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Messages - LunarDusk

Lunar lands on the volcano extracting his burnt cape trying to regain balance. " Rrrgh....He looks at a split on the mouth of the volcano then looks down at the slope leading to the hill where the dragons and Titlien are at. He does an evil grin. " Guess that means this could shake 4 people at once...", he thinks. Lunar then shoots a blast at the mouth of the volcano making several boulders and leaking lava flow down the hill  ravaging anything in its path heading towards where Titlien and the other 2 dragons are fighting, then hides beside the pathway. He thinks, "They need to be separated."
Lunar flew back against a tree by LunarShadow. "Grr I wouldn't try lightning on that yellow dragon again, based off its colors its element must be lightning, the blue is ice, and the red is fire." Lunar gets up and looks at the volcano and the the steepness of the hill that everyones on. "Hmm..." Lunar uses his magic on his cape to make him fly towards the volcano.
Hoping to use Telien as a diversion to the dragons' attention Lunar edges through the fallen down tree to get behind the 3 dragons facing her. "That blue dragon should go out first..." he thought. Lunar jumped out flying toward the back of the blue dragons neck aiming his horn at it. "Take this." Lunar skewers his horn at the back of the blue dragons neck.
Lunar clenches his teeth. "Curses they spotted us...." Lunar gets in attack stance and does an unsettling grin trying to ignore his injuries trying to back up to avoid being surrounded. " strong are these dragons? "
Lunar gets back on his feet and looks up. " Heh, these injuries...only something that's weakening me of my powers." Scraping the ground with his hoof. " I just need time to recover, but I don't think an all out fight should be necessary  just yet."
"I doubt the boulder could be moved from this position hehehe..." Having a somewhat creepy smile on his face. "Destruction would have to be invovled."Lunar closes his eyes as the magic on his horn glows brighter while trying not to keep focus. "Focus..." Lunar opens his eyes. "...Toketsu sutoraiki!" Lunar summons 3 icicles spears and shoots them all at once to impale the boulder on 3 sides causing it to shatter into pieces. "Ugh...there." Lunar starts to feel dizzy due to his injuries then lays on the ground holding his head. Hearing weird noises "Ah geez" he thinks."
Lunar turns at RainStorm" I'm Lunar Dusk I recall being shot down and falling on that volcano there." Lunar points to the volcano. "That boulder...hehehe....hold it I got this" Lunar's horn starts to glow. "Stand clear,because this will hurt if your in the way."
Lunar turns around and stares at Tilien with an unsettling grin. "So....I assume your the maker of this camp are you not?"
Lunar gazed across the pathway that he rolled the boulder down onto. "This could be undiscovered.." Lunar uses his magic on his cape to make him fly as if they were wings off the hill and over the ravaged fields struggling to keep altitude. "Ugh, don't lose it." Lunar looks down and sees the boulder by the lakeside shelter. "Someone's there..."
(( Ill just jump in.))

Lunar wakes up on the East side of the island staring at the burned environment covered in blisters."Ha, this environment, ravaged by  natural cause." Lunar shakes his head and turns to the volcano. "I don't recall this island being here." He shakes his cape and tries to test his magic on a nearby boulder at the foot. " magic seems to have downgraded." Lunar pushes on the boulder while still using his magic at full force making the boulder roll down the hill. "I guess i still need to recover."
Music Archive / Re: Post your theme song!
2014 Feb 04, 22:34:05
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7372 surprised she hasn't gotten diabetes yet
then there will be alot of rage... >:O