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Messages - Sparkbow

Name of your character:SparkBow

Level of your character: 16

Discord username (remember to add the tag): Sparkbow #0997

Why do you want to join the team? Because I can fly great and I wanna entertain the ponies who will be watching me flying

How can you contribute to the team?  I can contribute by giving bits , helping level up , etc

Tell us a little about yourself: I am a Medic Pony. I like flying , dancing in SCC,  Partying . I hate Combat. I have a pet bunny.

Have a nice day!   ^-^
Name of character : Sparkbow
Level of character : 10
Discord username : Sparkbow
Why do you want to join the team?
I want to join the team because flying is one of my favourite hobbies and I really like being with other ponies and having fun.
How can you contribute to the team?
I can contribute to the team in many ways : if someone gets hurt or something I am there full of supplies, if somepony needs help with quests I am ready to help them, and I can give some bits because I have enough .
Tell about your personality
I am kind and I like helping ponies when they are In need of something. I like making friends. I am a Medical pony. I always have too many supplies. I like flying and listening to music.
And I am a level 10 not 15  ono  so does that mean I cant join?  DD:   :c
I am waiting for 15 may ! It will be my birthday ! And I know who to ask for my party over at SCC

Levels in given skills

Combat: 10

Flying: 8

Why should the Lunar Air Corps. enlist you? Because I'm an awesome medical guy, I like helping ponies in need , new players and Luna is my favourite.

By signing below, I ensure that I have, to the best of my knowledge/ability, have answered each of the above honestly and to the fullest extent of the truth.

Applicant's Name
I dont know how to attach a photo
Ummmm... If this thing is still on can I join?
cant go to ponydale or heartlands