So you're trapped on a mysterious island..... [Jump-In]

Started by Weatherboy1, 2014 Jan 31, 19:33:37

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You enter the room to hear a booming voice coming out of no where. "the way out of your cave is through here, it is your only chance for survival, but be warned.... there are dangers within...

Teal Turken

Zappy's eyes widen and he hugs Tilien tightly in fear.
Who was that? >A<


It does not matter now, what matters now is that the fate of this island is in your hands. You were all brought here for a singular reason that will be explained... but for right now you must get out of that cave.


Tilien looks on her claws. "Noone here has hands you know." she joked and continued towards the supposed exit of the cave. "Guard my back, Zappy, i have a bad feeling." she whispered.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Always be alert little fillies and colts, there are many who want to stop you.


2014 Feb 09, 14:42:43 #206 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 09, 14:44:57 by Weatherboy1
There is not enough time to explain while you're in danger.... you must get out. I can already see them at the door to your cave.
While you hear this message, you hear footsteps coming from the entrance! It sounds whoever they are they are trying to get in!


Stay Happy!


"Yes, i see it." Tilien answerd and plaiced her claw on said door. "I dont see a nob, how do we open it?" she asked and tried to push.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


we should use all our strength and try to push it open.. suggested Electric as she pushed hard on the door.
Stay Happy!


The group hear the outside rubble that was blocking your way out of the cave give way as sunshine begins to pour into the cave. Hurry or else the evil will get you!

Teal Turken

2014 Feb 09, 15:05:23 #211 Last Edit: 2014 Feb 09, 16:01:30 by Teal Turken
// Don't have time for RP now, have to catch up later. \\

Post Merge

Zappy's horn light begins to fade. His power is fading from hunger.
mmg... >.<


Hearing the noise of rubble shifting, and seeing the light starting to fill the cave, Tilien decided to give up on the door and run as fast as she could to the cave enterance. "Forget about this, lets go, fast." She made sure Zappy was still on her back before she reached the now clear exit. When she reached the outside she had to lie down on the grass. Hungry, exhausted and with her wing in pain she sighed. I reeeeally need to eat something...
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Rain made it out too. "Golly, that was intense!"
I'm back


Electric was the last to come out. You guys are fast!! said Electric in between gasps
Stay Happy!


With a heavy breath Tilien smiled. "Well, of course i'm fast. Have to be fast enought to keep up with a zeppelin after all." she joked and after laughing it up added. "Can one of you help me to the fresh water please? Not sure if i could get there on my own now."
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Teal Turken

Zappy ceases holding the light spell and rolls off of Tilien to give her a bit of breathing room. He gets up and swallows.
I think I need one of those fruits.


I'm back


"That would be nice, lead the way Rainstorm." Tilien got up and sighed, not sure if she can handle the walk but she will try, too stubborn to ask for support to walk.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Rain could sorta tell she had trouble walking and made sure to guide her slowly and carefully. At long last, they made it to the pond. "Here we are! The water's actuay very good!"
I'm back

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