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Messages - sparks567

sorry if I shouldn't post here but I can't find any bug forums anymore
I recently got back to playing with some ponys from quite a few updates ago. my quest log on all of them is bugged. it won't update with new quests and the ones that are actively on there cant progress at all. is there a way to fix this or is it a known bug? I can still do new quests I just can't see any info on them in my logs.
Resolved Issues / npc interaction bug
2017 Sep 10, 19:28:06
i have quests for gypsum (a book to far) and ground pound (rehearsal round up) but when i click talk nothing happens, loging in and out doesn't help ether.
these are just suggestions of stuff i think may be fun to add

1. false unicorn horns or pegasi wings. these would be fake's and couldn't actually give you the power of magic or flight but they can make you look like an alicorn without making it over powered. maybe plush or plastic clip on's or headbands/special saddle bags

2. dye's. just a way to change the color of certain items like socks, bags, headphones, pets mabye?. these would probably be hard to get or very rare monster drops

if anyone else has any ideas feel free to make a post to add onto this includeing description and maby ways to keep it less complimented or overpowered. keep it simple ect...