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Topics - Wandering Star

Well, after the brony server I was often playing on reseted, my friends and me are currently looking for another Minecraft server, a brony one, if it could be. We would continue with that server but, after the third big reset, we have just lost our hearth to build a city there.

Of you know a good place where four building ponies would fit, please, feel free to suggest here, please. Of course, there are a liiiiittle problem and it is that we are using Mineshafter (yeah, we are not "premium"  :s ). So, yeah, Broohoof and those kind of servers aren't an option for us. I have been searching around the Mineshafter server list but there are too much spam there to find such a server, if it does exist.

Why are we homeless? Well, as I said before, after the third reset of that server (they are reseting all the world each almost each 3 weeks for technical issues) we got totally outhearted and, well, if your entertainment is to build a big fancy city in survival mode and you get EVERYTHING erased in less than a month, you won't stay in that place for too long, right?

Well, here you can find in this photobucket album some pics of our former project (Erased in a still WIP  :c ), if you are picky or just curious about what kind of players would enter in your server.

Thanks for your time and see ya.

For a second, I thought it was a new LoE trailer. Amazing job from that team, by the way.
After some months, I have returned to play that game again. I am rolling a pyromaniacal tank called Faestus. And, yes, as a good mad man, I am a villain. Does someone play this game too?  :P
I was watching TV last night, when some commercial ads popped up, and I saw this:

Human Twilight does exist, guys. And she is out there... using the element of magic to sell us cheap girly shoes. What a dark pinki omen  :c