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Topics - Rainbow Twist

Video Games Archive / Horse Game Demo
2015 Feb 21, 01:14:15
It's been out for ages.. but alas among the server downtimes... anyone feel the wish to give it a whirl.. feel free to find it here

For anyone that might care, most everything I see online is still 2 channel stereo flac/mp3/etc and so forth, which by all means is entirely fine. But anyone that has an appreciation for Multi-Channel audio, specially when it comes to a properly mixed/mastered version in 5.1 or better surround, it's considerably better experience. I really wish more music artists would touch on surround. Since the introduction of mono ~> Hi-Fi Stereo, there was a brief period in which Quadrophonic audio was being utilised as well. Though Disney was the first to really create a surround sound environment way way back in the day, seemed back then most were still comprehending mono setups and were just thrilled enough to have something.

8-Track cassettes (no, not the Cassette many people are still familiar with, the BIG huge ones) were the first multi track tape that allowed car manufacturers and home audiophiles their first experience of quadrophonic audio, using 4 tracks to create 4 separate channels of audio. And then by the mid 80's or later it mostly fell into obscurity. The other fact is that some of these systems could "enhance" FM Stereo or other stereo 8-tracks into a quadrophonic experience, it actually sounded pretty good.

Since then it's been dull stereo experience for the last 3 decades, even with the last 15 years having full access to proper 5.1 Audio mixing software and capabilities. You'd think with the ever increasing file sizes/bitrates to accommodate high quality surround that more people would enjoy working with it. In fact i'm rather surprised many artists haven't jumped head first into it simply due to what they could really create for amazing audio effects.

But instead, i'm finding more and more artists that really don't even take full advantage of stereo. Majority aren't innovative or even creative anymore, just dumping tracks and such.

Granted i'm not overly enthusiastic about the mlp eg surround that was implemented for the music, it seemed a touch bit tacked on... a few effects and various sounds emanate from the rear channels, but otherwise it's a touch better than straight up stereo IMO.

I only ripped, cleaned, encoded 4 songs out of the movie. (the only source to get 5.1, everything else, soundtracks and such are all stereo only). I have nearly Lossless 1280kbps 5.1 AAC versions of these songs too, but I didn't upload them, unless there is demand.

Here are AC-3 (Dolby Digital 5.1) 640kbps Bitstream Compliant to any supported DD5.1 Decoder or computer that can already decode DD5.1. (every DVD/Bluray player on the planet can decode/read this format too).

I've used Arcsoft DTS-HD Master Decoder to decode the Master DTS audio properly (I did not extract the core dts-hd) which gives about the best source material you can hope for (lossless). And then using ffmpeg/libav AC-3 encoder (which currently is the best AC-3 encoder out there for quality) encoded the following. Granted there is more involved between.

Either way, TL;DR or lets just have at it.


MAKE CERTAIN TO DOWNLOAD the file, DO NOT LISTEN as the media player on the mediafire website doesn't decode the AC-3 track properly, missing several elements and will not be 5.1.
I figured i'd post this here... why not, gotta give a newbie registrant something to do beyond poking at the devs/moderators.

I'll give you a bit of a boring breakdown of things. First off, I've played video games long enough single player for so long, i'm just sick of it. I grew up without anyone to play with, firstly with the initial consoles that arrived, the fact that I lived on a farm which made even a few friend I did have totally unavailable. And when internet became a thing, being restricted to ultra low speed dialup that was so unreliable, that even attempting to play a multiplayer game over it was rather pointless. Wasn't until 2003 that I got my first taste of online capabilities for games. So playing single player really doesn't interest me, at all, one bit. Additionally I honestly don't know anyone in person that plays any of the games. "Where are all your school buddies or whatnot.... people you've met along the way", sadly, I would be considered to be "that one dude" out of an entire school that was into the technology and electronics and stuff, "the weird nerdy/geeky" one. In fact it was at such a level that makes a b rated movie about such a case look rather mild, in terms of an entire school being all about sports and physical activities... I was basically the only one who that played pc games and NES/SNES (at the time). So you can kinda figure out where i'm coming from... oh the country rural life of a technofreak. (I was born 10-20 years too soon perhaps)

I'm already aware of the steam id thread, in fact posted my info there already. But a good of people that add "friends" to a steam list I find rarely ever seem to communicate or rather even play any games together. I know I've got an extremely short list of friends, and it's been well over a year since I managed to work getting in a game.

I find that a large chunk of people WHIP through a game as fast as they can and total disregard for either the other player or looking around, rush ahead and leave the others behind. Like they're just playing single player, and the others are just there to watch it all happen and get tugged around. This however isn't my play style, so I can completely comprehend the issues of those that I may view as impatient as them viewing me as slow. (then again I rarely die vs them getting slaughtered repeatedly .... experience has shown me that.... Sometimes a good offense is the best defense, but if you're dying that much, it's not a good offense....).

I'm searcher, I like to cover everything before moving on, make sure I've collected everything I can and i'm extremely patient. I prefer to work together, provide cover fire in the event of a fps or shoot em up game. I'm also one that prefers let another take the lead and i'll follow so long as you don't just CHARGE full on into an ambush or outright clear suicide.

I'm there to have fun, not to win, sometimes messing up badly and falling to ones death or getting caught up in some unexpected circumstances are among the most interesting and fun things to do. While others tend to get mad and frustrated, I usually enjoy it unless it's a clear and obvious game bug that's occurring.

I like to grind a bit on things, i'll replay zones I've already been for no other purpose than to have fun doing it, no mission or objective to complete.

Most of this is all reference to playing borderlands 2 (I've got one which I haven't finished yet unfortunately as well), but my typical play style mostly goes throughout the various genres.

Strategy games for example is heavy defense and build, the few games I've played with others (rarely have), I've always been the resource/bank and defender of my allies, where my allies usually take point and build their armies while I keep their areas safe.

I'm also one that doesn't mind at all creating a new character to play with someone else. I even save that character for later in the event they wish to play, just so that I don't out level them or what have you.

So i'm not sure how many people out there might have a similar play style or at least a use/respect for this kind. But i'm always looking for someone to have a game with. All my gaming is PC, so unfortunately can't "hang out" with anyone on a console. And i'm not exactly swimming in games either... but I've always got an eye out for a game to try.

Anywho.. enough of the boring stuff.

If you happen to be interested in a game, and I happen to have it.... i'm usually able to play during weekends and evenings CST ( 6pm to 1am GMT -6 no DST)