiger is now 14 and is probably going to stay in Equestria for a very long time after making so many new friends. She does, though, occasionally go back to her home village to stay with her old friends some times and chat.


I created Tiger as an anthro cat around 2009 or so. I always imagined her voice as a normal girl's voice. I don't quite remember the exact date she was made, but I think it was around the middle of the year.
Since I created her in 2009, it was a complete coincidence that Rainbow Dash was also tomboyish.
When I first had the idea of her, I just wanted a cat with tiger-like stripes. I didn't have a name for her, so I just called her Tiger-kitty. Later on in my story I found myself lazy to write something like that, so I shortened it to Tiger, thus her name.

I decided to make her a pegasus because she also quite likes speed, and being a pegasus makes some adventuring stuff
She's always helping anypony, anyone and anything, whether it's paying for something or being brought to the hospital or anything like that.

I find Tiger a bit odd, only fearing death, which made her occasionally a bit boring because she was never scared. So when I roleplay, I add fears to her while she goes on with the journey. Occasionally.

Initially, Tiger was never intended to come to Ponyville. In my old backstory, she became a pony because the cloning machine Cappy was testing had malfunctioned and somehow turned Tiger into a pony. She then had to go all around her world in her dimension to turn her back into a cat.

Then I joined the forums, and since everything took place in the pony dimension, I changed her backstory to the current one.

About Tiger's origins:

Tiger lived/lives on Cat Island (Yes a very generic name...) which is on a certain planet. This planet contains all of my OCs and fan characters, each section of OCs or FCs living on different islands. For example, there's Human Island, for human OCs, Pokemon Island, for Pokemon OCs, Sonic FCs, and so on.

There's also the huge warehouse on a large island where all my OCs can gather to chat and stuff, although they can also just fly in airplanes to the other islands.  This warehouse contains the extra belongings of my OCs that can't fit into their houses. When a new OC is created, they fly to the warehouse and put all their stuff there.

There's also one misc island that just contains a town they all may hang out at.

...I basically just explained my mind of OCs ovO
Off-Topic Archive / I have a shoe box
2012 Oct 19, 01:59:07
What should I do with it?



What should I do with these two? ovO
Off-Topic Archive / Ermahgerd, rain
2012 Oct 18, 01:54:27
So today school ended and I came out of school. ERMAHGERD, THE RAIN WAS SO HEAVY.

It was so heavy my shoes got completely wet inside and out, and it was wet and squishy all the way. My clothes got wet too and I'm hanging them to dry -.-
The winds were also so strong that my umbrella broke o.o

At least the things in my bag didn't get wet. Good job bag :D

Ever had a bad rainy day like so and you had to walk through it? Do share it for our entertainment ovO
Off-Topic Archive / Live streams!
2012 Oct 12, 10:10:15

Currently live streaming me and my sister playing Minecraft ovO
Though we can't chat because Minecraft covers up the whole screen.

Have a live stream channel? Post it! :D

(Note: I didn't check whether there is a thread for live streams already as my sister just told me to post this, so if there is, apologies  X3)
Video Games Archive / Bad Piggies
2012 Oct 06, 05:08:35





This thing has been so much fun  :3 Especially the sandbox! My brother eventually made a flying "helicopter" thing that can go in every direction ovO

Have you been playing it yet? What're your thoughts? :D
A surprising lot of Johnny Test's voice actors have been involved in MLP FIM  :I Just listen!

Although, the only one really involved into MLP is Ashleigh Ball, but the others are still involved!
Not sure this would go into Video Games section x3

Anyway, I've been wondering, how easy/hard is it to make movies/videos/pictures/whatever on SFM? I've been thinking about downloading it but it takes 3 hours and I was just wanting to try it out, and I don't even know if I can make anything good out of it  :I
This is the OOC board of The Wretched Prison! It is a joint RP between me and Sponk.

Now, this isn't just an ask questions board. You'll have to post your ability and moves here for the battles, and I'll have to check whether they are overpowered.
Here's some of the thing you'll need to know.

Due to myself actually having a real life, I may not be able to roleplay very often, so I might not be able to manage the battles for extended amounts of time. And with all this studying and timezones, getting smooth roleplaying speeds can be hard. I will try my best though!
The battling system
The battling system, as always, shall be the pokemon battling system. You will have a maximum of four moves, and it will be turn based for this RP. I shall explain more in-depth about battling. below.
Item limits
Too many healing items or defense berries or whatever shall make you overpowered. I'm allowing a maximum of 3 items that heal 20 hp in this RP for each USER. A maximum of 4 if it heals 10 hp. For example, bigger berries shall heal 20 hp and the small ones heal 10 hp, and same for the potions.

Special items
Special items are items that change your moveset slightly, e.g. replacing a certain attack with another attack because of this item. Sword attacks shall have to replace some attacks in your moveset when you take it out. For things that can be only used once, such as knives or nails or something, they will make a special section in the menu when battling so that you can make a special move using that item. E.g. Tiger using knives to make a knive tornado.
When you have taken a lot of damage or a friend has fainted, rage may be activated, and one of your attacks will earn the rage form until the rage is used, and the rage allows that attack to do tremendous damage.It has a 50% chance of not hitting though,and when you miss, you'll hit yourself, so be careful!
An ability, like in pokemon, is something that is activated immediately upon the start of a battle or a certain trigger that causes something to happen. E.g. Quick React allows your character to attack immediately after being switched in, unlike how you get switched in and you can't attack immediately. This ability is only useful when you have more than one character though! Another one, which is ????????'s and Astergen's ability is Deceive, which makes the move Counter do double damage.
About your movesets and abilities
If you're not sure how to make your own moves or abilities, I can guide you through below.

Now, I'll have to explain the battle stuff.

Here's an example of a moveset, Tiger's moveset:

Hurricane: Traps enemies in a hurricane for a few turns. They take a bit of damage each turn.
Tornado: Offensive. Most oftenly used attack of Tiger.
Smart Move: Offensive, damage varies. Roll dice, and then multiply that number by 2. Does double damage in mist and can be very devastating.
Pressure Point: One Hit K.O. move! Only can be used five times and has only a 2/6 chance of hitting.

All health is normally refilled instantly at the end of a battle because I'm too lazy to keep track of HP.
Any extremely powerful moves have to have a limit of how many times you can use it, a maximum of 5 times if it's a One Hit K.O. move.
You can also have attacks like this. Here's one of Falky's attacks: (Falky is Tiger's pet falcon)

Turbo Peck: Roll dice. 1-2 for 1 hit, 3-4 for 2 hits, 5-6 for 3 hits.

When in a battle, you go like this:

What will Tiger do?


Smart Move
Pressure Point (5x)

Tiger used Tornado on (insert enemy)!

Then I do the damage and enemy health.
If you want to use an item...

What will Tiger do?


> 3x Large healing berries
3x Small healing berries

Tiger ate a large healing berry.
+20 hp

If it's a special item, it still goes in your bag. You can equip it like this:

What will Tiger do?


3x Large healing berries
3x Small healing berries
>Zap Cannon

Tiger equipped Zap Cannon.
Tiger's attack Pressure Point was replaced with Energy Ball!
Energy Ball: Can OHKO multiple enemies at a time, but can only be used 5 times and has only a 1/6 chance of hitting.

That's basically how you go on doing it
If you have more than one character, only one of your characters can battle at a time. If you want to change character...

What will Tiger do?



Tiger was switched out and Falky took her place!
"Tiger! You're not supposed to switch your pet in for battle!"
"You're not my pet, you're my friend. NOW BATTLE HER ovO"


Any questions about abilities, battles, moves, or just the RP itself, just ask here!
This thread game is simple. Basically someone says a situation and asks how you react to it. The person below replies to the question and says another question, and so on. Get it? Don't need example? Okay ovO I'll start.

How would you react if you were grounded in your room and you smelt cookies outside? ovO
It's getting ridiculous okay? I've had to do that test to ensure the website I wasn't a bot like 15 times now. And I'm not even posting that much! I'm just opening many tabs and topics to see what's been posted. Honestly, it's getting to be too much. It bothered me when I wanted to make the OOC board for my new roleplay and when I finished that checking thing I forgot what I wanted to do ._. Can it be a little bit less trigger happy?
Fooled around with it and made these:

You will not notice that AJ is derping.

Don't ask.

I'm not sure if this would go in the video games section since it isn't exactly a video game x3
And I should SO do my homework o3o
The Retirement Home / Do you hate me?
2012 Jul 08, 03:31:01
Answer honestly.

Eeyup, Bad Harmony. Though, the song is very fast paced, and you'd probably run out of breath often, so I'll allow a few missing words when you take a second to take in a breath ovO

I'll probably post mine soon!
Here's mine!

~Electro-BLITZ - This topic has been locked due to inactivity, if this was a error and your the topic starter, please contact a moderator for assistance
Animations Archive / Sonic vs Knuckles!
2012 Jun 24, 03:22:10
On deviantart, there's this awesome guy called Aerobian-Angel who made this animation:

It is SO AWESOME! I just wanted to share this :3
Video Games Archive / Sonic Heroes
2012 Jun 20, 05:49:41
Sonic Heroes is just an awesome game! Considering the year it was made, the CG animation is really good, and the game itself is awesome!

...Except for a few game control fails  x3

Anyway, anypony else play it too? And if you have any interesting story when playing it, share it!

Today when I was playing Team Rose, fighting Team Chaotix, I ended up having only Cream left, and Team Chaotix having only Espio left. I stood on this perch, or two metal boxes stacked together, and I just spammed X (attack button) to make her chao Cheese attack Espio ovO Eventually I got Team Blast, and I used it, but I just ended up with Cream left again  :o I spammed X some more and Espio actually got pushed off the cliff  O:

"CHEESE CAN BATTLE!!" I kept saying after that ovO
Animations Archive / Pingu!
2012 Jun 10, 04:47:45
Pingu was pretty much my favourite cartoon as a kid.

And I still love it :D