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Messages - DW190

I don´t have the Artisan Talentmark but can level up Artisan, can i still craft a Harmoniuos Armor or is leveling worthless then?
I like the rebalancing now i can train more and loot more :D
It´s true you really fast got to the max level, now i have more motivation to level me up :3
Now it works after trying again today! The Game updated itself :D
Quote from: Kalugura on 2018 Aug 12, 13:55:17"If you're using our Windows launcher, Legends of Equestria should update automatically when you next run the program.", - that's simply broken. Use client download from here

I want the launcher to work or else i wont try the new Update :)
Because i decided to use the launcher to get rid of the annoying "completedownloads" every single time.
My SSD´s don´t like loads of Data deleted and wasted because of mistakes that are not my own, neither do i.
Launcher says ready to play, but ingame it told me to update the Game?
What´s going on here? D:
Thank you soo much <3
I fighted so man Naiads over Days and wondered why they don´t drop xD
Can you still get the Enchanted Ice Skates?
PLS i need to know :3
Can you still get the Enchanted Ice Skates by fighting Naiads?
Pls i need to know *-*
These are awesome!!!!!!!
Can you still get them by fighting Naiads?
I neeeeed those <3