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Topics - Silver Gust

Pony Off-Topic / Brony Documentaries
2017 Nov 28, 11:59:12
Looking through my old DVDs I found my copy of Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony and decided to watch it again.

After watching it I got to wondering if maybe there were some members of the community here who might not have seen this documentary, or the other one I've seen titled "A Brony Tale" and decided to post about it.

So, have you seen them both?


Another little tidbit to add is that I showed some 'haters' in my life (usually called me names when they came around; I'll spare you the details) these two documentaries some time ago and after they told me that they had watched them they asked me why (some of them, others just stopped bothering me altogether) and I said "Well, maybe if you understand the culture in a way that doesn't require you to watch the series you might stop being so hateful all the time. I'm fine with us not being friends, I just want to stop the hate - for everypony out there." and that was usually the end of it.

Most of them never became bronies (but a few joined the herd!) but the overall amount of negativity in my life went down very noticeably after that.

Anypony here had a similar experience?
Hey everypony. Lemme jump right into it with some backstory and information.

Being somepony that has been a part of the fandom for a few years but never really communicated with anypony else (because antisocial behavior) I'm more than a little out of the loop when it comes to Equestrian vocabulary and I was hoping somepony here would be willing to give me a few examples of the potentially lesser known words or phrases I might be unfamiliar with.

Obviously, the first paragraph proves my knowledge of terms like "everypony" or "anypony" and I've been exposed to certain terms like "lend a hoof" as well.

I've seen the series, up to and including Season 7, and I've seen all of the EQG movies, and the new 2017 version of My Little Pony The Movie (because there might be a few Gen 1-3 bronies here, just had to specify; and that movie was good, but not great in my honest opinion) so I've seen most of what's in the series officially, but I wanted to know if there were any terms that might not appear in the show as often (things I might have forgotten) or specific terms that don't appear in the show and/or movies but are used often in the fandom.

Reading through a few threads on the forum showed me a couple of other terms (and I saw a few new users make the mistake of using 'everyone' or something  similar lol) but I'm sure I missed quite a bit too, as I only checked threads that interested me (and I didn't check any threads more than 2 months old, because I don't know exactly how 'gravedigging' threads is handled here yet)

Thanks in advance!
Music / Brony Music or Mainstream?
2017 Nov 15, 17:21:34
Title says it all.

As somepony who listens to both regularly (and just a bit of underground dubstep/electronic) my opinions on this subject are pretty open. Always looking for something new to listen to while gaming and while simly living life.

Anypony here want to chime in?
Off-Topic / Emotes - Love 'em or hate 'em?
2017 Nov 15, 17:13:41
Having joined over 100 message boards over the course of my lifetime I've seen every type of emoji user out there, from the "I hate emojis." herd to the "lol :P :D" herd.

This gets me wondering about the opinions of emojis and emoticons in general whenever I find myself in a new message board or community so I figured I'd ask everypony here to share their opinions on the matter.

I prefer text only emojis, but it seems like they are impossible on this forum, due to automatic conversion. (And that's fine, by the way. Just not a fan of image based emojis personally)

Your thoughts?
Introductions / Hello, everypony
2017 Nov 14, 15:59:40
The name I wanted was taken, so I used my fallback username.

I've been a brony since shortly after Season 3 finished airing but I don't have many friends that enjoy the franchise, so I'm excited to be here, though I seem to be having some trouble earning my wings.

Character name: Silver Glow (Also my Twitter name at the moment)
Server: Amareicas
Species: Pegasus
Looking For: Friends

And yes, I'm kind of bad at introductions.

Anyway, if anypony wants to chat, just send me a message or reply here.

PS Little strange to have to complete a Captcha to post a message. Any way to disable that? Or is it maybe a one time thing?