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Messages - Ferro_the_King

Quote from: Golden Ink on 2017 Dec 29, 19:34:06Rarity isn't seen casting any other spells

She actually posess the gem finding spell...
Pony Off-Topic / Re: Changelings
2017 Dec 30, 21:19:02
Quote from: Master Masher on 2017 Dec 30, 16:58:57maybe the first ponies ever to exist just poped into existence.

I think the true question is how the Equestria came to existence... Since ponies control the moon, stars and sun, there is no way it can exist as a solar system. Otherwise sudden changes of day and night (Shown in few episodes) would tear the world apart.

So it is either a dead planet floating in space, with the life is being sustained just by magic, or it doesn't even have a form of a planet.

The first case would have normal evolution, with ponies taking over with magic while either their sun died, or the planet was slingshotted from the solar system by some disaster. The presence of such powerfull magic sustaining whole world could also explain why there are so many sentient species.

The other case would suggest world created by some omnipotent being, with ponies being created in the process and later given the control of the world.

And there goes the thing with changelings:
In the first case they evolved together with ponies. Since they are few in numbers, it could be a hunter/prey relation from the beginning.
In the second case they were probably created along with ponies and other races by the being that created the Equestria.

There are some other possibilities, though:
Changelings are cursed ponies. (Not likely, because they would probably be healed in "Where and back again")
Changelings are side effect of excessive using of magic throughout the Equestria.
Changelings were created on purpose- Either as a weapon, revenge, or just some failed magic experiment.

(Yes, I am crazy... lol )
That's hard to tell, because there are very few occasions, where we see an untrained unicorn (Whose talent is not magic, like Twilight, Trixie, Sunburst, Starlight etc) perform any other spell then telekinesis.

The only three exceptions to that would be Flim and Flam using their magic to run machinery (but that actually is a sort of telekinesis), Shining Armor performing his "barrier" spells (but somepony probably taught him those spells as a part of training + according to his cutie mark this IS his talent) and Rarity with her gem finding spell.

So may be the real number should be telekinesis + sometimes one or two "real" spells, which the pony either discovered by accident (Rarity), or was taught by his/her mentor (Shining)...
I stopped watching it after the season's 7 finale. Because there is nothing else to watch for the moment :D (Ok, I watch EQG shorts, but that is not FiM lol )
Granted. It's because posts in "Thread Games" don't count towards total number of posts. But now you've forgotten something important instead and you won't even know what that was...

I wish I had AA bateries that never discharge and are always at the full capacity...

*throws up*
I'm sorry, but I won't be playing next two events. RL calls...  D:
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2017 Dec 06, 00:11:32
I overheard an argument between two sisters (About 8 years old) in a tram today. They were pretty loud about it, so I cought something about "Which fictional character is more powerfull". I'm quite sure Starlight, Twilight and Celestia were mentioned among other characters from different shows.
After about ten minutes the younger one got angry, and yelled at the whole tram: "You're so stupid, even changelings wouldn't want you!"
---I laughed so hard, the driver almost threw me out lol lol lol
3D Modeling / Re: My Ponysona in 3D
2017 Dec 03, 22:35:22
I did those with pony creator a while ago. They are my ponysona Stargazer and another of my OCs- Riva Stellans.
(For some strange reason the image is way darker after the upload)
Spoiler: show
Granted, there's 27 centimeters of snow on top of 5 meters of ice. And a great flood when it all melts...

I wish changelings were real...
You are a 2D representation of your OC, just sitting in the piece of paper in the position somepony drew you. You are not able to move at all, unless somepony makes a video of you. Then you are forced to repeat the same set of moves everytime the video is played...

I wish I wasn't bald...
I never thought it is possible to oversleep at 23 PM local time... Well, it is.. :/
Granted. Now you live forever in a void, place where nothing else exists, but you. No sound, touch, or visual stimulation whatsoever...

I wish hangovers didn't exist...
Granted, it's frozen solid.

I wish my room would clean itself...
Pony Off-Topic / Re: Brony Documentaries
2017 Nov 29, 01:30:53
I heard about those documentaries, but never made time to see them. (And frankly I never had courage to watch them lol )

As far as others go, I only knew one Brony in my RL (The one who introduced me to the fandom), but she turned to hater recently and doesn't speak to me anymore :( Other people just either have no idea what MLP or a brony is, or they just don't care. Some of them tried to mock me about it, but they stopped quickly after realizing, that they can't annoy me by doing so...
Granted. Now you can't forget every nonsense you hear. It doesn't affect your ability to remember important things though...

I wish I knew more bronies in my RL...
Oh, so there is no hide&seek event THIS saturday?
Granted. You have infinite wishes, all of them with same power as in RL.

I wish nopony corrupts my wish :D
Granted, you're both hanging out of the window...

I wish I had more time to sleep...
Forum suggestions / Re: Noded NPCs
2017 Nov 21, 00:40:36
I don't know, but I think that adding more NPCs wouldn't make the game any better, because then it would be a pain to just go looking for the quests randomly. (Without the use of wiki) I think number of NPCs should somehow be related to the overall number of quests ;-)