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Topics - ncisfan1002

Ello~ Basically this post is going to go into my "voices coming out of my head" mode, so bear with me.

Hello! I'm Navine... ...And you can call me Strongcolt.
He doesn't really say his real name... Nobody's sure what it is. Some folks knew her as NCIS pony before she told them her real name.
Yeah, as my cutie mark tells me, I am a total NCIS fan. And I have weights as my cutie mark, so I'm pretty buff. I work out a lot and listen to country music too.
Strongcolt and I have been going out for more than six months now. I have memory things. XD I'm actually pretty protective of Navie, but I love her. Even though she reads me too easily.
In general, I'm a mess. In general, she's perfect the way she is.
He's one of those charmers, I swear! I don't think I'm good at being charming, but I know my way into her heart for sure.
Well, at least I'm pretty strong with my magic. She can say that again. She levitated me, an Earth pony, in the air and turned me upside-down! And, she even gave herself white wings on a few occasions.
I don't know why I can do what I do, to be honest. I'm just good at being tough. And working my charms on Navine. And maybe talking too much. And being a werewolf under the full moon.
He doesn't really turn into a werewolf. He just becomes a wilder pony under the full moon. Still makes me a werewolf.
Okay fine :P At least I know he likes swords. Oh yeah I love swords! I love battling with my friends and shooting folks in video games and... ...Yeah, I'm going to stop now.
He's a pretty good spy in TF2. ...Yeah :)
But yeah. That's all you need to know about us, I guess. Yeah. Except that they don't know something.
They don't know what? They don't know that I love you.
*blushing giggle* Well I love you too, Strongcolt. And I you, Navine.

Okay I'm done.
Oh, by the way, do you have any name suggestions for my big, strong Earth stallion?

This is so them one time when I was venting from thinking that my boyfriend (the one Strongcolt is inspired for) forgot our anniversary even though in the end he didn't forget.
Just call me Lou. My OC's name is Navine XD And I watch NCIS like my username and Navine's cutie mark suggest :3