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Messages - McSleuthburger

Ill send you a pm. locking up
An incomplete game's forums are not usually busy with activity. During the open server weekend's the activity is alot but the forums just go through periods of up and down activity quite often.
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2016 May 14, 19:55:01
Crimson I would say if you have any questions about a certain position email the specific team lead
earf pones need no magik
taken care of
locking up
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2015 Dec 24, 20:44:50
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2015 Nov 27, 10:12:42
What was on the other side of the road to entice a chicken to journey across?
Just contact the team lead of the team you are interested in and they should get back to you eventually if they are interested
how to add a signature:
once you are logged in you will see all the social media buttons under them put your mouse over the "Profile" tab
when the menu appears click "Forum Profile"
part way down you will see the "Signature" and a big white text box
there you can enter text or if you want an image, copy paste an image url (internet link, not the file from your computer)
if the pic you want is on your pc you will have to upload it on the internet (photobucket, imgur, dropbox, dA, etc...
once you have the link that is a direct link copy it in your singature area and insert the image tags() around it
Resolved Issues / Re: LoE Chat Box Idea
2015 Aug 17, 09:34:23
hopefully when the rest of the chats get finished (like the party and herd chats) you will be able to be more selective with who is in the conversation and therefore there will be less overall messages that do not apply to you

believe me most mods understand that chat can be hard to read at times
Resolved Issues / Re: Site Suggestion.
2015 Aug 17, 09:31:11
we already have two sections for bugs and such

Site suggestions and bugs (always there) is meant for the forums/website
and in the news section we have "game bug reports" (though that is not always there) it is there during OSWs and a while after them for people to report problems they are having
sometimes though during the OSWs the mods are kinda stretched thin because we mainly try to watch the servers because that is where a majority of the users are.
Most of us will try to sneak on the forums and try a answer a few problems if we know the fix but we dont know the answer to every problem
when you are in cantermore go to the train station and click the sign
you should be able to to click Ponydale and be transported there
maybe try creating an earth pony and see if you can load up in ponydale starting off?
maybe try re-extracting the files from the rar/zip
We have Video Games because that is what most of the people will talk about and post about
if you would want to bring up board games you could probably do it in off topic (or maybe make a board game thread)
if we found out that a majority of our members talked about board games and such then we would think about making a board game section most likely
the open servers isin't for about another month (August 14-16)
The download will probably be available shortly before the open server
for now it is a waiting game, any other questions let me know
Resolved Issues / Re: Spambots?
2015 Jun 19, 08:52:21
my experience with spambots:
yes they are there and we(the mods) usually try to take care of them asap
the larger the forums the more likely you will see them (they follow the traffic)
if you do see one, dont click anything and let a mod know so we can deal with it
Yea that is a known bug with the comment section
Dont worry nobody is using the same avatar
finished Metro 2033/Last light redux
now im waiting for FFX for the PS4